山东省枣庄三中2013届高三上学期1月阶段测试英语试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章山东省枣庄三中2013届高三上学期1月阶段测试英语试题更新完毕开始阅读5d5db4ff7c1cfad6195fa7bb



(120分钟 100分) 2013.01





1. How long does the woman have to wait? A. 30 minutes B. 7 minutes

2. What does the man mean?

A. He likes the classical art better

B. He likes neither modern nor classical art C. He likes the modern art in a higher degree

3. Where did the speakers spend their vacation? A. on the mountains B. at home

4. What is the weather like now? A. It’s cold and windy and not windy at all

C. at the seaside

C. 23 minutes

B. It’s warm and windy C. It’s fine

5. What are the speakers talking about? A. Radio B. Plan C. Weather




6. Why does the woman give the man a call? A. She does not know the time of the meeting

B. She has forgotten the time of the meeting

C. She wants to make sure of the time of the meeting


7. What is the woman going to do this afternoon? A. to meet an American client

B. to see off a customer from the US

C. to have an interview with an American businessman 8. What does the director want to know tomorrow? A. those who are absent from the meeting B. how many people attend the meeting

C. the results of the meeting


9. What does the man want to borrow? A. A brush B. A chair C. A camera 10. Who is the woman talking to?

A. Her neighbor B. Her husband 11. What is the woman’s husband doing?

A. Taking photos


C. Her student C. Painting the room

B. Painting a picture

12. Why are the woman’s grades poor now? A. She is always disturbed when studying B. She has to work full-time C. She doesn’t study hard

13. What does the man suggest the woman doing? A. finding a babysitter

B. finding a job in the library

C. putting her children in the kindergarten

14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student B. Colleagues


C. Classmates

15. What do we know about No, 8 Qingnian Road? A. It has the man’s lucky number B. It has got three bedrooms C. It has a garage

16. What is good about Jinghua Street? A. It’s a quieter place closer to shops

17. Which one have the speakers decided on?

A. The one with a big garden

B. The one without a garage C. The one closer to town


B. It has bigger rooms C. It is


18. What did the dry-cleaning store site use to be? A. A bakery B. A restaurant 19. What do we know about the manager in the passage? A. He often wore a tie

B. He was sick seriously

C. He was always in a tall white hat

20. What didn’t exist on the avenue in the past?

A. Policemen

C. A department store

B. Cars C. Garbage cans


第一节 语法和词汇知识运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. --- I’m sorry, but I ______ at you the other day.

--- Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. A. shouldn’t shout B. shouldn’t have shouted C. mustn’t shout D. mustn’t have shouted 22. --- I’m really angry at Tom. He never listens to me. --- ______, Ellen. Things will work out.

A. Don’t mention it B. I don’t think so C. Take it easy problem 23. John, ______ money is no problem, still leads a simple life.



A. for whose B. of whose C. of whom D. for whom 24. The two countries held the talk in a friendly _______ and reached an agreement.

A. atmosphere

B. state

C. situation D. phenomenon

25. The fact _____ she hasn’t known the result of the examination is a great surprise to me.

A. which B. that C. what D. when 26. We finally managed to make the customers _____ of the quality of the vehicle.

A. to convince

B. convincing

C. convince


convinced 27. It remains to be seen what effects the new educational reform will ______ students. A. reflect on B. take on C. have on D. get on 28. My mind wasn’t on what he ______ so I’m afraid I missed half of it.

A. was saying

B. had said

C. would say D. has said

29. Babies are not born with ______ moral sense. They cannot tell ______ difference between right

and wrong. A. the; the 30.

B. a; a

C. a; the

D. 不填; a

It’s a good thing that I ______ a raincoat, otherwise I’d have been wet all over.

B. brought


A. have brought C. had brought D. was bringing

31. --- Waiter, _____?

--- Wait a minute, sir. That’s 80 yuan altogether. A. how much did we eat B. would you please charge me. C. would you take the money D. may I have the bill, please 32. others?

A. while B. when C. unless D. although 33. Do you have any seats ____ on the flight for Mexico leaving at 3:16 P.M..

A. available B. accessible C. acceptable D. adaptable

34. --- I have got a pain in my back.

--- No wonder. You ______ in front of the compute too long.

A. had worked B. are working C. have been working

How can you expect to get anything ______ you are unwilling to do something for

D. worked

35. If your composition ______ by the end of this week is delayed, you’re sure to lose some points from your final result.

A. to be finished C. will have been finished



There was once a great war between two countries. The war had been going on for some time and the soldiers were starting to feel 36 the long battle. On a hot afternoon, a man was 37 past a small group of soldiers digging a huge

B. being finished D. will be finished

pit (坑). The group leader was shouting orders and threatening 38 if the work was not

completed within the hour. The man riding the horse 39 and asked,“Sir, why are you

only shouting orders? Why cannot you help them yourself?”

The group leader looked at him and replied, “What do you 40? I’m the leader. The men do as I 41 them to.” He then added, “If you feel so strongly about helping them, you are 42 to do so yourself!”

The man got down from the 43 and started walking up to the soldiers at work. The group leader was simply 44! The man took up the 45 and started helping the soldiers and worked with them till the job was 46! Before leaving, the man 47 the soldiers on their work, and 48 the group leader. He said, “Next time your 49 prevents you from supporting your people, you should inform your 50

authorities, and I will provide a more permanent 51 .”

The group leader was now completely surprised. Only now he looked 52 at the man and realized the man was the army general!

The army general exhibited some of the key 53 that are important for a true leader.


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