2009年温家宝总理记者招待会口译 英汉对照 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2009年温家宝总理记者招待会口译 英汉对照更新完毕开始阅读61ff24323968011ca30091ca

as the government meeting of SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) will be held in China. China will be the host, and in your opinion, what are the most pressing or hot topics on the agenda of the meeting? What kind of steps do you believe that the member states of this organization can take together to step up their economic cooperation, particularly to cooperate to tackle the international financial crisis together? In the Chinese language, the word crisis has two meanings, crisis itself and opportunities at the same time. In your view, what kind of opportunities does China have in tackling the impact of the international financial crisis? I also would like to ask that while walking out of the shadow of the international financial crisis, will China be able to pursue a more important position in the international economic system?


We have noted that in the wave of the international financial crisis, there is a number of states of SCO have been impacted to various degrees. Member states of this organization should work together in a joint effort to tackle the crisis. Given our geographical proximity and our complementary structures, I have every reason to believe that though our cooperation we will be able to tide over the current difficulties. To make my cases clearer I would like to give two examples. Number one, not long ago, China and Russia signed a package cooperation agreement on both oil and financing issues. This has addressed the very issues in our oil cooperation. We have also signed a letter of intent on strengthening our financial, energy and resources cooperation with Kazakhstan. Actually we hope that we will be able to sign this agreement before the end of this year. Some of the SCO countries are rich in resources and energy, some are quite developed and strong in science and technology and has some high-tech. Some countries are fairly under-developed, which need a helping hand. I think we need to step up our cooperation among the member states in energy, resources, transport and other major infrastructure projects and in agriculture and high-tech fields.


I think you share the same interpretation of the word crisis with us. We believe that it is true our economy is confronted with great challenge and at the same time, there is the development opportunity. If we can manage the situation well, take the right steps and implement the measures promptly and resolutely, I really hope that we would be able to walk out of the shadow of the financial crisis at the early date. After we standing the difficult trial, I believe the Chinese

economy will display even stronger vitality. Just as you said ,I think I can also give you another line to the effect that After encountering all kind of difficulties and experiencing all kinds of hardships, at the end of the day we will see light at the end of tunnel. We must take action rather than seat idly by. Thank you !


I am with the China news service and its website. This year China will have a record fiscal deficit of 950 billion RMB, for the local budgets for the first ever they will also register a 200 billion RMB of deficit. There is also a large mount of hidden debt in the local governments. I would like to know that are these fiscal risks within control?


I would like to answer you question in the following three points. Number one, our fiscal deficit is still within control and our debt level is also safe. This has to do with the facts that in the past few years, we have actually capped our deficit running down. In 2003, the fiscal deficit was 319.8 billion RMB, 2.6% of China's GDP of the same year. In 2008, the deficit was down to 180 billion RMB, 0.8% of China's GDP. In the year of 2003, the Chinese government issued treasury bounds worth 140 billion RMB and in 2008, only 30 billion RMB. Given china's economic development and increase in China's fiscal revenue over the past few years, we are now having adequate leeway to issue more debt and run a larger deficit.


At the same time, we need to have more indepth understanding of the active fiscal policy. In tackling the current international financial crisis, the most direct, strongest and efficient way to do that is to increase fiscal input, the faster the better. There is always another side to the same coin. If we are able to prevent a drastic slowdown in the economy and promote economic growth, at the end of the day, the fiscal revenue will also increase. We need to take a holistic approach to this issue.


Number three, two more points. We need to use the fiscal input in those areas that are most important, crucial and have the most pressing needs. We also need to ensure at the same time that by making such fiscal investment we will be able to leave a valuable asset for our future generations. Through out the whole operation of the fiscal resources, we need to ensure and strengthen supervision. For the operation of the resources both at the central and local level, we will see to it that the whole process will be transparent to the people and will be subject to full supervision. Thank you !


Thank you Mr. Premier, I am with Japan NHKTV. The first question is about stability in China. Because of the financial crisis, employment situation is getting serious as the migrant workers lost jobs and university graduates can not find their jobs. What is your perspective on the employment situation in this year? How do you have confidence to maintain stability of the society under the situation? My second question is about the stability in the region. Now the DPRK is preparing for a launch ballistic missile early next mouth. What is your view on this launch of ballistic missile? What will you talk in the meeting with coming DPRK Prime Minister? Thank you very much!


The unemployment issue is a very serious one. We have already introduced a package plan and we have also increased in fiscal input into the economy this is to boost the economic development at its root. As a matter of fact, what is important in resolving the unemployment issue is to strongly encourage the development of the SMEs, because they create 90% of the jobs.


We have already formulated very specific policies in addressing the unemployment issue for migrant rural workers and college graduates. What is now important is to ensure their implementation.


I can tell you that from the end of last year till the February this year, although we have seen increasing number of jobless people and also a large number of migrant workers returning to the countryside, generally speaking, China's society remains peaceful and stable.


We will continue to put the creation of the jobs high on the agenda of our economic and social development and we will continue to take strong measures in this regard. I recall once I said that for either the college graduates or the rural migrant workers, a job not only concerns their livelihood but also their dignity.


As far as this issue is concerned, we will pay very attention possible to the issue and will never over look this issue.


As for the situation on the Korean peninsula, I believe what is the most important is to make active efforts to advance the six party talks process. We want to resolve the key thorny issues plaguing the six party talks so that we can move forward and realize the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. Only by so doing will be possible to maintain security and stability on the peninsula and also maintain security and stability in northeast Asia as a whole.


We hope that the parties involved in the six party talks will further build consensus, bearing in mind the big picture, properly handle their differences and refrain from taking actions that may escalate the tensions. The Chinese government will continue to stay close tough with the parties concerned and strengthen the consultations. We want to continue to advance the six party talks o the sound track.


The DPRK is a friendly neighbour to China. China and DPRC share the traditional friendship. This time the Prime Minister of DPRK will visit China at my invitation very soon. During his visit we will have full exchange of views on how to further our friendship and cooperation and on other regional and international issues of mutual interest. Thank you!
