免费一中初2015级新人教版13-14学年八年级下半期试题英语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章免费一中初2015级新人教版13-14学年八年级下半期试题英语更新完毕开始阅读61f306cd65ce050877321301


英 语 答 案

听力 1-6 ACCCBC 7-12 ABACBC 13-16 BCBC 17-20 BCCA 单选 21-25 CCCDD 26-30 DABCD 31-35 BAACB 36-40 BDBDD 完形 41-45 CDABD 46-50 BBBCB

阅读 51-53 BAD 54-57 CACD 58-61 BCBC 62-65 BDBD 二卷 任务型阅读 66. No, they didn’t.

67. She encouraged students to study abroad.

68. Because learning Chinese/ it is good for future’s job chances and business. 口语运用 69-73



74. hung / were hanging 75.was 76. Suddenly 77.Competition 78. building 79.putting 80. broken 81. to hand 完成句子

82. didn’t; use 83. How; did 84. himself; lying 85. instead; of 86. falling; continue 短文填空

87. alone 88. can’t 89.change 90.if 91. reason 92. rose / grew 93.as 94.finding


英 语 听 力




1. Could I go out for dinner with my friends, mom? 2. Should I lie down and rest or see a doctor? 3. I don’t mind doing chores on weekends. 4. What do you think of after-school classes? 5. I hurt my leg when I played soccer yesterday.

6. Why don’t you talk to your parents about your problem? 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分)

根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听一遍。 7. M: Hey, Cathy! How do you go to work?

W: I used to walk .But now I drive my car because my new work place is far from my home. Q: How did Cathy go to work before?

8. W: Jim, I lost my bike yesterday. Could you please lend yours to me?

M: I’d like to, Cathy. But I lent it to Tom last week and he didn’t give it back to me. Q: Can Cathy borrow the bike from Jim now? 9. M: What a busy weekend I had. W: Really? What did you do, Jim?

M: I got up early to play sports. And I did homework the whole morning. After lunch, I helped my mom

with housework. And in the evening, I went to the movies. Q: What did Jim do in the afternoon?

10. W: Jim, I had a fight with my best friend, Tina. What should I do now? M: Why not write her a letter to say sorry,Cathy? W: I’m not good at writing.

M: How about going to her house? W: But I don’t want to surprise her.

M: So, you could take her to the concert. W: Sounds like a good idea! Q: What will Cathy do?

11. M: Cathy, Let’s meet at ten o’clock at the gate of the park.

W: How about half an hour later. I’m afraid I can’t finish my work until nine o’clock. Q: When will they meet?

12. W: Jim, were you listening to music when I came back from shopping? M: No, mom. I was working on a math problem at that time.

Q: What was Jim doing when his mom came back from shopping. 第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分)

根据你所听到的对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听两遍。 听第一段材料,回答第13和14小题。

A: Cathy, I had a bad day yesterday. B: Oh? What happened to you, Jim?

A: My alarm didn't go off, so I woke up late. B: What time did you get up that morning?

A: It was 7:30 when I woke up. I needed to be at school by eight. B: You must be in a hurry. Did you get to school late?

A: I ran to the bus stop but I still missed the bus. So I had to wait 20 minutes for the next bus.

All of a sudden, it began to rain. But I didn’t take an umbrella. So I was caught in the rain and got wet all over.

B: What bad luck! But did you finally get to school?

A: Just this moment, Jack passed by in his car. And he gave me a ride to school. But I was still 10 minutes late. And the teacher was so angry with me.

B: Thanks to Jack, you didn’t get to school too late. 听第二段材料,回答第15和16小题。

A: Hi, Cathy! What did you do last weekend? B: Oh, I made a visit to an old people’s home. A: Really? Did you get along with the old people?

B: At first, I thought it might be difficult, so I was a little bit worried when I got there.


A: You don’t need to be worried. Old people are all nice and friendly, aren’t they?

B: Yes, they are. They were so kind to me. They even made me think of my grandparents. A: So what did you do on that day?

B: We danced and played games together. We also cooked lunch for them, although the food wasn’t so delicious. The old men told us stories about their past. How interesting they were! We really had a good time. One of the old men even said it was the happiest day in his life. I was greatly moved by his words. A: I think in this world, there are so many people we should care for. It’s time for us to do something for them. 第四节(每小题1.5分,共6分) 根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。听两遍。

A plane was flying high in the sky. Suddenly something wrong happened and it began to fall down. On the plane, there was a pilot and four other people. When they knew that there were only four parachutes(降落伞), they all became worried. Since nobody wanted to die, they all tried to find a reason why they should use the parachute.

―I am the pilot, so I must go,‖ said the pilot. Then he took one of the parachutes and jumped out.

Another person stood up, ―I’m a doctor,‖ he said. ―I help save people’s lives.‖ He took a parachute and jumped out, too.

Then, the next person said, ―I must have a parachute. I am a very clever man and I will have an important match today. I know I will win the game because I’ll be the cleverest person in the world.‖ He picked up a pack and jumped out.

Now, only two people were left---an old man and a young man. At this time, the plane was going down fast. The old man said, ―Young man, I am old but you are still young. So you take the last parachute.‖ The young man smiled and said ―Don’t worry. We can both jump out because there are still two parachutes. Just now the clever man jumped out with my backpack.‖

