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Principles of Refutation I. Refutation involves criticizing arguments opposing your own according to certain standards of argument quality. Refutation is a process in which all debaters (except the Prime Minster) will engage. A. A debater need not refute all of his or her opponent’s arguments – only those which most seriously interfere with the debater’s ability to make a convincing case. B. Standards of argument quality 1. An argument contains, either explicitly or implicitly, at least 3 parts: a claim, evidence, and reasoning. a. a claim is the statement of the argument itself b. evidence is the information (facts, values, etc) on which the claim is based. c. reasoning is that which connects the evidence to the claim. Reasoning | | | | | 论据 ----------------> 论点 Evidence ---------------------------> Claim 2. Parts of an argument that may be refuted a. evidence. Is the evidence true or acceptable? b. reasoning. Does the reasoning provide a proper connection between the evidence and the claim? 驳论原则 I. 驳论,是在一定的论点标准下反驳对方的观点。除正方一辩外,所以辩手都要进行驳论。 A.辩手只需要反驳与己方观点相抵触的观点。 B. 观点质量的标准 1. 一个论证单元至少包括三部分:一个论点,论据和论证。 a. 论点是对论证单元基本观点的描述。 b. 论据是支持论点的相关信息,如事实,价值观等。 c. 论证是阐明论据如何支持论点的过程。 论证 2.反驳的角度。 a 论据。论据是否真实可信? b 论证。论证是否阐明了论据和论点之间的关系? 1) 论证是否阐明了论据和论点的相1) 2) II. Does the reasoning demonstrate how the evidence is relevant to the claim? Does the reasoning demonstrate how the evidence is sufficient to make the claim convincing? 关性? 2) 论证是否显示了论据足以推断出相关论点? Ⅱ. 系统反驳方法 每一个辩手都要掌握反驳的方法加以练习。随着辩手经验的不断丰富,他们会摸索出最适合自己的方法。下面是“四步驳论法”和“ICE”法,供初学者学习参考。 A. 四步驳论法 1. 指明被驳观点。 2. 陈述驳论内容。 3. 阐明驳论内容和被驳观点之间的相关性。 4. 向裁判和观众表明驳论的重要性。 B. ICE反驳法 1. 确认被驳观点。(Identify) 2. 批判该观点。 (Criticize) 3. 解释批判的重要性。(Explain) Systematic methods of refutation Every debater needs to internalize and practice a method of refutation. As debaters gain experience, they will develop and use methods that fit them best. The following methods of \step refutation\start with as they continually try to devise the method to fit their own unique style. A. Four-step refutation 1. Clearly state the argument you intend to refute. 2. State your refutation. 3. Relate your refutation to the argument you are refuting. 4. Show the judge or audience the importance of your refutation. B. ICE 1. 2. 3. Identify the opposing argument Criticize the opposing argument Explain the importance of the criticism Examples of Refutation Four-step Method of Refutation Clearly state the argument you The proposition team claims that intend to refute. increased fines will provide an economic incentive for companies to improve workplace safety. State your refutation. The one-million Yuan fine is not a sufficient incentive to cause companies to invest in expensive equipment needed to improve mine safety. Relate your refutation to the Since the incentive is not argument you are refuting. sufficient, the plan proposed by the proposition will not create an economic incentive. Show the judge or audience the Without an economic incentive, importance of your refutation. coal mining companies will not invest in new equipment and mine safety will not be increased. Therefore none of the benefits claimed by the proposition team will actually occur. 示例:反驳 四步反驳法 指明被驳观点 正方认为,增加罚款将会敦促煤矿公司提高工作环境的安全性。 陈述驳论内容。 一百万元罚款不足以迫使公司购买昂贵的设备来提高工作环境的安全性。 阐明驳论内容和被驳既然罚金不足以敦促公司,正观点之间的相关性。 方提出的方案将不能达到激励的目的。 向裁判和观众表明驳论的重要性。 增加罚款不足以刺激煤矿公司投资购买新设备,那么工人的人身安全仍得不到保障。因此正方在以上提到的各项好处都不会发生。 ICE Method of Refutation The proposition team claims that increased fines will provide an economic incentive for companies to improve workplace safety. The one-million Yuan fine is not a sufficient incentive to cause companies to invest in expensive equipment needed to improve mine safety. Since the incentive is not sufficient, the plan proposed by the proposition will not create an economic incentive. ICE反驳法 Identify the opposing argument 确认被驳观点。 正方认为,增加罚款将会敦促煤矿公司提高工作环境的安全性。 Criticize the opposing argument 批判该观点。 一百万元罚款不足以迫使公司购买昂贵的设备来提高工作环境的安全性。 既然罚金不足以敦促公司,正方提出的方案将不能达到激励的目的。 Explain the importance of the Without an economic incentive, criticism coal mining companies will not invest in new equipment and mine safety will not be increased. Therefore none of the benefits claimed by the proposition team will actually occur. 解释批判的重要性。 增加罚款不足以刺激煤矿公司投资购买新设备,那么工人的人身安全仍得不到保障。因此正方在以上提到的各项好处都不会发生。。