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The teacher came in, book in hand. 6.固定短语

day and night, pen and ink, husband and wife, father and son, sun and moon, master and servant, face to face, hand in hand, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, neck and neck, step by step, from top to bottom, in case of fire, from morning till night, from beginning to end, at noon/ dawn/ daybreak/ dusk/ night/ midnight, to/at/from work, catch fire, catch sight of, come to light, come to power, give birth to, watch TV/ on TV, every few days, on second thoughts, come/ rank/ come out first, take office. (四)、冠词常考易混点

1.the world, a peaceful world ,the moon, a bright moon -Have you had supper? -We had a wonderful supper.

He starts his day by playing the violin. He is playing a borrowed violin.

This book is too expensive for me. I want to look at a cheaper one. It is a most useful book.

2.Can you give me a second chance, please? He got a first prize in mathematics.

We played two draws the other day, but when I tried a third time, I was beaten.


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A knowledge of English, a wide knowledge of trade and music An understanding of, a collection of experience 经历 ;经验 success 成功的人或事;成功

exercise 练习,习题,体操; 锻炼,运动

4.牢记纯不可数名词。Information, fun, weather, progress, advice, news, space, word (news)。

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 www.ks5u.com