(天津专版)2019年高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第3练 学校生活类(三) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(天津专版)2019年高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第3练 学校生活类(三)更新完毕开始阅读5f8a4e887275a417866fb84ae45c3b3566ecdd33

like any other college,is what you make of it.I strived to make the most of my time at the community college.I also made tons of friends by joining clubs and attending student government meetings.

I took a lot of different courses.I had an amazing professor who suggested I take her journalism class.Never having written for my high school newspapers,I dared not take it,but since she was so enthusiastic,I eventually decided to have a try.That one course was all it took for me to realize that I wanted to become a journalist.

I look forward to graduating this May to pursue a career in broadcast journalism.Community colleges may not be for everyone,but for me it is a life-changing experience that has helped me discover who I am and the person I hope to become.

6.What was the author’s parents’ attitude towards his/her decision about attending the community college?(No more than 5 words)

7.What does the underlined part “miss out on” in Paragraph 4 mean?(1 word) 8.How did the author make friends at community college?(No more than 10 words) 9.Why daren’t the author take the journalism class at first?(No more than 15 words) 10.In your opinion,what kind of effect does attending the community college have on the author?(No more than 15 words)

Ⅲ.佳作背诵(学校生活) (2016·天津市六校联考)


1.学习态度与学习压力的变化; 2.时间安排的变化; 3.你后期的打算(两点)。


2.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3.内容包括以上要点,但不要逐句翻译。 参考范文 Dear Zhang Hua,

I’m happy to have received your letter.Now I’m writing to express my thanks for your care and tell you something about my study and life.

Since I entered Senior Three,great changes have taken place to me.First of all,I am studying much harder than ever with the purpose of preparing myself for the College Entrance Examination.Besides,so many tests do I face every day that I feel extremely stressed,even can’t fall asleep sometimes at night.What’s more,occupied with my study,I can’t afford any time to take up my hobbies,let alone playing computer games as before.

However,I have decided that I will try to adjust myself to Senior Three.While studying,I will make wise use of my time.By keeping a balance between study and rest,the learning efficiency,I believe,can be improved and my dream will come true.

Best wishes. Yours, Li Lin




Ⅰ.1.encouraged 2.spirits 3.relaxing 4.matches 5.knowledge

Ⅱ.6.C [句意为:他问谁能想出解决这个问题好办法。come up with提出,想出,符合句意。get along with和……相处;catch up with赶上;come up with提出,想出;go on with继续。故选C。]

7.B [句意为:一些社会学家建议,西方人应该充分利用中国古代的智慧,来弥补西方哲学的不足。make up for弥补,符合题意。make use of利用;make out辨认出;make sense有道理,讲得通。]

8.A [句意为:——我无法停止担心期中考试的成绩。——放松点。你现在能做的只有努力学习,保持冷静和尽最大努力。Relax意为“放松”,符合语境。Go ahead 进行吧,干吧;Go for it尽力争取;Gook luck祝你好运,均不符合语境。]

9.A [句意为:我终于设法弄到了这份报告的一个副本。obtain获得,符合句意。solve解决;arrange安排;accumulate积累(知识等)。]

10.B [句意为:不幸的是,我的车抛锚时没有备用的轮胎。spare多余的,备用的,符合句意。suitable合适的;common常见的;practical实用的。]



语篇解读 作者列举了几种远离焦虑、生气、沮丧和悲伤等负面情绪的方式。 1.C [细节理解题。文章第四段中提到了睡眠对心情的影响。]

2.D [细节理解题。文章第三段举了一个例子,老年人边听音乐边做手术会减缓心跳速度和降低血压,所以这是一个降低手术风险的好办法。]

3.B [细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“Checking off each item provides a great sense of fulfillment.”可知B项正确。]

4.C [细节理解题。阅读文章倒数第二段,可以先排除A与D项。由“places of worship(礼拜场所)”可以排除B项。故选C。]

5.C [推理判断题。由最后一段第一句可知,帮助别人能使你看清自己的问题。] Ⅱ.阅读表达

6.They supported his/her decision. 7.Lack.

8.By joining clubs and attending student government meetings.

9.Because the author never wrote for his or her high school newspaper.

10.Attending the community college helps the author discover who he/she is and will become.