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项目 听力部分 一 二 一 二 三 读写部分 四 五 六 评卷人 分数 一 听录音,判断正误,并把T(正确)F(错误)填在前面的括号里。(2’×5) ( ) 1.Flora’s captain of gymnastics.

( ) 2.Lucy can’t do sports.

( ) 3.Vikki is useless at gymnastics.

( ) 4.Flora’s pretty, and she is good at sports.

( ) 5.Flora’s really clever. 姓名 二 听录音,把回答下列问题。(2’×5) (中文) 1--- Where is Daisy? ---She is in _______ A:London B: Paris 2. ---Who is ill? ---________ is ill. A: Nina B: Daisy 3. ---What must William do?


A: He must meet Karen at the airport B: He must meet Daisy at the airport.

4. ---What time is the flight due in?

---The flight is due in at________. 老师 A:17:20 B:17:30 5. ---What is the flight number?

---The flight number is _________.

A:BA3712 B:BA3713


班号 _______

一.. 结合课文选词填空。(1'×10) cinema balance dinner juice photo useless mobile binoculars wet fridge 1. Pass me the _________! I can’t see the ships.

2. I am on my knees on the ball. I can __________on the ball. 3. I am very thirsty , I want to drink orange ________. 4. There is some milk in the _________.The milk is cold in it. 5. Let’s cook ______, Robert. Then we can have it.


6. He can’t do Maths, so he is _________ at Maths. 7. Can you take a _______of us? Ok, smile.

8. My hands are ______. They are not dry. 9. You can go to the _________to see a film.

10. You can use your _________to phone us. We can talk about something


( ) 1.--- What do you want?

---__________ please.

A. Three breads B.Three loaf of bread C.Three loaves of bread ( )2. ---_____________

---- It is the first of July today.

A. What’s the weather like today? B. What’s the date? C. What day is it today?

( )3. Can you_______some onions for me,please?

A.open B.make C.chop

( )4. Have you got any_______time?

A. small B.some C.spare

( )5. --- Where does he come from? ---He ____________England.

A: comes from B: come from C: comes in ( )6. ---I can’t do Math.

---_______. You can do English.

A. Never mind B. Come on D, Smile,please ( )7. Can you______me the jug of water,please?

A. take B .pass C put

( )8.--- John, you ________awful ! ---I know .I feel awful,too!

A.feel B.look C.make

( )9. We need a policeman,quick! This is an________!

A. appointment B. emergency C. assistant

( )10.---Where is Clarie from?

---She is _______.She’s from ______

A. American; America B. American; American C. America;America ( )11.---_____ language does Mr. White speak? ---- English.

A. How B. What C.Where ( )12.---Do you go to school_______ September the first? --- Of course.

A. on B. at C. for ( )13.--- ______ juice do you want? ---- A bottle of.


A. Who .B. How many C. When D.How much ( )14.---Which month comes after April? ---__________

A. Februry B.March C.May D. July ( )15. Can you compete______ them?

A.with B. to C.of D. at


( )1. What time is your English lesson? A.For her birthday?She wants a handbag. ( )2.Are there any books in the drawer? B.It’s Monday! ( )3.What does she want for her birthday? C.It’s at 7:00. ( )4.What day is it ? D.No,I don’t. I like wine. ( )5.Do you like beer? E.Yes, there are.There are eight books in the drawer. 四.选择疑问词填空。(1’X10) What time? What…..like? Which? What colour? How old? What? When? What kind of? Where? How?

1. A: ___________ is the date? B: It’s the ninth of January.

2. A: _____________ is her new dress? B: It’s bright red.

3. A: __________ is the weather _________ here in winter? B: It’s awful!

4. A: _________________ camera has Paul got? B: An expensive one.

5. A: _____________ is Robert? B: He’s at Sam’s house with his bicycle. 6. A: _______________ are you? B: I’m very well, thank you. 7. A: _______________ is it? B: It’s a quarter to twelve. 8. A: Who is the girl over there?

B: ____________ girl? The tall one? That’s my sister. 9. A: ______________ is your brother? B: He’s 21.


10. A: ______________ is your birthday? B: It’s on the 10th of March.


1. She needs a new mobile. (变成否定句)

________________________________________________________________ 2. I feel awful. (将主语I换成she)

________________________________________________________________ 3. Lyn has got a camera.(变成一般疑问句)

_________________________________________________________________ 4. I want a new skirt. (对划线部分提问)


5.There are 13 pens in my pencil-case.(对划线部分提问)




What’s your favourite weather? Do you like sunny or rainy days? Many people like sunshine a lot. They don’t like rain. They think rain can make them feel sad. They like going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine. Sunshine can make them feel good and happy. I like sunshine but I also like rain.

I enjoy the sound of rain. It can make me feel quite. On the rainy days I like listening to music or just looking at the rain and day dreaming. It’s a good way to relax(放松)

In a word. I hope you can feel happy no matter(不管) it rains or shines. 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Rain can make everyone feel sad. ( )2. The writer likes sunshine and rain.

( )3.we should feel happy when(当) it shines. We should sad when it rains. ( )4.The passage (短文)is about weather. ( )5.Rain is not helpful(帮助)for us.


Sandy and her family move into a new house. It is a nice house with a big garden. Sandy has her own bedroom on the second floor. Through(透过 ) the windows of her bedroom, she can see some birds jumping. Sometimes she can hear birds singing.