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the tailor’s (裁缝铺) the doctor’s (诊所) Mr Brown’s (布朗先生的家) 5)有些表时间、距离、国家、城镇的无生命的名词,也可加“’s”表所有格 如:half an hour’s walk (半小时的路程) China’s agriculture (中国的农业)

2、表示无生命的东西的名词一般与of构成词组,表示所有格。如:the cover of the book

3、表示有生命的东西的名词也可以用of,特别是名词较长,有较多的定语时如: the story of Dr Norman Bethune.

Do you know the name of the boy standing at the gate? 4、“of词组+所有格”的用法:

在表示所属物的名词前有冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词(如:a, two, some, a few, this, that, these, those等)时,常用“of词组+所有格”的形式来表示所有关系。如:

a friend of my father’s 我父亲的一位朋友 some inventions of Edison’s 爱迪生的一些发明

those exercise-books of the students’ 学生们的那些练习本 二、冠词

(一)、不定冠词的用法 1.表示one, the same, every They are of an age.

I earn 10 dollars an hour as a salesman.

2.用在物质、抽象名词前,表示“一种、一类、一份、一场、一阵” That’s a green tea.

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 www.ks5u.com

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They were caught in a heavy rain.

It is a great pleasure to have a talk with you.

3.用于某人姓名前,表示“某个名叫……的人”;用于星期中的某一天的名称前,表示“某星期几” He died on a Sunday.

A Mr. Smith is waiting for you outside. 4.不定冠词的特殊位置:

What/such/rather a(an) +(adj.)+单数名词 So/as/too/how/however + adj.+ a/an单数名词 Many a(an) +单数名词 许多 Not a(an) +单数名词 不止一个 Half a(an) +单数名词

What a clever boy he is!=How clever a boy he is! Many a young man wants to learn English. He is quite a good player. It is rather a cold day.

However clever a boy he is, he is to follow the teacher’s instructions. 5.用在某些固定词组中:

Have a swim/talk/walk/dance/look/quarrel, have a cold, have a good time, keep a diary, in a hurry, once in a while, at a loss, for a while, once upon a time, all of a sudden, tell a lie, do sb. a favor, at a mouthful, at a distance, as a matter of fact

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 www.ks5u.com

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(二)、.定冠词的用法 1. 专有名词

The Englishmen the English The Frenchmen the French

The Englishmen in the dining-room are having supper now. The Englishmen/English use a knife and fork in their meals. 2. 固定习惯用语

The Greens are at table. The Chens will move to Nanjing.

The Tang Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period, in the 1870’s He plays the violin but gives lessons on the piano. I have hired the car by the hour. The windows face to the south. On the left/right

In the daytime the other day=a few days ago Hit sb. in the face Wound sb. in the leg

the first, the tallest, the taller of the two boys Who invented the telephone? The rich, the wounded

the blind the rich the wounded the new the unknown the learned the dying

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 www.ks5u.com

高考资源网( www.ks5u.com),您身边的高考专家

In the morning, in the end, in the least, in the distance, in the way, on the whole, on the other hand, at the same time, at the moment, in the 1980’s, go to the cinema/theatre, go to the doctors’, for the time being, on the radio/phone. (三)、零冠词的用法

1、一日三餐、一年四季、节假日 Spring comes after winter.

They came to Beijing in the winter of 2004. We have few classes on Saturday.

This happened on a Sunday toward the end of June. He likes playing basketball. He studies biology at university.

Comrade Li was chairman of the meeting.

2.系动词turn(变成)后的单数名词作表语用零冠词 His brother has turned writer.


The warmth of the sweater will of course be determined by the sort of wool used.

4.“零冠词+单数名词+as/though +主语+谓语,+主句”意味“虽然/尽管……,但是……”。

Hero as he is, he has some shortcomings. 5.在独立主格结构中的某一形式中

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 www.ks5u.com