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BEC 真题 第四辑高级 Test 3

READING 1 hour

PART ONE Questions 1-8

? Look at the statements below and the reports about five different companies on the opposite page.

? Which company (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement (1-8) refer to?

? For each statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet. ? You will need to use some of these letters more than once. ? There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 This company has outlets in new types of location.

1 This company has expanded at a time of high demand.

2 Good results in one part of this company made up for disappointing results in another part.

3 lt is difficult to predict future prospects furthe kind of products this company sells.

4 Profits for this company are likely to be different from those that were earlier predicted.

5 This company produced more goods than were needed for certain markets.

6 This company has denied rumours about its future plans.

7 A recovery in this company's financial position is expected.

8 This company is likely to benefit from charging more for its products.

Following the company's poor annual results in November, the share price plunged and has since remained around 200p. Analysts now believe that the company is seriously undervalued by the stock market. The company's biggest problems were in Germany and France last year where supply outstripped demand, leading to a £20 million loss for the year. However, the company has recently appointed a new chairman who has a iirst—rate track record of reviving failing companies. lt is believed that he will be successful in turning round the company’s fortunes. B

Analysts are impressed with the company's recent performance. In the last six months, it has managed to increase prices by 3 per cent without adversely affecting sales. In such a low-margin, high-sales sector, this ought to translate directly into increased pronts.The company's recent sale of its packaging division has eliminated all its debts. Shares have risen in the past month from 80p to l00p. Despite these promising signs, it must be remembered that the company is trading in an extremely volatile market. C

For some weeks, there has been widespread expectation that the company will announce the sale of its troubled newspaper-and-magazine distribution arm. Speculation came to an end when this was firmly ruled out as a possibility at the annual general meeting last week. Profits from this division were down from £l3 million to £8 million. However, this drop was more than offset by an improvement in the company’s retail division, which has taken the innovative step of opening stores in places such as hospitals and colleges. Profits in this division rose from


The company has had steady growth prospects since it opened four more upmarket hotels and several health and fitness clubs. This move has come at a time when the market is particularly buoyant. There were rumours that the company might become the subject of a takeover bid by one ofthe large American corporations. However, this has not materialised, and it now seems unlikely that any such bids will be made in the immediate future. This is expected to lead to


The company has always been popular with shareholders as, for the past ten years, it has consistently provided them with above average returns. Profits for the first half of the year were up by 15 per cent. Development profits from some 30 projects around the country will provide a balanced stream of earnings in the second half of the year. Given this, and the sale of a loss-making division in Bradford, pre-tax profit forecasts have been increased to £2l million and

Questions 9-14

? Read this text taken from the results of a survey on employees' priorities at work in the UK.

? Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. ? For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. ? Do not use any letter more than once. ? There is an example at the beginning (0).

WHAT EMPLOYEES SAY THEY WANT Employees say one thing and do another, a recent UK-based report claims. (0)...H... Addressing these problems is especially important when there are skills shortages, and companies are trying hard to retain the workers they have. According to the report, there is a consistent discrepancy between what really attracts staff and keeps them, and what they say are priorities. The report found that, although there are differences in preferences, depending on age, home country and gender, all age groups say they rate the work/life balance as an extremely important consideration for staying with their particular company. (9) ...... This is followed by job security and financial rewards. However, despite their proclamations about wanting a work/life balance, it was established that this does not have a positive effect on retention for any subgroup. Similarly, people profess to identify more closely with a company which has a clear strategy for success, but in fact that does not result in improved retention either. (10) ...... Another finding was that it is the high-flyers in a company who are most likely to be ungrateful and leave. This is despite the fact that they are more likely to attract fast-track promotion, career development, training and financial rewards, which should be the glue to keep them loyal. (11) ...... All this makes life difficult for managers. (12) ...... This is because they have to spend as much time creating an employment brand that attracts the best talent as they do in creating a consumer brand that builds customer loyalty. That is all the more impommt for major companies, who, increasingly these days, are no longer viewed as the employer of choice by top graduates. (13) ...... This involves both corporate attitudes and individual encouragement. At corporate level, there is a need for a clear and convincing strategy for the business, and an innovative environment low in bureaucracy. One level down from that, there should be tasks that interest and challenge employees, and sharpen their skills. At individual level, profit-related bonuses go down well. (14) ...... Above all, companies should remember that since the requirements are different for the young, middle-aged and elderly, as well as for men and women, the package has to be enticing to the right target age and gender.

Example: 0 A B C D E F G H

A Top executives find that they can no

longer delegate personnel matters.

B That is possibly because they are

most likely to find other jobs.

C What the report did conclude though, was that money, especially performance-related pay, does increase commitment, as do share

options and profit-sharing.

D In addition, companies need to motivate key people with appropriate recognition and by giving them what they actually want, rather than just relying on an attractive basic salary, which can easily be matched by any other employer.

E Moreover, when it comes to choosing a job, women rate it even more highly than men.

F As a result, the report concludes that focusing on the top performers can be counterproductive because it can cause underdevelopment,

underutilisation and demotivation of the rest of the workforce.

G The report reckons that in order to change this situation, a two-stage policy is required.

H This will come as no surprise to

anyone involved with market research, but it is causing problems for employers trying to recruit staff.

PART THREE Question 15-20