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1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___

Supplementary Exercise One:

Before you do the exercise please go through the requirement again to make sure that you fully understand it.

1. Spot Dictation:

I was quite surprised to get their letter, actually. ____________ they’ve done nothing but complain about everything. There always seemed to be something wrong. So it’s strange that they ______ ______ so many of ___________. Especially they’re relatively ______. We’ve only ____________________ for a month. They want us to deliver sixty September.

Well, ___ wrote to them ________ thanking them for their help over the accounting matter. I’ve just had a ______. __________________ we ____________________ reduce costs, which is ______ to know. But they want us to cut back even more.

I’ve just _________________ about that actually. They ______________ __________________. They _____________________ our decision to expand within Australia, so _____ they ______________________________go into New Zealand as well. I don’t want to give too much away until we know what they are doing.

About two months ago, we ______________________ that they were selling. But they still ________________. Now they’ve written to say ___________________________. They ____________ to deliver them ______________________. That’s lucky, because I ___________________ write to complain about them taking so long.

I said I wanted to ___________ to Harrison. So ____________ to say they ________________________. Apparently _________________________. ________________ everyone in the sales and marketing to go.

2. When you make your choice, are you interested in the one that includes the words or phrases you hear in the tape?

Supplementary Exercise Two:

1. Are you clear about the following titles’ responsibilities? Title Responsibility Personnel Manager Recruitment and selection; Employee development;


A advertising methods B after-sales service

C client information service D customer purchasing process E production processes F sales network G training methods

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Employee relations; Employee services; Pay and benefits; Human resource planning defining to whom where and how products/services are going to be offered; market research; guiding a firm's marketing and sales departments; conduct and supervise training and development programs for employees; plan, organize, and direct a wide range of training activities Provide leadership and direction for the company’s activities and operations; develop clear strategic plans; Oversee the management the budgeting of the company and reporting to board; Maintain an overview of all the company’s activities and operations; Marketing Manager Training Manager Managing Director 2. Who do you think sounds most imperative and confident and might be in charge of several departments? Why?

3. Spot Dictation:

Well I’m quite nervous about it to be honest. _______________________ and I’ve heard he can be a bit ___________ of younger managers. And it’s only because ___________________ that ____________ to _________ our department at today’s meeting.

Yes, the meeting seemed to go pretty well and we ______ all the ________ on _________. There were one or two small points that I would have liked to have got through but I can probably have _________ send up memos to ______________________ concerning these. I must say I was very ________ with _____ ideas for the future of _____ department. _________. I’m also very impressed with that young man in the _______ department. What’s his name? Uh, Mike. He could have quite a future in front of him like a young man. I can certainly use fresh ideas like his in ____ company.

I think I mentioned to you all before that at the ____________________ with the _________________ last week. ____________ that we need to __________________________. And I am interested in any suggestions that anyone in our department may come up with. You had some excellent ideas for ________ last year when we moved to __________. So if you could all give that some thought. I know, Sarah that you said you looked into the possibility of _______________________ on your last trip to the Czech Republic, and I’ve been interested in your report, when it’s ready.

And Andrew, have you got those figures for the suggestions for _________________ that ________________________? Or were those in the file that you left in the office too? I’d like to take them with me to the ___________________ this afternoon. As it should be a good opportunity to try to persuade everyone there of _____________________, ___________________ in particular. If I’m successful in this it could mean some ____________________ for all of us in our department, so please remember to get them to me this time.

Well I don't’ know. _____________________________. Most items on the agenda seem to be about our ___________________ or something, which has _________ to do with me. Well I suppose it will affect me eventually. Because if we do expand, a lot of more ______ are going


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to be needed. So I’ll be busy ______________ for a while.

Supplementary Exercise Three

1. Do you have any experience of what these people do for a living? Lecturer; Receptionist; Proprietor;

2. Spot Dictation:

Well I guess it’s all for the best in the long run. I mean it’s never been easy with all of us spread out over the city. And then there are different _______. Half the time when ______________ they’ve come to the wrong _______. Then there are the students. I mean half of them have never been in the city or even this country before. It’s no wonder they are late. They don’t know how to find their way round. But this way, when all the ______________ and we’ve __________ in the new building, we’ll be easier to get to. So I reckon they’ll get here more __________. And then they won’t have any excuse any more for ____________ and _____________.

Ok. Yes I’m ____________ some complaints. With our people of this nature, I think that’s inevitable, but the majority will welcome it. I’ve explained it to ____________. They understand it, accept it. It also means I can ___________________ so ___________________ over a shorter day. So that’s obviously a benefit. I’m sure _______________ will feel the same.

In the early days I had to _________________________, anywhere I could get them, just to _________________ _____________. But over the years I’ve always looked for the opportunity to get everyone together on one site. When all this is over, we will _______ and_________________. I know it means we’re going to ________________.

I can’t say I really understand why they’re doing it. I mean it’s all these buildings, all this equipment. You know, it seems so organized as it is. _______________, hasn’t it? That’s _________________________---keep costs under control. Of course, lots of us are _____________ sometimes, and I know that’s bad, and ______________---walking in when everyone else is already in their place and _______________ ago.

Anyway, I suppose the ___________ is as long as they keep their ____________ as ____________ as they’ve always been, there’s no problem. At the end of the day I want my ___________. It’s up to them to _______________.

3. Do you know the function of the following sentences?

I guess…; I think…; I suppose…; I’m sure…; I can’t say…; I mean; Then there are…; You think of…; Anyway…;

Supplementary Exercise Four

1. Spot Dictation:

We’ve been discussing it for a month and now they’ve finally made a decision. Personally I think we should ________ and get all the ____________ before any ________________. It’s


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all very well __________________, but it’ll involve a huge investment. And _____________ doesn’t always bring ______________.

Well I am ________ that’s over. It’s always so __________ when the __________ person was so popular, but the _____ was pretty _________. That’s encouraging, as it’s always better to _________________. I don’t mean my ____ was very successful because I felt so apprehensive. It’s difficult when you have to try to persuade everyone, but I was the logical person to _________ him.

I’m not sure it’s realistic to expect us to _______________________. I mean ____________________ all that long. It can take ages for ______________ to _______________. Bill really didn’t understand the problems. And I always seem to end up _______________ him.

That’s it. We’ve finally decided to do it. The meeting went on for ages and I don’t think the new chairman was very happy. But it’s a _________________. We ________ that the company ________________________ in June or July, but we don’t know what the ________ will be yet. I’m sure _________________. Really we _______________ last year when the market was more __________.

I think ____________. It has some problems in that area and it’s good that Mrs. Lau ________________ and __________________________________. She gave the presentation very well. And ________________________________. And every body understood that is __________________ we want to go in the future.

Supplementary Exercise Five

1. Reading Material:

On-the-job Training (OJT)

On-the-job training (OJT) is one of the best training methods because it is planned, organized, and conducted at the employee's worksite. OJT will generally be the primary method used for broadening employee skills and increasing productivity. It is particularly appropriate for developing proficiency skills unique to an employee's job - especially jobs that are relatively easy to learn and require locally-owned equipment and facilities.

Morale, productivity, and professionalism will normally be high in those organizations that employ a sound OJT program.

An analysis of the major job requirements (identified in the position description and

performance plan) and related knowledges, skills, and abilities form the basis for setting up an OJT plan. To be most effective, an OJT plan should include:

? The subject to be covered; ? Number of hours;

? Estimated completion date; and

? Method by which the training will be evaluated 2. Spot Dictation:

Well in a sense I’ve got no choice in the matter. Not anyone’s actually told me to get the __________. It’s just that from my point of view, my own sense of confidence, if you like, I feel that if __________________________ other people in the company, then I should do something to ___________________________.

Well, ok. I need the course. If I don’t do it, I won’t be able to