最新版2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修五Unit5单元综合测试及答案-精编试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章最新版2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修五Unit5单元综合测试及答案-精编试题更新完毕开始阅读5ef3d087f56527d3240c844769eae009591ba243


Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)

第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 1. — ! This is a very busy road.

— Thank you, I will. If there were a traffic light, things would be better. A. Good luck B. Come on

C. Watch out D. Cheer up

2. “Parents can make big difference in dealing with stress of their children,” said Professor Lee.

A. a; the

B. a; a C. the; the

D. the; a

3. — Such a small mistake could have been avoided.

— Yes. But he too careless at that time.

A. is B. was C. has been D. had been

4. The boys of Kirkwall are divided into two teams during the match on which part of the town they come from.

A. to depend

C. having depended

B. depended

D. depending

5. Barbara quickly pressure to the wound in the teenager’s head and asked her not to move.

A. choked

B. applied C. poured D. attended

6. There is no doubt the picture was false, because the legs of the actress were too long for the rest of her body.

A. whether

B. which C. that D. what

7. — I think teenagers should know a general knowledge about first aid.

— That’s just I agree. A. what B. which

C. how

D. where

8. The project we are engaged in is of importance, because it will be a bridge between China and other countries.

A. proper B. guilty C. fair D. vital

9.— Have you got any plan for the coming summer vacation?

— , I’m going to visit my uncle in California. A. If so

B. If not C. If possible

D. If necessary

10. A high temperature is one of the of the H7N9 flu, so you’d better go to hospital to have yourself examined.

A. symptoms

B. signs C. sights D. signals

11.— What happened yesterday afternoon?

— Oh, I was driving along the road a taxi knocked onto my car from behind. A. while B. when

C. before

D. unless

12. It is reported that a large number of houses by the strong earthquakein Ya’an and now the victims badly need help.

A. have destroyed C. were destroyed

B. has destroyed D. was destroyed

13. The company has a complete system so that every worker has the chance to improve themselves.

A. in charge

B. in place C. in return

D. in turn

14. the help of the police, the Smiths finally put their hands the young man who had saved their son from the river.

A. Under; in

B. With; in C. Under; on D. With; on

15.— Here is a doll for your daughter.

— Thank you very much. But you it. You have bought so many things for her. A. needn’t have bought B. needn’t buy C. mustn’t have bought D. must buy

16. In my opinion, children should be encouraged to do some jobs in summer vacation to experience the hardship of life.

A. unique

B. complex

C. essential

D. temporary

17. Yu Haoming, who got in making a film, has recovered and appeared before the public.

A. burning

B. burned

C. to be burned D. being burned

18.— the film So Young becomes popular among the audience?

— Maybe because it has something that touches their hearts. A. Why is it that

B. Why it is that

C. What is it that D. How it is that

19. The injured from Ya’an are in different hospitals. Right now they are being carefully.

A. operated B. settled

C. treated

D. cured

20. The graduate is on the edge of a breakdown, because he is unable to deal with the heavy from daily life.

A. injury

B. tissue

C. pressure

D. barrier

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

There was once a village with a very wise old man as their leader. The leader often gave meaningful guidance about 21 to the villagers.

One day, he 22 all the men in the village before him. They all got a(n) 23 to have dinner together at the old man’s house. What was 24 was that the old man told each of them to bring a glass of wine with them. All the wine would then be poured into a big wine jug (壶), which would then be 25 together.

The day finally came and all of the invited villagers brought with them a glass of wine as 26 . They could see a wine jug 27 there before they stepped in the old man’s house. One by one they 28 their wine into the jug, entered the house, 29 themselves and then started their 30 together. When the dinner was over, the old man asked them to drink the wine taken from the wine jug.

One by one they drank the wine, and on each face, a(n) 31 expression appeared right away. Then the old man asked, “How was the wine? Did it 32 fine?” One of them answered, “Oh, what I drank just now was not wineat all 33 more like plain water.”

How could it be like that? Everyone 34 thought in their heart, “I’ll justbring a glass of plain water with me. It won’t make any 35 anyway, since it will be 36 with all the good wine that others bring. Besides, nobody willknow who has brought the plain water. 37 , it won’t change very much the taste of the 38 wine others have brought.”

In our lives, we often think that whatever 39 deeds we do, it won’t makemuch difference to the 40 . But imagine that everyone does it the same way.We are part of

the change. 21. A. universe

B. life

C. journey D. food

22. A. gathered B. praised C. recognized D. cheated 23. A. message B. opportunity 24. A. unbearable

C. invitation D. advice

D. interesting

B. necessary C. shocking

25. A. bought B. produced C. shared D. ordered 26. A. instructed B. imagined C. expected D. reminded 27. A. still B. already C. instead D. even 28. A. drank B. made C. poured D. developed 29. A. dressed B. seated C. devoted D. enjoyed 30. A. discussion B. dinner C. meeting D. dream 31. A. delighted

32. A. remain B. smell

B. confused C. excited C. taste D. appear

C. unless D. because C. present D. anxious

D. annoyed

33. A. but B. though 34. A. silent B. asleep

35. A. difference B. sense C. excuse D. distance 36. A. drawn B. examined 37. A. In addition 38. A. good 39. A. unimportant

C. wrapped D. mixed

B. After all C. At first D. Before long B. cheap C. fresh D. false B. regular

C. unpleasant D. informal

40. A. family B. others C. result D. whole

第二部分 阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 第一节 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。


In our daily life, we can’t predict when accidents will happen. First-aid kits (急救包) are very helpful in so many ways. The things you put in your first-aid kit are also very important. As you can observe, first-aid kits are made with small boxes only. It is because you don’t need to use all of your medicines or other necessary things during an accident. First-aid kits are only for relieving pain while waiting for a physician to arrive. The complete treatment will be provided by the expert. There are so many ways in which first-aid kits can be a great help.