2014第七届网络挑战赛(认证杯)特等奖论文 2587队 A题 - 图文 联系客服

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2014年第七届“认证杯”数学中国 数学建模网络挑战赛第一阶段论文

题 目 模糊聚类分析轮胎花纹性能特征与范围

关 键 词 轮胎花纹 模糊聚类 传递闭包 夹角余弦

摘 要:






参赛队号: 2587

所选题目: A 题


In this paper, we build models about the effect of tread patterns on the properties of tire and tire the optimum range of modeling and solve them and analysis of related content.

In view of this item,first of all,we make a statistics of the tire tread type,knowing a lot of design concepts and performance about the tire tread,determining the basic tread;then we record 6 kinds of tire treads by using the way of fuzzy statistics.Considering the degree of difficulty of getting detailed data about the tire tread ,we use direct evaluation method to data the influences of the tire tread ,getting the relationship of data about two easy tire treads and four difficult tire treads.Last of all,analyzing the performance of these two easy models by easy model.As for the rest four complex the tire tread,we build models,solve them and analysis of related content.

For the second part of the question, use reverse thinking, using fuzzy c-means clustering method for a variety of environments suitable for the pattern type, then fit the same pattern type of environment to record be environment is best applicable scope of the pattern type.

In this paper, through repeated comparison and practice,we determine to use Yu Xian fa angle to determine similarity matrix.Then The fuzzy similar matrix through the transitive closure for 4 kinds of complex patterns and simple pattern of fuzzy clustering, differentiation of their own and other 2 kinds of basic patterns of similarity class, and then classified according to their calculated lambda, determine its scope. Comparing their similar tendency, then according to the analysis of fuzzy clustering map list.

This paper mainly used Matlabe model and related analysis, using the fuzzy cluster analysis of image range and performance, function relation written using MathType, to communicate more clearly the ideological content of the.

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