2017-2018学年七年级英语下册-Unit-7-It’s-raining测试卷(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2017-2018学年七年级英语下册-Unit-7-It’s-raining测试卷(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版更新完毕开始阅读5dc44a9e2aea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f2add

春眠不觉晓It's raining!


1. —How’s the weather there?

—________. I can skate on the river. A. It’s warm C. It’s hot

B. It’s cold

D. It’s cool

2. They are ________ a vacation in the mountains. A. in

B. on

C. at

D. of

3. My parents asked me ________ computer games. A. not playing

B. not to play

C. not play

4. You should________a letter ________ him. A. write; to

B. write; on

C. wrote; to

D. wrote; on

5. —Hi. How’s it going? —________.

A. I don’t like it C. Not bad 6. —Where is Toronto? —It’s in________. A. Japan

B. the U.S.A

C. Canada

D. Canadian

B. I will go to school

D. No problem

7. Jack usually takes a walk________the pool after supper. A. at

B. in

C. by

D. over

8. —Can I use your phone, John? Mine doesn’t________. —Sure. Here you are. A. use

B. keep

C. work

D. go

9. On a ________ morning, she comes back home. A. rain

B. rainy

C. rains

D. rained

10. I will be back________. A. before

B. soon

C. after

D. until

二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。 1. She is v________ an old friend in Beijing. 2. It’s quite c________ in December here.


春眠不觉晓3. The season after autumn is w________.

4. I like light music very much because it’s r________. 5. He lives in a m________ village. 6. I like _________ (夏季) best.

7. It’s windy and cloudy outside. Please put on your _________(暖和的) clothes. 8. I don’t like winter, because it’s too ________ (冷的).

9. We all feel so _________ (热的) today. Why not open the window and let the wind in? 10. I find that it is a little _________ (难的) to learn English well. 三、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

1. You need to bring your umbrella on ________(rain) days,or you’ll get wet. 2. The little boy has a good time ________ (play) basketball with his friends. 3. —How’s your vacation ________ (go), John? —Not too bad.

4. I often go hiking in the ________ (mountain) on the weekend with my friends. 5. The little girl wants ________ (sit) on the chair to have a rest. 6. It’s winter in the United States. The weather is ________ (snow). 7. Today is ________(cloud) and we can go for a walk on the grass. 8. I’m having a great time ________ (see) the movies with my friends. 9. Could you ask him ________ (call) me at 010-45543 this evening? 10. —Hello! This is Jenny ________ (speak). —Hi, Jenny. This is Steve. 四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 布莱克一家正在加拿大度假。

The Blacks are ________ ________ ________ in Canada. 2. 玛丽正在给她弟弟拍照。

Mary ________ ________ ________ ________ ________her brother. 3. 这只小狗很可爱,对吗?

The dog is lovely, ________ ________? 4. 我父亲现在不在家。

My father is not________ ________ ________ ________. 5. 我想给你打电话,但是我的电话坏了。

I want ________ ________ you, but my phone isn’t ________.



Li Ming is staying with the Wang’s family for the weekend. Today it is warm and 1 . The family ___2___ dinner in the garden. They often have dinner in the garden 3 a warm and fine 4 day. Now Mr. and Mrs. Wang are sitting 5 with Li Ming under a tree.

"It’s 6 to have dinner out here on such a lovely day," Mrs. Wang says. "What’s the weather ___7___ in your hometown, Li Ming?" Mr. Wang asks. "It’s not very warm in spring. But I like the spring there best. " "Help 8 to some cakes, Li Ming," Mrs. Wang 9 . "Thanks," says 10 . "The cakes are very nice. I like the dinner very much. " 1. A. rainy

B. cloudy

C. sunny

D. snowy D. has D. on

2. A. are having 3. A. in

B. is having B. at

C. have C. for

4. A. spring B. summer

C. autumn B. on the table D. under the tree C. terrible

D. winter

5. A. in the room C. at the table 6. A. not good 7. A. like

B. bad B. /

D. great

D. likes

C. is like C. yourself

8. A. himself 9. A. asks

B. herself B. answers

D. myself D. says

C. talks

10. A. Mr. Wang C. Mrs. Wang 六、阅读理解。

B. Li Ming

D. Mr. and Mrs. Wang


Hi, I’m Zhang Hong. Now I live in Beijing with my family. If you want to visit Beijing, you should choose(选择) the best time. In spring(春天), it is often windy. I like to fly kites(放风筝) with my friends in spring. In summer, it is very hot. I think summer is very boring. In winter, it is too cold for people to go out. But I like playing in the snow. I think the best time to visit Beijing is autumn(秋天). It is not hot or cold in autumn. The weather is good. It is usually sunny. If you like going for a walk, it is really a good time. Welcome to Beijing!


1. Zhang Hong is having a great time visiting Beijing. 2. Zhang Hong likes flying kites with his sister in spring. 3. Zhang Hong likes summer a lot.


春眠不觉晓4. Zhang Hong likes snow.

5. Zhang Hong thinks autumn is the best time to visit Beijing.


Many people know it doesn’t rain every day in the UK. But, it is always right to bring an umbrella (雨伞). We never know what the weather will be like. It can be sunny one day but rainy the next day. The weather always changes (改变) from day to day, so it is difficult to predict it. But usually we have warm summers and cool winters.

July and August are usually the warmest months in Britain. January and February are usually the coldest ones.

Lots of people like to visit Britain. But when is the best time to come? Probably the best months to come to Britain for a trip are May, June, September and October. These months have nice weather and less rain. July and August are warm, but it usually rains in these months so it is always wet (湿的). The sunniest place of Britain is along the south coast (海岸) of England. So, next time you can come to visit it.

6. Why do people need to take an umbrella when they go out in Britain? A. Because it is too hot.

B. Because people need it for walking. C. Because it can be rainy at any time.

7. What does the underlined word "predict" mean in Chinese? A. 依赖

B. 预测

C. 考虑

8. Which of the following (下列选项中) is NOT the best month to visit Britain? A. May.

B. June.

C. July.

9. What’s the weather like in August in Britain? A. Cloudy.

B. Windy.

C. Rainy.

10. What can we know from the passage?

A. People like the weather in Britain very much. B. We need to take an umbrella when visiting Britain. C. The summer in Britain is usually cool. 七、选词填空。

place; monkey; zoo; live; from; tree; much; houses; scary; friendly; Africa; China There are many kinds of animals on the earth. We can see some of them in the 1 . Koalas come __2__