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magnetic ( adj.) :vpowerfully attractive(said of a person,personality,etc.)有吸引力的;有魅力的(指人或个性等) steeped锄:thoroughly filled or familiar with)沉浸;埋头于(尤用作steeped in充满着;沉湎于;精通)

会,闭会;延期 with连用)

hawker ( n.) :a person who hawks goods in the street;peddle;huckster(沿街叫卖的)小贩

business undertaking.assuming the risk for the sake of the profit[法语]企业家

shrewd ( adj.) :keen—witted,clever,astute or sharp in practical swarm (v.) :be filled or crowded;teem(with)充满,被挤满(常与

steep ( v.) :immense,saturate,absorb,or imbue(esp. used as entrepreneur ( n.) :[Fr.]a person who organizes and manages a

agnostic ( n.) :a person who believes that the human mind cannot ape ( n.) :any of a family(Pongidae)of large,tailless monkeys that know whether there is a God or an ultimate cause,or anything can stand and walk in an almost erect position猿 beyond material phenomena;atheist不可知论者

growl (v.) :complain in an angry or surly manner牢骚满腹地说 spar ( v. ) :wrangle or dispute争论;争吵

drawl ( v.) :speak slowly,prolonging the vowels慢慢吞吞地说 bigotry ( n.) :the behavior,attitude,or beliefs of a bigot:偏见

ponder ( v.) :weigh mentally;think deeply about;consider carefully默想;深思;考虑

cower ( v.) :shrink and tremble,as from someone's anger,threats,or blow(因别人发怒、威胁或打击而)畏缩;发抖,哆嗦 sulphurous ( adj.) :violently emotional;heated;fiery异常激动的;dispatch ( n.) :a news story sent to a newspaper,radio station,etc.,


rampant ( adj. ) :spreading unchecked;widespread蔓延的;猖獗的 as by a special reporter or news agency(特派记者或新闻社发给报faggot ( n.) :a bundle of sticks,twigs,or branches(esp. for use as fuel)社、电台的)(新闻)电讯,电文,通讯 柴捆;柴把 传染,毒害

yokel ( n.) :[a contemptuous term]a person living in a rural area;perch ( v.) :alight or rest on or as on a perch栖息;停歇;坐在高

contaminate ( v.) :make impure,infected,corrupt,etc.使感染,rustic;country bumpkin[贬]乡巴佬,土包子 mammal ( n.) :any of a large class of warm—blooded. usually hairy 处

vertebrates whose off springs are fed with milk secreted by female gawk ( v.) :stare like a gawk,in a stupid way(像呆子般)呆呆地盯mammary glands哺乳动物

exultant way(威胁地、挑战似地、狂喜地)挥舞

denounce ( v.) :condemn strongly as evil谴责,指责,痛斥 sonorous ( adj. ) :having a powerful,impressive sound(声音)响亮的;洪亮的

reconcile ( adj. ) :settle(a quarrel,etc.)or compose(a difference,etc.)调解;调和;使一致;使相符

divine ( adj. ) :given or inspired by God;holy;sacred神授的,天赐的;神圣的 热情,热心,热诚

arena ( n.) :any sphere of struggle or conflict竞争场所;活动场所 prairie ( n.) :a large area of level or slightly rolling grassland大草原


repel ( v.) :drive or force back;hold or ward off击退;抵挡住 fervent ( adj.) :having or showing great warmth of feeling;intensely devoted or earnest;ardent;passionate热烈的,满怀热情的,热心的,深表热诚的;强烈的

Genesis ( n.) :the first book of the Bible,giving an account of the creation of the universe《创世纪》(《圣经·旧约》的首卷) snigger ( n.) :a sly,derisive,partly stifled laugh窃笑;暗笑 twirl (v.) :rotate rapidly;spin(使)快速旋转,(使)迅速转动 毒蛇)

livid ( adj.) :grayish—blue;pale;lead—colored青灰色的;铅色的 slur ( n.) :any remark or action that harms or is meant to harm

snort ( v.) :wave,shake. or exhibit in a menacing, challenging,or wily ( adj.) :full of wiles;crafty;sly狡猾的;狡诈的;诡计多端的

fervour ( n.) :great warmth of emotion;ardor;zeal;passion热烈;serpent ( n.) :a snake,esp. a large or poisonous one蛇(尤指大蛇或

scorch (v.) :char,discolor,or damage the surface of sth. by someone's reputation;aspersion,reproach,stigma,etc.诽谤;superficial burning;burn;make a caustic attack on;assail 污辱;诋毁,中伤,破坏??的名誉 scathingly;excoriate烧焦;烤焦;挖苦;严厉指责(或批评) pop ( v.) :[colloq.]arise;happen or arrive unexpectedly[口]突然发生,突然出现,突然来到

between two persons(常指两人间的)争斗,冲突,斗争 hush ( n.) :absence of noise;quiet;silence寂静,平静,安静;默不作声,沉默

adjourn ( v. ) :close a session or meeting for the day or for a time休

gavel ( n.) :a small mallet rapped on the table by a presiding officer in calling for attention or silence or by an auctioneer(会议主席、法官或拍卖商用以敲击桌子的)小木槌,议事槌

hubbub ( n.) :a confused sound of many voices;noise;uproar;tumult吵闹声,喧哗,喧嚣;鼎沸;骚动

forlorn (adj.) :abandoned or deserted被抛弃的;被遗弃的;孤独的,寂寞的/forlornly adv.

duel ( n.) :any contest or encounter suggesting such a fight,usually quell ( v. ) :crush;subdue;put an end to镇压;平息

verdict ( n.) :the formal and unanimous finding of a jury on the order to determine their authenticity,meaning,etc.语言学(尤指matter submitted to them in a trial裁定;判决 定罪

短语 (Expressions) belief)坚持,忠于

原文文学作品的研究) 传播(思想等)

relegate ( v.) :assign to a class,sphere,realm,etc.;classify as anthropologist ( n.) :a student of or specialist in the study of man. conviction ( n.) :a convicting 0r being convicted证明有罪;(被)判罪;inseminate ( v.) :implant(ideas,etc.)in(the mind,etc.)灌输或

adhere to : continue to obey or maintain(esp,a rule,standard or belonging to a certain order of things把??归人某类(或某属等) 例: She adheres to her principles throughout her teaching esp.of the variety,physical and cultural characteristics,

career. 她在整个教学生涯中始终坚持自己的原则。 take on : begin to have呈现

例: Her voice took on a troubled tone.她的声音里有些不安。

under way: begin,start(开始)进行,在前进中。

例: We have several plans under way.我们已将几项计划付诸实施。

Unit 11 But What's a Dictionary For?

stature ( n.) :a person's bodily height;mental or moral quality,development,growth,or level of attainment,especially as worthy of esteem身高;身材;(道德、精神等的)发展状况(或水平) calamity ( n.) :any extreme misfortune bringing great loss and sorrow;disaster极大的不幸,不幸事件;灾祸

deplorable ( adj.) :that can or should be deplored:lamentable;regrettable可叹的;可惜的;令人惋惜的,令人遗憾的 flagrant ( adj.) :glaringly bad;notorious;outrageous罪恶昭彰的;臭名远扬的,声名狼藉的

deluge ( n.) :an overwhelming,flood—like rush of anything洪水般的泛滥;蜂拥而至 monstrous ( adj.) :[colloq.]quite absurd,scandalous[口]极可笑的;极荒谬的 citation ( n.) :a passage cited;quotation引文,引语,语录,引句,引文段落

fraud ( n.) :criminal deception欺骗,诈骗,欺诈

hoax ( n.) :mischievous trick played on sb.for a joke;cheat戏弄,骗局

discrepancy ( n.) :1ack of agreement,or an instance of this;difference;inconsistency差异,差别;不一致,不符合 interpose (v.) :introduce(a remark,opinion,etc.)into a conversation, debate,etc.;put in as an interruption插(话);提出(异议等);打断

extraneous ( adj.) :not truly or properly belonging:not essential枝节的;不重要的 tout ( v.) :[colloq.]praise or recommend highly; puff[口]高度评价;过分夸奖;吹捧

clout ( v.) :[colloq.]strike[口]击;抨击

buggy ( n.) :a light carriage pulled by one horse(一匹马拉的)轻便马车

philology ( n.) :the study of written records,esp. 1iterary texts.in distributions,customs,social relationships,etc.of mankind人类学者,人类学家

unparalleled ( adj.) : 1.that has no parallel,equal,or counterpart;unmatched无双的;无比的 2.having no precedent or parallel;unheard—of前所未有的,无前例的,空前的,闻所未闻的 pervasive ( adj.) :spreading through every part遍布的;充满的 utilitarian ( adj.) :characterized by usefulness rather than by beauty,truth,goodness实用的;注重实用的

unbuttoned ( adj.) :free or uncontrolled随便的;漫不经心的 gibberish ( n.) :rapid and incoherent talk;unintelligible nonsense急促而不清楚的话;胡言乱语;莫名其妙的话 caption ( v.) :supply a heading or title,as of a newspaper or article在(新闻报导、文章等)上加章节标题

coincidence ( n.) :an accidental and remarkable occurrence of events,ideas,etc.at the same time,suggesting but lacking a casual relationship(事件、想法等)巧合,偶合 cumbrous ( adj.) :burdensome,;unwieldy;clumsy累赘的;拖累


literate ( adj.) :well—educated;showing extensive knowledge,learning or culture有文化的

wager ( v.) :bet打赌

vanity ( n.) :the quality or fact of being vain,or excessively proud of oneself or one’s qualities or possessions:selfconceit自负;自大;


abdicate ( v.) :give up or neglect one's responsibility;fail to do one's duty放弃(权利、责任等)

pretentious ( adj.) :affectedly grand or superior矫饰的;做作的;虚饰的

obscure ( adj. ) :not clear;confusing不明白的;难解的;模糊的 verbosity ( n.) :wordiness用词过多;罗嗦

pivot ( n.) :a point,shaft,pin,etc.on which something turns枢;枢轴;支枢;支点

admonish ( n.) :caution against specific faults;warn;advise告诫;警告

infer ( v.) :conclude or decide from something known or assumed;

derive by reasoning;draw as a conclusion推论,推断,推知 booby trap ( n.) :any scheme or device for tricking a person unawares陷阱

reticulate ( v.) :divide into small squares or intersecting lines使分


decussate ( v.) :cross or cut so as to form an X(使)交叉成X形;交叉

interstice ( n.) :a small 0r narrow space between things or parts间隙,空隙

mesh ( n.) :a net or network网;网络

demark ( v.) :set or mark the limits of; delimit 分解,定界,标界

patois ( n.) :[Fr,]a form of language,differing from the accepted standard,as a provincial or local dialect[法语]方言;土语 obscenities ( n.) :[p1.]offensive,repulsive remarks or ideas[复]猥亵的话(或念头);猥亵的动作

herring ( n.) :any of a family(Cluepidae)of bony fishes,including lard ( n.) :the fat of hogs,melted down and clarified to become

proliferation ( n.) :multiplying rapidly,increasing profusely激增; herring,shad,etc.鲱科鱼

gyp ( v.) :[Am.colloq.]swindle;cheat[美口]诈骗;欺骗;哄骗 white.soft solid(esp. the inner abdominal fat)猪油

contraption ( n.) :a contrivance,gadget or device,that one does not bruise ( n.) :injure the surface or the outside of so that there is fully understand奇异的(机械)装置;新发明的玩意儿

eradication ( n.) :the act or action of tearing out by the roots根除 inadequate ( adj.) :not adequate;not sufficient不适当的;不充分的

meritorious ( adj.) :deserving reward,praise,etc.值得奖励的;值得表扬的 短语 (Expressions)

stick to: not abandon or change sth.;keep to sth.不放弃,坚持或维持某事物

例: We don’t want to hear your opinion;stick to the facts!我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实。

insofar as: to the extent that到??的程度,在??的范围内 例: This is the truth insofar as I know it.就我所知,这是真实情况。

Unit 12 The Loons pebble ( n.) : a small stone worn smooth and round,as by the action of water卵石;细砾

scrub (adj. ) :short,stunted矮小的;瘦小的

chokecherry ( n.) :a North American wild cherry tree美洲稠李 thicket ( n.) :a thick growth of shrubs,underbrush or small trees灌木丛,植丛

shack ( n.) :[Am.]a small house or cabin that is crudely built and furnished;shanty[美]简陋的小屋;棚屋

chink ( v.) :close up the chinks in堵塞(裂缝、缝隙)

thigh ( n.) :part of the leg in man and other vertebrates between the knee and the hip;region of the thighbone,or femur股,大腿 chaos ( n.) :extreme confusion or disorder纷乱,混乱(状态),无秩序

lean—to ( n.) :a shed with a one—slope roof,the upper end of the rafters resting against an external support,such as trees or the wall of a building披屋,

warp ( v.) :bend, curve,or twist out of shape;distort使翘 strand ( n.) :any of the bundles of thread,fiber,wire,etc.that are twisted together to form a length of string,rope,or cable(线、绳等的)股

barbed wire ( n.) : [Am.]strands of wire twisted together。with barbs at regular,close intervals, used for fencing or military barriers[美]带刺铁丝网


brawl ( n.) :a rough,noisy quarrel or fight大吵大闹;大打出手v sporadic ( adj.) :not constant or regular零星的;时有时无的 tuberculosis ( n.) :an infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus and characterized by the formation of tubercles in various tissues of the body;tuberculosis of the lungs:pulmonary phthisis;consumption结核(病);痨病,肺痨; 肺结核

grimy ( adj.) : covered with or full of grime;very dirty积满圬垢的,肮脏的

flare ( v.) :show sudden increased heat,anger or violence(up)(与up连用)突然激动;骤然发怒

dickens inter ( j.) :[colloq.]devil;deuce(used with the in mild oaths)[口]见鬼,该死;倒霉,晦气(与定冠词the连用,表示轻微的诅咒)

contagious ( adj.) :spread by direct or indirect contact(said of disease)(疾病)接触传染的

nit ( n.) :the egg of a louse。r similar insect虱子或其他寄生虫的卵 cameo ( n.) :a carving in relief on certain stratified gems or shells so that the raised design,often a head in profile, is usually in a different color from the background石雕;贝雕;凸雕 mauve (adj.) :pale purple淡紫色的

stifle ( v.) :suppress;repress;hold back;check抑制

muse ( v.) :think deeply and at length沉思,冥想 miraculously ( adv.) :1ike a miracle奇迹般地;不可思 austere ( adj.) : very plain;lacking ornament or luxury简朴的,朴


filigree ( n.) :a delicate,lacelike ornamental work of interwined wire of gold,silver,etc.金(银、铜)丝的细工饰品

spruce ( n.) : any of a genus(Picea)of evergreen trees of pine family,having slender needles that are rhombic in cross section石杉属树 fern ( n.) :any of widespread class(Filicineae)of nonflowering plants having roots,stems,and fronds,and reproducing by Spores instead of by seeds蕨纲植物

raspberry ( n.) :the small,juicy,edible,aggregate fruit of various brambles(genus Rubus)of the rose family.Consisting of a cluster or red,purple,or black drupelets悬勾子属植

miniature ( adj.) :on or done on a very small scale;diminutive;minute小型的,微型的;袖珍的

squirrel ( n.) :any of a group of small,treedwelling rodents(family stolid ( adj.) :having or showing no emotion or sensibility; impassiveSciurdae)with heavy fur and a long,bushy tail松鼠


tame (adj.) : changed from a wild state,domesticated state.as carmine ( n.) :a red or purplish—red pigment obtained mainly from animals trained for use by man or as pets(动物)养服了的,驯养的 cochineal洋红;胭脂红

moose ( n.) :the large animal(Alces)of the deer family,native to the frizzily ( adj.) :(=frizzly)full of or covered with small. tight curls满是N.America美洲驼鹿 family鹿角


teeter ( v. ) :totter;wobble;waver步履不稳地走动

antler ( n.) :the branched,deciduous horn of any animal of the deer perm ( v.) :[colloq.]give a permament wave to[口]烫(发)

fissure ( v.) :break into parts;crack or split apart(使)分裂,(使)裂开 jerkwater (adj.) :[colloq.]small and unimportant[口](微)小的,不重meticulously (adv.) :extremely or excessively carefully about 要的 details,finically过分注意细节地;谨小慎微地;过细地 tote ( v.) :[Am.colloq.]carry or haul,esp. in the arms or on the back[美口]手提;背负;携带;搬运

scuff ( v.) :scrape(the ground,floor,etc.)with the feet以脚擦(地) bizarre (adj.) :odd in manner,appearance, etc.;grotesque;queer;fantastic;eccentric(举止、外表等)稀奇古怪的,奇形怪状的 prophetess ( n.) :a female prophet女先知,女预言者

impart ( v.) :make known;tell;reveal通知,公告,告诉;透露 whippoorwill ( n. ) :a grayish,insect—eating goatsucker (Caprimulgus vociferus)of N.America,related to the nightjar and active at night北美夜鹰

coyote ( n.) :a small wolf(Canis latrans)of the western prairies of N.America(产于北美西部大草原的)小狼,郊狼,丛林狼

lore ( n.) :knowledge of learning;specifically,all the knowledge of a particular group or having to do with a particular subject,esp. that of a traditional nature学问;知识(尤指某门学科的知识) dogged ( adj.) :not giving in reality;persistent;stubborn不轻易让步的;顽强的;固执的,顽固的,执拗的

bracken ( n.) :growth of large,coarse,weedy ferns欧洲蕨 amber ( n.) :a brownish—yellow translucent color琥珀色,淡黄色 ululate ( v.) :wail,lament嗥;嚎;吠

aeon ( n.) :(=eon)an extremely long,indefinite period of time,thousands and thousands of years;a billion years极长的时期;永世,万古

chipmunk ( n.) :any of a number of small N.American squirrels(genera Eutamias and Tamias)with striped markings on the head and back金花鼠(北美产的一种小松鼠),豹鼠

birch ( n.) :any of a genus(Betula)of trees and shrubs of northern climates, having smooth bark easily peeled off in thin sheets,and hard,close—grained wood桦木

immerse ( v.) : plunge into a specified state;absorb deeply:engross使专心,使全神贯注,使沉浸于;使陷人

jukebox ( n.) :a coin—operated record player used in restaurants,bars,etc.(旅馆、酒吧间用的投币式)自动电唱机

chrome ( n.) : chromium or chromium alloy,esp. as used for plating铬;铬合金

astound ( v. ) :bewilder with sudden surprise:astonish greatly;amaze使震惊,使惊愕,使大吃一惊

confide ( v.) :tell or talk about as a secret倾诉;告以(机密等);吐露(真情等)

blur ( v.) :make or become dim or dull使(或变得)暗淡,模糊不清 despise ( v.) :look down on with contempt and scorn轻视,藐视,蔑视,鄙视 biddy ( n.) :[Am.slang]a woman,esp. an elderly woman regarded contemptuously as eccentric,gossipy,etc.[美俚]女人(尤指上年


fella ( n.) :[slang]a person;one;fellow[俚]人;家伙

classy ( adj.) :[slang]first—class,esp. in style or manner;elegant;fine[俚](尤指风度、举止、仪表等)上等的,第一流的,极好的;雅致的,漂亮的,时髦的;优美的,典雅的 perturb ( v.) :cause to be alarmed,agitated,or upset;disturb or

trouble greatly使不安;烦扰

gauche ( adj.) :[Fr.]lacking grace, esp. social grace;awkward;tactless[法语]不雅致的(尤指不善交际的、无社交手腕的);粗鲁的;笨拙的,不老练的

slattern ( n.) : woman who is careless and sloppy in her habits。appearance,work,etc.邋遢女人;懒女人 brew ( n.) :a beverage that has been brewed酿造液;(酿造、调制


neon ( n.) :a rare,colorless,and inert gaseous,chemical element.found in small quantities in the earth's atmosphere and used in discharge tubes氖

短语 (Expressions)

get mixed up in sth.: (infml)become involved in or connected with sth.和某事有牵连

例: I don’t want to get mixed up in your affairs.我可不想牵连到你们俩的事情中去。 hit out(at sb./sth.): attack sb./sth.vigorously or violently with words or blows猛烈地抨击或打击(某)/物)

例: In a rousing speech the_President hit out against the trade u nion.主席在一次言辞激烈的讲话中对工会进行了严厉的批评。

flare up: (of an illness)recur or show sudden burst of light.anger or violence突然激动、发怒等或(指疾病)复发

例: He flares up at the slightest provocation.稍微一激他,他就大发脾气。 My back trouble has flared up again.我的后背又