广东省深圳市2017-2018学年高三英语专题专测:Friendship(word解析版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章广东省深圳市2017-2018学年高三英语专题专测:Friendship(word解析版)更新完毕开始阅读5e3e7f0d03d276a20029bd64783e0912a2167cc8



I. 根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词

1. We are off to England tomorrow and I haven’t p___________ yet. 2. She has s___________ from headache, so she won’t go to school. 3. I told my decision to my father, but he d__________ with it. 4. I’m g___________ to you for saving my life in the forest.

5. It is a custom to give waiters some t ___________ in the restaurants in western countries. 6. Tom___________(不喜欢) going shopping with his wife on weekends. 7. After a few days of cold, Tom began to___________(恢复). 8. This is___________(正是) what I am looking for.

9. Most of the___________(青少年) like searching information on the Internet. 10. He planned to buy a new house and___________(定居) down in Beijing. II. 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空

calm settle suffer exact outdoors 1. At last the wild wind ________ down. 2. The old man is ________ from cancer.

3. Can you draw me a plan showing ________ where your house is? 4. Mother said that the weather was too wet to play ________. 5. After years of travel, we decided to ________ here. III. 语法填空

When I was a child I thought a lot about what it means to love. I once asked my mother if she loved me or my father 1 (many), certain that I knew the answer — me. Instead, she bent down and looked at me 2 the eye, hands gently on each shoulder. She explained that she couldn’t help 3 (love) me and that the love of a mother for her baby was incredibly strong. But then she told me that the love she had for my daddy was a love of 4 (choose), which made it special. Of all the people in the world, she chose 5 and he chose her. Now that I’m married, I consider each day 6 it takes to stay married as long as my parents have. It’s not that I don’t believe in romance. 7 I believe more in the sacred of the ordinary. I believe in love that is sustained by deliberate 8 (kind) and the choice to see little acts as testaments of love and commitment rather than indicators of a spark that has died of love communicated each time he cooks meals and I schedule his dental appointment. This picture of love is certainly less 9 (excite), but decidedly real, and more romantic in its own way because of the weight of its 10 (real). IV. 阅读理解

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Friendships are very important to teenagers. Friendships provide teenagers with chances to develop social skills. Teenagers can learn how to end a fight and still remain friends. Friends provide fun and excitement for teenagers through games. Friends also give advice to one another. Teenagers talk through lots of problems with their friends. Friendships also provide help during times of difficulty. It is helpful for teenagers to have a friend who is going through the same situations.

What happens when youth don’t have friends? Teenagers without friends are usually more lonely and unhappy. They will have lower levels of grades and lower confidence. As they get older, they are more apt to drop out of school. As kids move into their teenager years, friends and friendships play an important role in teenager life as a way of getting personal enjoyment and social learning.

Most teenagers will have friends who parents either like or dislike. However, it is important to keep in mind that one way teenagers can truly learn how to choose and keep friends is through personal experience, which is sure to have some mistakes. Parents should not be too hard on teenagers when they choose friends who are not good enough or when their friendship fails. Remember, every social experience helps teenagers to learn about different people and improve social skills.

As parents, it is important to encourage friendships among teenagers. However, it is important to know who your teenager’s friends are and to communicate openly about changes in friendships with your teenagers. 1. How many advantages of friends and friendship are mentioned in the first paragraph? A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

D. Six.

2. What does the underlined sentence probably mean? A. They get better grades and leave school earlier. B. They have a lower chance of leaving school earlier. C. They have a higher chance of leaving school earlier. D. They are good at dealing with social problems after school. 3 Who are the most possible readers of the passage? A. Teachers.

B. Teenagers.

C. Researchers.

D. Parents.

4. What is the best title for the passage? A. Friendship May Be Dangerous B. Friendship Is Important to Teenagers

C. Parents Should Choose Friends for Their Children D. Parents’ Advice Is Important to Teenagers’ Friendship Ⅴ. 七选五


Deep friendships can take years to develop, but they often last a lifetime. If you want to develop a deep friendship with

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another person, you have to be ready to put in time and open yourself up.

Pay attention to others, not yourself. ____1____ When you’re truly interested in someone else’s thoughts, feelings, experiences, and opinions, they’ll like you for this. You’ll make far more friends by showing your interest rather than trying to get people interested in you.

____2____ By listening carefully to what they say and do, you’ll quickly get to know them. Little things go a long way, such as remembering someone’s hobbies, the stories they’ve told you, and what’s going on in their life.

Share laughter and tears. Jokes and good laughs help to deepen relationships. ____3____ A true best friend will be there for you when you’re upset and will try to help you feel better.

Help your friend when he/she needs it. ____4____ If he/she’s having a bad day, send him/her a box of chocolate, or bring him/her an ice cream to help him/her get through the dark time.

Be honest. ____5____ If you have a problem, talk to your friend and only your friend about the problem. Gossip (闲话) can destroy a friendship.

A. Don’t ever talk behind your friend’s back. B. Don’t be afraid to cry in front of your friend. C. Make an effort to truly listen to the other person. D. It’s never too late to increase your circle of friends.

E. The key to connecting with other people is showing interest in them. F. Tell the person how much you care for him/her and what he/she means to you. G. If your friend is sick, be there to make him/her soup, or drop by with a movie.

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I. 根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词

1. packed 2. suffered 3. disagreed 4. grateful 5. tips 6. dislikes 7. recover 8. exactly 9. teenagers 10. settle II. 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空

1. calmed 2.suffering 3. exactly 4. outdoors 5. settle III. 语法填空

【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了自己小时候问自己的母亲是爱自己的孩子多一点、还是爱自己的丈夫多一点。作者当时确信母亲爱自己的多一点,但是她的母亲的回答却让她出乎意料;后来作者自己也是如同她的母亲那样处理自己的问题。本文的主线是"爱",特点是强调爱对下一代人的影响。 1. more 作者拿母亲对自己与对父亲的爱进行对比,应用比较级。 2. in look at somebody in the eye表示"看着某人的眼睛"。 3. loving can’t/couldn’t help doing表示"情不自禁做某事"。

4. choice 此处是在介词of的后面,所以用名词choice表示一种对爱的选择。 5. him 此处表示"她选择了他,他选择了她"。

6. what "it takes sth to do"中,take表示"需要,花费",句中缺少sth,而且此处需要一个连接词连接两句话,故用what。

7. But 前后两句话形成了对比,所以用but。 8. kindness 这里需要一个名词,所以用kindness。

9. exciting 这句话的意思是"爱的场景一定不那么让人兴奋……"。主语是The picture of love,指物,应用-ing形容词,故填exciting。

10. reality 此处的意思是"现实/真实"。 IV. 阅读理解


1. B 细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,该段列出了四个有关朋友和友谊的益处,分别是:Friendships provide

teenagers with…; Friends provide fun and excitement…; Friends also give advice to one another; Friendships also

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provide help…。答案为B。

2. C 句意猜测题。第二段主要从反面论证朋友的重要性。前一句提到如果没有朋友,青少年的学习成绩会不好,


3. D 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第三句Parents should not be too hard on teenagers…以及最后一段第一句As


4. B 标题选择题。文章第一段第一句点明主题,即友谊对青少年非常重要。再结合全文内容可知,本文主要是围

绕朋友和友谊对青少年的重要性展开叙述的。选B。 Ⅴ. 七选五


1. E 空格前一句提到要关注他人,而不是自己。后一句讲到当你真的对别人的想法、感情、经历和看法感兴趣的


2. C 本句是该段的主旨句。根据段落中的内容可知,本段主要是讲述倾听的重要性,认真听别人说才能快速了解


3. B 本段的主旨句是分享欢笑和泪水,空格前一句提到笑话和欢笑有助于加深关系,后一句提到朋友在你难过的


4. G 本段的主旨句是在朋友有需要的时候给予朋友帮助。空格后一句是一个if条件句,讲到当他/她心情不好的时

候要怎么做,因此G项"如果朋友生病了,去给他/她做一碗汤,或者带一部电影去看他/她"符合语境。 5. A 本段的主旨句是要诚实。空格后提到,如果有问题就直接找你的朋友谈,闲话会毁了友谊,因此A项"千


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