鲁教版七年级英语上册《Unit1Whatdoeshelooklikeperiod1》教案鲁教版五四制 联系客服

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《Unit 1 What does he look like peroid 1》

课题 Unit 1 What does he look like? (1) 课型 新授 1、 知识目标: 1.Learn the new words and their pronunciation 2.Remember some of the new words(simple) . 2、技能目标: Learn to talk about appearance 3.情感态度价值观目标:要注重个人形象(发型、着装打扮等) 教学重 words ,phrases and pronunciation 点 教学目标教学难 Talk about appearance 点 学情分 析 本单元用来描述一个人的外貌特征的句型并不多,但相关单词的记忆对学生来说难度较大,需要每天听写以督促过关。 教学准 body languages; a tape recorder Ppt. 备 教学过程: Lead in and show the learning aims---- Self study---- Test ----- Explanation and Direction----- Practice------ Summary------ Test----- Homework 集体备课 Step One: Lead in and show the learning aims. Step Two: Self study .Ask the students to learn the new words by themselves and try to remember the new words. Match the words with the people in the picture in 1a. Step Three: Test: 1. Dictation and translation: Short hair, long hair, curly hair, straight hair, tall, short, medium height, heavy, thin, medium build, look like What does he look like? He has short hair. Step Four: Explanation and direction: How to form and remember the adjectives about appearence.. Explain the important drills in 1a and 1c.What does your friend look like?She is medium build,and she has long hair. Step Five: Practice: Listening practice. Listen and fill in the blanks in the pictures above. Pairwork: describe your friend and ask the partner find him or her. Step Six: Summary Step Seven: Test. Homework: 个人备课 年轻,那么短暂,那么迷茫。如果你不能给自己一张耀眼的文凭、一段荡气回肠的爱情,那么,你还可以给自己一个九成九会遭到嘲笑的梦想。因为,总有一天,它会让你闪闪发光。



与板书设计小结:学科知识构建 Unit 1. What does he look like? (Section A 1a-1c) New Words: Drills: Short hair, curly hair, What + do/does + 主语 + look like? straight hair, long hair, 主语 + have/has + …… hair(不可数) heavy, tall, short 主语 + be + tall/short/medium height medium build, thin 主语 + be + thin/heavy/medium build medium height, 建反思与重 附: 一、课前检测题: translation:

Short hair long hair curly hair straight hair tall short medium height heavy thin medium build look like What does he look like? He has short hair.

二.课堂检测题:( Complete the following sentences)

1.What does he look like?--He is medium (高度)。

2.The girl has curly brown hair. (改为否定句) The girl curly brown hair. 3..My cousin has short (直的) blonde hair. 三、作业设置:

1.Review and master the new words and drills learnt in this class. 2.Preview the contents in 2a to 2c. 3.Workbook Exx in workbook.

《Unit 4 what did you de last weekend Period 6》

1. 知识目标: 教学目标通过写出知识结构,复习掌握所有已学过的生词和句型,查缺补漏; 2.能力目标 能运用相关短语和句型做题。 教学 复习掌握所有已学过的用来的生词和句型,查缺补漏; 重点 教学 能运用相关短语和句型做题。 难点 年轻,那么短暂,那么迷茫。如果你不能给自己一张耀眼的文凭、一段荡气回肠的爱情,那么,你还可以给自己一个九成九会遭到嘲笑的梦想。因为,总有一天,它会让你闪闪发光。



学情 分析 本课时复习第四单元,查缺补漏,内容有点单调,学生可能会不喜欢;但是如果让学生自己总结规律,加之积极的评价手段,应该可以调动学生的积极性;用来描述过去的活动贴近学生生活实际,比较容易引起学生兴趣。 教学 准备 导学案,听力录音, Ppt 教学过程: 集体备课 Step One: Show the preview works (text-books and note-paper). Teacher : 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Listen to the report from the winners. Try to find out how they preview, and then sum up . 3. Show the aims for students to choose. 个人备课 (At the same time, students get into the next step gradually, one after another) Step Two: Learn by themselves. Ss: 1. Decide your own aims. 2. Self-study: 1) Correct your mistakes; 2) Finish the task you chose; 3. Group work: Talk about your problems in groups T: Instructions from the teacher if necessary Step Three: Talk about the problems with the teacher together. 由\引导的感叹句: \意为\多么\用作定语,修饰名词(被强调部分),单数可数名词前要加不定冠词a/an,复数可数名词或不可数名词前不用冠词。这类句子的结构形式是: what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is). 如:What a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘呀! 年轻,那么短暂,那么迷茫。如果你不能给自己一张耀眼的文凭、一段荡气回肠的爱情,那么,你还可以给自己一个九成九会遭到嘲笑的梦想。因为,总有一天,它会让你闪闪发光。



特殊疑问词+动词不定式”的用法: “特殊疑问词+动词不定式”是英语中的一种常见结构,一般在句中作宾语,相当于一个宾语从句。当宾语从句中的主语与主句中的主语或宾语是同一人或物时,就可用该结构进行表达。 Step Four: Practice Self check.自己独立完成,有问题组内解决,或请教老师。 Step Five: Summary and Test Step Six: Show students how to preview for next class.

小结:学科知识构建与板书设计Unit 4 What did you do last weekend? Choose your tasks : 1. 独立完成Activity 1-----3. 2. 根据Activity 2 总结特殊疑问词+动词不定式”的用法: 3. 总结出由\引导的感叹句的用法 4. 配套练习 附:一.课前检测题:个性预习作业同层对比 二.课堂检测题:对照所选目标进行同层对比 三、作业设置:

必做:预习Unit 5 P 33; 完成配套剩下的题目 选做:同步训练阅读练习

别想一下造出大海,必须先由小河川开始。 成功不是只有将来才有,而是从决定做的那一刻起,持续积累而成! 年轻,那么短暂,那么迷茫。如果你不能给自己一张耀眼的文凭、一段荡气回肠的爱情,那么,你还可以给自己一个九成九会遭到嘲笑的梦想。因为,总有一天,它会让你闪闪发光。
