2011黑龙江大庆市中考英语试题 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2011黑龙江大庆市中考英语试题 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读62a9a7b655270722182ef74b

Pre-Masters( 硕士预备班) (September and January start) A one year course with a promise to enter Nottingham Trent University on successful completion Pre-Programme (September start) Preparation for A-Levels( 英国高级证书考试) or International Foundation Programmes ( Maths and Science) English as a Foreign Language Flexible(Mtr§rMj) start & finish dates Study from 8—36 weeks For further information: Email: minima. nguyen@ castlecollege. ac. ok Web: www. castlecollege. ac ok/international [来源:Z&xx&k.Com]Choose the best answer according to the advertisements. ( ) 41. One can choose all of the following programs in the \A. Full-time MBA (Chinese) B. Part-time MBA( Chinese) C. International MBA(English) D. Human Resource

( ) 42. If John wants to prepare for his A-Levels, when can he start his study at Castle College Nottingham? A. Either September or January. B. September. C. January. D. Any time when he is free.

( ) 43. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Students all over the world can choose to study the IMBA program. B. A student from Britain can enter

Castle College Nottingham to study a foreign language.

C. Li Ming, who will have a month's vacation, can choose to study English at Castle College Nottingham. D. The MBA program is the earliest in China.

( ) 44. Mr. Wu has the experience of management in a large company in China, so he can choose ______to learn some theories. A. English as a Foreign Language

B. Pre-Programme at Castle College Nottingham

C. The IMBA programme at Renmin University of China, School of Business D. Castle College Nottingham

( ) 45. As a Chinese, if you want to study abroad, you can email to ______to get more information. A. www. castlecollege. ac. uk/international B. minhha. nguyen@ castlecollege. ac. uk C. www. rbs. org. cn/mfea/en D. imba@ rue. edu. cn

答案:41-45 DBACB

( 2011大庆) (D)

Fashion isn't very environmentally-friendly because it makes people buy things they don't need, just because they're new. We want to take care of the environment, we don't want to pollute the air and we don't want to waste energy and resources. But we also want to be fashionable. How can we buy fashionable clothes and protect the environment?

Old styles are fashionable again, so one way is to buy second-hand clothes — recycled clothes. Another way is to buy' fair trade clothes. These clothes are either recycled or made in a ' way that protects the environment. They also protect the people who make the clothes.

Surprisingly, white cotton is one of the least environmentally-friendly crops of all. To protect the cotton, the growers use chemicals that pollute water, make farm workers ill and kill wildlife. New materials, such as hemp and bamboo, grow quickly and are more environmentally-friendly. These materials are very soft, and look fantastic. The best materials are coloured using natural dyes, made from plants.

Environmentally-friendly clothes are practical but until now they were often dull. Now fashion-designers are working with these materials and the clothes are beautiful as well. So now we can buy fashionable clothes that are also environmentally-friendly. ( ) 46. Why do people often buy things they don't need? Because_. A. new things can be more comfortable B. everyone wants to be fashionable C. people are richer than before now D. people care about the environment ( ) 47. What's the topic for paragraph 2?

A. Recycled fashion. B. The problem with fashion.

C. Fashion doesn't have to pollute. D. New materials. ( )48. Which of the following is more environmentally-friendly? A. Materials soft and looking fantastic.

B. Any materials coloured using natural dyes. C. Hemp and bamboo. D. White cotton.

( ) 49. Why are environmentally -friendly clothes more fashionable now? Because______. A. people pay more attention to our environment B. environmentally-friendly clothes are practical C. all old styles become fashionable again

D. fashion-designers are working to make them beautiful ( ) 50. What is the best title for the passage? A. Cotton or Hemp and Bamboo?

B. Environmentally-friendly Clothes

C. Old Style, New Fashion Again D. Fashion and the Environment 46-50 BABDD

第二节 非选择题(共40分)

( 2011大庆)VI. Communication (本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) Complete the dialogue with proper words, one word for each blank. A: I'll miss you, Diana!

B: Oh, I feel just the 51 ! We must try to continue our friendship, even though we will no 52 be at school together.

A: Yes. I wish we weren't going to different senior high schools. I feel really sorry to have to say 53 to you and all our other old friends.

B: We'll make new friends, too, though! But let's promise to stay in 54 . We may not see each other so often, but we can get together in the summer vacation.

A: Yes, that's a good 55 . And think of all the happy times we'll have then! 51.____52. ____53. ____ 54. ____ 55. ____

( 2011大庆)VII. Reading Comprehension(本题共15小题,A题每小题1分,B题每小题2分,共20分) (A) Fill in each blank with a proper word with the help of the first letter.

Wood-block printing was invented sometime between the 4th and the 7th c 56 in China. The earliest book that we have was p 57 in 868 and was found in a Dunhuang cave. Wood-block printing took a long time because a new block was needed for every p 58 in z book. By the 1 Ith century printed books could be f 59 all over China. They included books of Confucius' thoughts, dictionaries, and books on maths. In 1340, books could be printed u-sing two c 60 , black and red. A 61 the Chinese learnt about printing so early, printing was not introduced in other parts of the world for hundreds of years. It is thought that when the great Italian traveler Marco Polo visited China in the 13th century, he s 62 printed books. It is possible that Marco Polo brought that k 63 to Europe. But printed books did not come to Europe u 64 1450 when a German called Johann Gutenberg i 65 a printing machine. Twenty-four years later, in 1474, an Englishman called William Caxton printed the first printed book in English. His second book was about the game of chess. Caxton printed about a hundred books, and some can still be found today in museums.

56. c_____57. p_____ 58. p_____59. f_____ 60. c_____ 61. A_____ 62. s_____ 63. k_____ 64. u_____ 65. i_____ 答案: 【文章大意】


1. century 木版印刷在公元4世纪到公元7世纪在中国发明的。

2. published 由后面可知,最早的书于868年被出版。

3. page 由木版印刷的介绍可知,最先的木版印刷对每一本书的每一页都需要一个新木块。 4. found 随着木版印刷的发展,在11世纪之前,这些印刷的书在中国到处都能发现。 5. colors 由后面可知,表示两种颜色。 6. Although 句意:尽管中国人了解印刷如此早,但印刷数百年来没有传到世界别的地方去。由句意可知,表示让步,用although引导。

7. saw 马可?波罗来到中国看到了印刷的书。

8. knowledge 由上文可知,欧洲的印刷书可能是马可?波罗把这种学问带去的。 9. until not…until直到……才。

10. invented 由句意可知,在1450年,名叫Johann Gutenberg的德国人发明了印刷机器。

( 2011大庆) (B) Answer the questions according to the following passage.

It is widely accepted that television is playing an important part in people's lives. But, there is a heated discussion as to whether television does good or harm.

Television keeps one learning more about present events, allows one to follow the most recent developments in politics and science, and offers various programs which are .both instructive and exciting. The most distant countries, the strangest customs and the most attractive scenes of nature are brought right into one's room or house.

However, some people insist that television is bad rather than good. They argue that it has brought about many serious problems. The major one is its effects on young people. Children are now so used to getting their information and entertainment from television that their ability to read and write as well as physical ability has been greatly weakened. Even worse than that, vulgar( 庸俗的) advertisements and poor programs may develop their bad tastes, shape their view points badly towards human life to such a degree that their minds might be destroyed.

In a word, television has both advantages and disadvantages. Whatever effects it has, one point is certain, television in itself is neither good nor bad. It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society. 66. What are people discussing nowadays? ___________________________________

67. What are the advantages television has brought us ? (至少2点) ___________________________________

68. Why do some people think television is bad rather than good? ___________________________________

69. It is the use to which it is put that decides its value to society. ___________________________________ 70. What's your opinion about television?

答案:66.whether television does good or harm.

67.Television keeps one learning more about present events, allows one to follow the most recent developments in politics and