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The golden mean is for the impartial and mild but against the extreme. The ingenuity in varying tactics depends on mother wit.

The ultimate motive in seeking for harmony and maintaining equilibrium is to maintain stability - one of Chinese people’s major traits. One feature of agricultural civilization is the maintenance of a settled life. The harmonious and stable life molds the Chinese people’s character of being content with what they are and what they have. With little aggressiveness they are inclined to be satisfied with a simple and placid life. They seldom lose control of themselves, neither over-delighted, nor over-sorrowful, but imbued with persistence. They have a serene and sober dignity, and an optimistic attitude to grievances and disasters. They are skillful in dissolving injustice and calamity with tolerance and humor. In the guise of their mildness surge high aspirations. However, this might engender some limitations, such as the inertia of resting on one’s laurels, being worldly wise or excessive self-protection in front of disputes over rights and wrongs or gains and losses.








The Conception of Great National Unity and Values of


China’s ancient society was patriarchal in nature, in which human relations were given priority. Mencius summed up human relations as “Between father and son, there should be affection; between sovereign and minister, righteousness; between husband and wife, attention to their separate functions; between old and young, a proper order; and between friends, fidelity.” Out of these five basic human relations, four were related with blood ties and family. State relationship was a copy of this kind of family blood relationship. The culture based on human relations held as essential the blood relationships, and highlighted people’s social status. With a view to the overall situation of the family and social interests, it paid special attention to the internal order and cohesiveness. It

was on the basis of this culture that the concept of great national unity and collectivism came into being.

Traditional Chinese values attached great importance to collective interest. In light of the slack small-scaled peasant society, in order to organize thousands of loosely connected peasant families to sustain social order and operate as complements of autocratically centralized system, the conception of great national unity emerged as the times required in ancient China. Early in the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was the notion that “all the land under the sun belongs to the king; all the people within this country are the king’s subjects.” Even in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods, plagued by internal wars among the states, it was still the common understanding of all the states of China that “each should respect the king and reject the officials” and that “there is only one king across the land”. The founding of the unified empire in the Qin Dynasty further consolidated the notion of great national unity. Inscription on First Emperor’s Langya engraved stone reads “All the land in the universe belongs to the Emperor.” Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty canonized in particular the spirit of great national unity, making it deeply rooted among the people. According to the Historical Records, written in this period, people of Eastern Yi and Western Xia, of Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties, and of the minority nationalities living around the Central Plain, such as the Rong, Di, Man and Yi, were