(完整)香港朗文英语三年级chapter1-6知识巩固与检测2 联系客服

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3A Chapter One Weather and seasons

1. Words : (单词) ①weather 天气

有雾的 刮风的 下雨的 多云的 晴朗的 (名词+y结尾的表示天气的形容词) 干燥的 潮湿的 温暖的 热的 凉的 冷的


春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 favourite最喜欢的

2. sentences: (句子) How many What’s the weather like seasons are there in a year? months are there in a year? today? in spring? in summer? in autumn? in winter? What do you do in spring? summer? autumn? winter? There are four seasons in a year. There are twelve months in a year yea year. It’s hot and sunny. It’s It’s It’s It’s I I I I What’s your favourite season? I like

3A Chapter Two Festivals we like

1. Words and phrases: (单词和短语)

①festival 节日 Christmas圣诞节 Chinese New Year 春节 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Easter 复活节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

② 送卡片 送礼物 看烟花 得压岁钱 吃月饼 吃巧克力蛋 看龙舟赛

2. Sentences: (句子)

① Which festival do you like best? ② In spring, it is warm and foggy. 春天天气温暖多雾。 Chinese New Year is in spring. 春节在春天。


People watch fireworks at Chinese New Year. 人们在春节看烟花。

3A Chapter Three Our school events

一、Words (单词)

1. January 一月 February 二月 March 三 月 April 四月 May 五月 June六月 July七月 August 八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月

2. 家长日 运动会 结业典礼日 开放日 校园音乐会 学校野餐 校园事件

3. first 1st second 2nd third 3rd fourth 4th fifth 5th sixth 6th seventh 7th eighth 8th ninth 9th tenth 10th eleventh 11th twelfth 12th thirteenth 13th fourteenth 14th fifteenth 15th sixteenth 16th seventeenth 17th eighteenth 18th nineteenth 19th twentieth 20th twenty-first 21st twenty-second 22nd twenty-third 23rd twenty-fourth 24th twenty-fifth 25th twenty-sixth 26th twenty-seventh 27th twenty-eighth 28th twenty-ninth 29th thirtieth 30th thirty-first 31st

二、 Sentences: (句子)

When is the school picnic? It is on the seventh of November. When is Open Day? It is on the second of December. When is the school concert? It’s on the twenty-third of April. When is Sports Day? It’s on the second of May. When is Speech Day? It’s on the tenth of October.

3A Chapter 4 The school fair 学校拍卖会

1. Words and phrases: (单词和短语)

(1) 相机 手表 钱包 女用钱包 相框 蜡笔 鞋 元 Tickets 票 钥匙圈 钱 buy买 sell 卖

2. Sentences: (句子)

1. How much is the wallet,Please? sixty dollars. 2. How much are the crayons,please? sixty dollars. 3 . May I have two tickets,please? Here you are. Thank you.

4. When’s the farewell party for the headmaster? It’s on the fifteenth of July.


3A Chapter 5 Things at home



feel 感觉、触摸 软的 硬的 光滑的 粗糙的 sure 当然可以 软垫 沙发 扶手椅 (玩具)弹球 石头 钥匙 a bear小熊 贝壳 some tissues 薄纸巾 paper纸 二、句子

1、That chair is hard. Don't sit on it. 椅子太硬,别坐在上面。

2、Please sit in this armchair. It's soft. 请坐在扶手椅上,它很软。 3、These marbles are smooth and round. 这些弹珠又圆又光滑。 4、Can I feel them? Sure. 我可以摸它们吗?当然可以。 5、It's hard and smooth. 它又硬又滑。 6、They 're soft / rough. 他们很软/ 粗糙。

7、What would you like to do now?= What do you want to do? 现在你想干什么? 8、I like the stone. I like it.我喜欢这块石头。我喜欢它。

9、I like the marbles. I like them. 我喜欢这些弹珠。我喜欢它们。

3A Chapter 6 A Trip to the Beach

1. 单词 (四会)

collect 收集 shell 贝壳 swallow 呑咽 salty 咸的 barbecue 烧烤 sand 沙子 waves 海浪 fresh 新鲜的

gentle 柔和的 touch 触摸 smell 嗅/闻 sandcastle 沙堡垒 build 建造 bucket 桶子 trip旅行 towel毛巾 finish 完成 save挽救 tide潮水 competition 比赛 2. 词组(四会)

闻和吃烧烤 收集贝壳 听海浪 吞咽咸水

在沙滩上散步 触摸温暖的沙子

make a sandcastle制作沙堡垒 win the competition赢得竞赛 build a sandcastle建造沙堡垒

3. Sentences:

① What do you like doing at the beach? ② What don’t you like doing at the beach?