典范8-8dangerous trianers 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章典范8-8dangerous trianers更新完毕开始阅读63c2a98bf90f76c661371a8a

brother. “i’m trying to get some sleep” i sit up in bed. “i saw them. I saw your trainers. They were out in the garden hunting. They



They lick up worms. They tied a baby mouse up like a mummy. ”

“what? ” says my brother, rubbing his eyes. “did you say a baby mouse?” “yes, ” i cry. “and i can prove it. Look, they’re not where you left them, are they? They’re in a different place!”

My brother looks down

from the top bunk bed. The trainers aren’t where he threw them. They’re neatly side by side, next to the book case. Mum switches on the light. “what’s the matter? Who was shouting?” “he was,” says my brother, pointing

at me. “he’s being silly, as usual. He says he saw my trainers try to eat a baby mouse. He says they’ve been out in our garden hunting!” “well, why have they moved over there? I shout at him.” “they weren’t there