专题05 介词与介词短语(讲学案)-2020年高考英语二轮复习精品资料 Word版含解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章专题05 介词与介词短语(讲学案)-2020年高考英语二轮复习精品资料 Word版含解析更新完毕开始阅读5eee6d23ab8271fe910ef12d2af90242a995ab61





一、表示时间的介词 1.in,on,at,over


in the 1950s,in 1989,in summer,in January,in one's thirties,in the morning等。 (2)on表示具体的某一天及其早、中、晚。如:

on May 1st,on Monday,on a cold night in January, on a fine morning等。 (3)at表示在一个时间点上。指某一时刻或较短暂的时间,也泛指圣诞节,复活节等。如: at 3:20,at this time of year,at Christmas,at night,at this moment等。 (4)over后面接一段时间,表示“超过……”或“在……期间”。如:

David Crum, the CEO of Geldart Software, announced that the corporation would open three branches in Bangkok over the next several months.

(5)在last,next,this,that,some,every等词之前一律不用介词。如: He went to Japan last year. We meet every day. 2.in,after


My mother will come back in three or four days. (2)“after+一段时间”表示过去的一段时间之后。如: He arrived after five months.

(3)“after+具体时间”表示将来或过去的某一时刻之后。如: She will appear after five o'clock this afternoon. The rain began to fall after seven. 3.from,since,for

(1)from后接具体时间,说明从什么时候开始,不说明某动作或情况持续多久。如: I hope to do morning exercises from today.

(2)since后接具体过去时间,表示某动作或情况持续至说话时刻,通常与完成时连用。如: We have not seen each other since 2010. (3)for后接一段时间,通常与完成时连用。如: I have been in the army for 5 years. 二、表示地点方位的介词 1.at,in,on,to

(1)at表示在小地方或“在……附近;在……旁边”。如: He arrived at the station at ten. He is sitting at the desk.

(2)in表示在大地方或“在……范围之内”。如: He arrived in Shanghai yesterday. Shandong lies in the east of China. (3)on表示毗邻或接壤。如:

Russia lies on the north of China.

(4)to表示“在……范围外”,不强调是否接壤。如: Japan is to the east of China. 2.above,over,on

(1)above意为“在……上方”,只表示位置高于某物但不强调是否垂直,与below相对。如: The bird is flying above my head.


There is a bridge over the river.

(3)on意为“在……之上”,表示在某物体上面并与之接触。如: He put his watch on the desk. 2.above,over,on

(1)above意为“在……上方”,只表示位置高于某物但不强调是否垂直,与below相对。如: The bird is flying above my head.


There is a bridge over the river.

(3)on意为“在……之上”,表示在某物体上面并与之接触。如: He put his watch on the desk. 三、表示运动方向的介词 1.across,over,through

(1)across表示从物体表面穿过,与on有关。如: across the playground/square/desert/river (2)over表示动作是在空中进行的。如: He jumped over the wall.

(3)through表示从物体里面穿过,与in有关。也可表示时间,指“(从开始到结束)经历了……”。如: through the pipe/forest/door We work hard all through the year. 2.in,into

(1)in通常表示静态,意为“在……里面”。如: We walked in the park. 我们在公园里走着。

(2)into通常表示动态,意为“进入到……里面”。如: We walked into the park. 我们走进了公园。 四、表示原因的介词

1.for表示原因时,常与sorry,famous,punish,praise,thank,blame等词连用。如: I am sorry for what I said to you.


He was surprised at the news.

3.from常接抽象名词表示自然、间接或外在的原因,如受伤、车祸等。如: He died from the wound.

4.of多用于表示自身或内在的原因,如病、饿等。如: The old man died of hunger.

5.with指生理上或情感上由外界到内心的原因。如: Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. He was shaking with anger.

6.by表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。如: She took your umbrella by mistake. 她错拿了你的雨伞。

7.over一般用于cry,weep,laugh等带有感情色彩的动词后,表示所发生的事情的原因。如: She wept over the death of her daughter. We laughed over the victory.

8.because of表示引起结果的直接原因。如: He retired last month because of his illness.

9.thanks to表示引起某种幸运结果的原因,常意为“幸亏……,多亏……”。如: Thanks to John, we won the game. 五、表示计量的介词

1.at表示“以……速度;以……价格”。如: It flies at about 900 kilometers an hour. I sold my car at a high price.

2.for表示“用……交换;以……为代价”。如: He sold his car for 500 dollars. 注意:at表示单价,for表示总钱数。 3.by表示“以……计”,后跟度量单位。如: They paid him by the month. 注意:by后接具体度量单位要加the。