江苏省扬州市江都区大桥镇花荡中学2013-2014年度八年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章江苏省扬州市江都区大桥镇花荡中学2013-2014年度八年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷更新完毕开始阅读5f5a2b782f60ddccda38a062


( )14.A.feel ( )15.A. smiled

B felt B. watched C fall C. laughed D fell D. looked

四、阅读理解 阅读下列内容,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 (共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)

(A) Monday Wednesday Friday 19: 00 — 21 : 30 18:30 — 21 : 00 19:00 — 21 :00 Space and Man Computer Science Modern Medicine Dr. Thomas West Prof. Harry Morison from Prof. Lucy Green Would you like Harvard University (哈佛大Come to know the modern to know more about 学) medical science! the universe(宇宙)? Learn to use Windows 2000 (6 weeks) (4 weeks) (12 weeks) Saturday Sunday 14 : 00—17 :00 8:30 — 11 :30 Technical (专业的) Exhibition of Personal Inventions (个人发明展览) You can English Prof. Rose see many inventions by the students; you may also bring Beet your own inventions, Do you want to learn (2 weeks) technical words and read technical articles(文章)? (16 weeks) ( )1. The person who teaches computer science is from________. A. Canada B. England C. America D. France ( )2. You may have a chance to introduce your inventions on________. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Wednesday D. Friday ( )3. The Technical English class may last for about________. A. 4 weeks B. 16 months C. 12 weeks D. 4 months ( )4. You may learn something about an illness called TB from________. A. Dr. West B. Prof. Morison C. Prof. Green D. Prof. Beet ( )5. If you want to learn something about satellites, you should go to the class before ____. ::A. 19 00 on Monday B. 8 30 on Sunday C. 14 : 00 on Saturday D. 18 :30 on Wednesday (B)

Tom walked into a shop. It had a sign outside:“ Second-hand clothes bought and sold.(卖)” He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop.“ How much will you give me for these?” The man looked at them and then said, “Two dollars.” \...

价钱) at least five.\said the man, \aren't worth a cent(美分)more than two dollars.\said Tom. Taking two dollars out of his pocket, \your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price of them was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth. \

Before the shop owner could think of anything, Tom walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers.

( )6.At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom _____.

A. was trying to fool him B. was trying to steal the trousers

C. wanted to sell the trousers D. wanted to buy the trousers

( )7.The owner of the shop _____ for the old trousers.

A. would give Tom two dollars B. would pay three dollars C. would pay five dollars D. would give Tom six

dollars and a half

( )8.The shop owner insisted(坚持) that the trousers were worth only two

dollars because____.

A. he wanted to sell them cheaply B. he wanted to buy them cheaply

C. he didn't like the trousers D. they were old and dirty

( )9. In fact, the trousers _____.

A. were hanging inside the shop B. were stolen by Tom from the shop

C. had been the shop owner's D. had been Tom's

( )10. From the story we know that ___ cheaper than the list price. A. the owner sold the trousers two dollars

B. Tom sold the trousers one dollar and a half C. the owner bought the trousers three dollars

D. Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half


Do you hope to do a lot of homework every evening? Are you interested in your English classes? Who do you want to teach you? Maybe you have lots of questions in your mind before school starts.Well, I want to give you some good advice on these problems.

First, keep calm(平静). Don’t worry about all the problems you have. Put your heart into learning, and you can find something you are interested in. Do it actively.

Second, try your best to finish your homework quickly. Don’t spend a lot of time on it. Do more reading or writing in English. Think about the problems you have and solve them at once. Don’t stay up(熬夜) late, or you can’t study well the next day.

Third, invent something instead of copying or repeating. If you can remember the words in your way, you can tell your teachers you don’t like the way of copying them again and again. Be sure, you must pass the test. I think your teachers will

agree with you. And they can give you some interesting work to do. School is really a good place for us to learn. Believe in your teachers and yourself. You are the best one and you can do everything well.

( )11. The writer writes this article in order to (为了)_________.

A. ask students not to do their homework

B. tell students what a good teacher and a good school are C. give students some good ways of learning

D. ask the students not to listen to the teacher carefully

( )12. How many pieces of advice does the writer give us?

A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

( )13. What does the writer tell students to do about their homework?

A. They should spend much time on it. B. Do the homework quickly.

C. They should do more reading or writing in English. D. They should stay up late doing their home-work.

( )14. What’s the third piece of advice about?

A. Study in your own way. B. How to get high marks. C. How to get on well with the teachers.

D. What kind of schoolwork is better for students.

( )15. According to (根据) the passage, students should believe in _________.

A. themselves and their parents B. their parents and teachers C. their classmates and their friends D. themselves and their


第Ⅱ卷 非选择题 (共60分)

五 词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分)

根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空(每空一词) 1. We often borrow books and ___________(杂志)from our school library. 2.Daniel is very ____________ (慷慨的) and he often share things with his friends. 3. Which is ____________, a car or a bike? (useful)

4. How long do you spend _______________ Chinese every day? (read) 5. My best friend has a good sense of ______________(humorous) 6.They often have a good time ________________ together. (chat) 7. These magazines are those ______________ .(read)

8. The patient (病人) feels much ________________ today. (well) 9.Do you know the _________(high) of that tall building?. 10. Everyone likes the girl’s _____________ eyes.(smile) 六 任务型阅读 (共10空;每空1分,计10分)


Whales(鲸) are the biggest animals in the sea. They are much bigger than any animal on land. The largest whales are more than 30 metres long.

Whales live in water, but they are not fish. They have warm blood and they breathe Air through a hole in the top of their head. They can stay under water for about an hour without breathing(不呼吸)。 There are two kinds of whales. One kind has a big mouth with teeth. Its mouth measures four metres in depth(深)。It can eat larger animals of the sea. This kind is called a killer whale. The other kind of whale is much larger than the killer whale. It has no teeth. Instead.It has rows of bones(骨头)in its mouth.Small sea life is caught in these bones. These whales also have a very small throat.They cannot swallow(吞)anything larger than an apple. A. Whales live in the sea,but they are not__1__;They are much larger than any_2___on lanB.There are _3__kinds of whales.The largest whales are_4___30 meters long C.Whales breathe a __5___in the top of their head.They can stay under water for a lon time for a long time without___6___ D.Killer whales have large___7____.They can eat other large animals in the ___8_____E.Large whales have __9____instead of___10_____in their mouths.They live on the smalsea life. 七 缺词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词(每空一词)

One cold midnight after the birthday party of Tom’s,My husband Jack and I were driving home w___1___suddenly the car stopped.“We’ve covered(走完)half the way.”I said

“There m____2___be something wrong with the car. I can’start it again.”said Jack

What a car! We got out to look a___3_ for help,but could there be any person at such an hour? It was dark and we could do n___4___to make it go.We h__5___to walk home.

We knew it would take us two hours to get home on foot,and we were so tired.But what

e___6___could take us home? It was so cold in the car! At once we began to walk home.

We were at the door at about 2;30 when I r__7___that I had left the key in the car!

How u___8____we were!“Break the window and climb in.”said Jack.He picked up a stone,

broke the window and was r_9_____to climb when someone from behind caught Jack by

the arm. It was a policeman!

“What are you going to do,man?” he asked.“Come with me to the police station, you too!”

I told him the whole story. At last he understood what I said and l_10__us