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西方报刊经贸文章选读(第五版)教师参考用书(网络版) 路)as well.(5)


China does not need to build all of these thousands of miles of railroads and other facilities. Much of the infrastructure already exists; where it does, the trick(诀窍)is to link it all together.(6)

China has pledged(保证给予)$250 billion in investment in South America over the next 10 years. The centerpiece(占中心地位的事物)is a $10 billion, 3,300-mile, high-speed railroad that would start in Rio de Janeiro(里约热内卢[巴西港市]), cross the Amazon(亚马逊河[南美洲北部])rainforest. And terminate(终止)on the Peruvian(秘鲁的)coast.(7)

In January, China agreed with the African Union to help build railroads, roads, and airports to link all 54 African countries. These plans are already under way.(8)

Then there are China’s maritime(海上的)ambitions. These envision(v. 展望)modern ports in Tanzania(坦桑尼亚)Mozambi-bique(莫桑比克), Gabon(加蓬), Ghana(加纳)and Senegal(塞内加尔). All these land and marine(海上的)projects align(排成一行)with existing Chinese natural-resource investments on the continent.(9)

China plans an industrial park in Kuantan(关丹[深水港口]), Malaysia and an expansion of Male(马累[马尔代夫首都])airport in the Maldives(马尔代夫).(10)

China wants to dominate(控制)not only the South and East China seas, but far into the Pacific(太平洋).(11)

Pakistan is pivotal(关键的)to China’s Silk Road. China has lavished(非常慷慨地给予)$42 billion in infrastructure projects on Pakistan. Sending goods through Pakistan also helps China avoid the Malacoa Strait(马六甲海峡). China worries that, if its relations with Washington become truly hostile(敌对的), the US could theoretically blockade the strait and starve(使匮乏)the country of its lifeblood resources.(12)

The Maritime Silk Road will enter Europe through a $260 million Chinese-funded upgrade(升级)of the Greek(希腊的)port of Piraeus(比雷埃夫斯[港市]). From there, rail service will continue into the Balkans(巴尔干半岛各国). Ships from China will also make port in Lisbon(里斯本), Portugal(葡萄牙), and Duisburg(杜依斯堡), Germany. To take the network into the heart of Europe, Beijing has agreed to finance a 250-mile bullet train(高速火车,bullet本意为子弹头), costing up to $3 billion, from Belgrade(贝尔格莱德[塞尔维亚首都])to Budapest(布达佩斯[匈牙利首都]). Separately, China’s new 8,011-mile cargo(货物)railroad from Yiwu(义乌[中国浙江省商品集散城市])to Madrid(马德里[西班牙首都])is taking away business from far more time-consuming(费时的)


西方报刊经贸文章选读(第五版)教师参考用书(网络版) truck shipping(运送).(13)

Some of the most modern transportation infrastructure going up not only in China, but around the developing world, is deliberately(有意地)linked to China. It is meant to make the global economy a friendly place for Chinese commerce.(14)

——From Quartz (website), June 9, 2015

Map The Silk Road economic belt and its maritime counterpart. (Reuters)

initiative n. 倡议