《新概念英语-青少版1B》Unit_26_–Unit_30_单元练习答案 联系客服

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《新概念英语-青少版1B》Unit 26 –Unit 30 单元练习答案


1. ( D ) 2. ( C ) 3. ( A ) 4. ( B ) 5. ( C )

II. Language use 语言应用 (30分)

A. 从A、B、C、D、四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(共20题,每题1分) ( a )1.Can you ______ me your new mobile? It’s vey nice a) show b) look c) see d) give ( c )2.Pass me a ________ of soup ,please.

a) packet b) glass c) bowl d) cup ( d )3. Can you _______ us some coffee, please?

a) do b) take c) basket d) bring

( a )4. What’s ______ the menu?

a) on b) in c) for d) at

( b )5.Is it ____ dry and sunny for two days together ? a) never b) ever c)often d) always

( d )6. But I rains sometime ______summer ,too, especially ____ July.

a) in ..on b) in…at c) on…in d) in …in

( c )7.What ―s the weather like today ? – It’s ________.

a) snow b) rain c) cloudy d) sun

( b )8. John, you ______ awful! — I know. I feel awful, too!

a) have got b) look c) feel d) make

( a )9. We need a policeman, quick! This is an _______!

a) emergency b) appointment c) assistant d) always

( b )10. It’s 11:45. That’s a quarter ______ twelve. a) at b) to c) past d) after

( a )11.When’s your next English lesson? — It’s ______ Tuesday.

a) on b) to c) at d) for

( c )12. I’ve got ______ new potatoes and some salad.

a) the b) any c) some d) much

( d )13.____ a lot of food in the kitchen.

a) That’s b) They are c) There is d) There are

( b )14. ______ is the third day of the week.

a) Tuesday b) Thursday c) Wednesday d) Monday ( a )15. Which month comes after February ?

a) March b) April c) January d) May

( d )16. _____ birthday ,Robert! Many happy returns of the day! a) Good b) Nice c) Well d) Happy ( c )17. But you _____ be careful.

第 1 页 共 2 页

A. shopping A. breakfast A. stomach A. hand A. juice

B. show B. spring B. chair B. which B. gym

c. sugar C. before C. watch C. help C. game D. television D. cream D. child D. who D. bridge a) do b) can c) must d) are

( d )18. _______ is the race this weekend? --- Ten miles.

a) How much b) How many c)How often d)How long ( b )19. I’m sure you can do _______ ,Paul.

a) good b)well c) nice d) right ( a )20. They come _________ all over the world. a) from b) in c) to d) over

B. 把左栏的问题与右栏的答案搭配起来, 把答案的字母写到括号内.(共10题,每题1分)

A. It’s on March 22nd. ( C ) 1. How do you fell ?

B. She’ got a very bad cold. ( D ) 2. When can you see the doctor?

C. I fell awful, I’ve got a headache. ( B ) 3. What’s the matter with Lucy?

D. I can see her at half past three . ( A ) 4. When is your birthday?

E. It’s at ten to eight. ( E ) 5. What time is you English Lesson?

F. No, I haven’t.. I’ve got toothache. ( F ) 6.Have you got an earache?

G. It’s the twenty-fifth of February. ( J ) 7.What’s the time?

H. He’s Twelve years old . ( I ) 8.What day is it ?

9.What’s the date today? I. It’s Saturday. ( G )

10.How old is your brother? J. It’s a quarter past nine. ( H )

III. Writing dialogue 完成对话 (共10 分,每句 2分)

Kevin: Who’s the boy _ in bed?(躺在床上的 男孩是谁?)

Mary: He’s Adam, my little brother. _He’s got toothache_ . ( 他牙痛。) Kevin: He looks very awful_. (他看上去很不舒服。)

Mary: Poor Adam。I call the dentist in the morning.(早上我给牙医打电话了。) Kevin: What time is the appointment?

Mary: It’s at four o’clock this afternoon.__. (今天下午4点) Kevin: Let’s hope for the best.

第 2 页 共 2 页