牛津英语一年级第二学期M2U1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章牛津英语一年级第二学期M2U1更新完毕开始阅读641982df804d2b160b4ec0b4

Period 1 In a Toy Shop


1. Using nouns to identify toys.

E.g , ball, doll, bicycle, kite.

2. Using adjectives to describe things.

E.g., It’s super!

3. Using formulaic expressions to indicate preferences.

E.g.: I like the ball./ I likes balls.

4. Using formulaic expressions to offer people help.

E.g. Can I help you?

5. Using formulaic expressions to offer people things.

E.g. Here you are.

6. Using formulaic expressions to express thanks.

E.g. Thank you. 二、学情分析




1. 能够正确朗读ball, doll, bicycle, kite 4个单词。 2. 能够用 I like ...句型来表达自己的喜好。 3. 能够用nice, super等形容词来形容事物。 4. 能够使用一些购物用语来进行会话、表演。 方法与过程

1. 通过对文本的再构,利用几个短小、复现率高的语段来辅助学生学习单词,句型。 2. 通过It’s ...!的感叹句,来让学生更好得表达自己对事物的喜爱之情。 3. 通过看图片,听短文的形式让学生提高听力能力。

4. 通过对话练习,来综合运用单词,句型,提高学生口语交际能力 情感态度、价值观

1. 通过学习like句型,让学生能够表达自己的喜好,提高学生自我表达能力。

2. 在编对话、模仿购物场景的过程中,提供给学生与伙伴交流的机会,让他们学会合作学习。



1. 能够正确朗读ball, doll, bicycle, kite 4个单词。 2. 能够用 I like…句型来表达自己的喜好。

3. 能够用nice, super等形容词来形容事物。 4. 能够使用一些购物用语来进行会话、表演。 难点:

1. 能够将4个单词读音读准,辨析ball 与doll的发音。

2. 能用I like …句型来表达自己的喜好,区分I like the ball 和 I like balls的区别。

五、教学过程 Teaching Procedure 1、Greeting

2、Pre-task Preparation

(1)Listen to a song. ‘I like the small cat’. 3、While-task preocedure

Mary, Tom, Alice and Ben are talking about their favorite toys. And then decide buy some in a toy shop. (1) Learn ball/ doll/ kite/ bicycle. Passage one:

Mary: I like dolls. I have one. It’s pink. Tom: I like balls. I have one. It’s round.

Alice: I like kites. I have one. It’s yellow and pink. Ben: I like bicycles. I have one. It’s super.

(2) Do a survey. ‘I like ’ I like .....it’s ..... (3) say and act.

Now they are in a toy shop. Passage two

Assistant: Can I help you? Ben: I like the bicycle. Alice: I like the kite. Assistant: Here you are. Tom/ Alice: Thank you. Tom: I like my bicycle. It’s super. Alice: I like my kite. It’s nice. ①Ask students to practise the dialogue.

②Mary llikes dolls and Tom likes balls. They want to buy one in the shop, too. Help Mary and Tom to buy the toys. ③Ask students what do they like, and act the dialogue out.

4、 Assignment

(1)Read the text on P14.

(2)Draw your fvourite toy on student book P17 and talk about it.

六、板书 boarding writing I like .... doll/ ball/ kite/ bicycle. It’s ....nice/ super.


1、小朋友能正确读出ball,doll,但是在做听力时,对于doll, ball, dog以及cat, kite很难分辨。 2、能区分何时使用 I like balls. I like the ball. 但是在具体情境中使用时还是容易错误。