典范8-8dangerous trianers 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章典范8-8dangerous trianers更新完毕开始阅读63c2a98bf90f76c661371a8a

“burp!” goes the trainer. A worm pops its head up. Wham Goes a trainer and stomps on it. The other trainer licks it up with its tongue. The trainers sniff the air. They’re looking for something else to gobble. I hear a rustling in the

bushes. A baby mouse pops out its pink nose. Oh no! The trainers’ eyes gleamat each other. They stay very, very quiet. They’re waiting. The baby mouse darts out of the grass. “run, mouse, run!” i shout, “you’re in deadly

danger. The trainers will gobble you up! Run for your life!”

Leave them alone But the baby mouse doesn’t hear me. He doesn’t know what danger he’s in. He doesn’t know



carnivorous trainers. He pitter-patters nearer, nearer. Fast as you can blink, the laces flick out. He’s tied uplike an Egyptian mummy! A big purple tongue slides out and -- “will you stop shouting?” says my