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【6】黄贵武 镇远侯顾成对建立贵州省的重大历史贡献[A];开发中的崛起——


【7】田健 镇远县旅游业迅猛发展 镇远门户网 2010 12 -01

【8】成嘉廷 贵州镇远用科学的发展观破解旅游业发展难题 中国共产党新闻网


【9】杨 鹏 镇远旅游业呈提速增效好势头 新华网 2009-02-17 【10】 刘阳 旅游业是我国参与国际服务市场竞争的优势行业 暨南学报 1998


【11】彭德成 中国旅游景区治理模式 中国旅游出版社,2003年版第2-3页 【12】林正秋 中国旅游与民俗文化 浙江人民出版社, 2000 年 6 月 【13】林永匡 弘扬优秀文化 强化阵地意识[N] 中国旅报 2000-01-17 .

*****************************毕业设计(论文) 论文附件

一、 英文原文

Ecological tourism management system framework research

Ecological tourism management system is a function system, target is to realize the regional tourism sustainable development, from the static on look, the managerial objects including ecological tourist area domain and ecological tourism related staff, distinctive folk religions and cultures, other natural beings and artificially beings; Look from the dynamic management object system, all the elements of the relation between sports and elements formed state tourism activities.

Ecological tourism as a new way of tourism in 10 years ago, after was put forward, has expanded rapidly. Subsequent management issues are becoming increasingly prominent. And people still use the traditional mass tourism to manage the method of management. Therefore, not only change, on the contrary make ecological tourism in trouble. Because with the traditional mass tourism ecological tourism in qualitative difference, and the traditional mass tourism management has not adapt to the reality of the ecological tourism, ecological tourism resources and more given with vulnerability and management environment of irreversible damage caused mistakes, it is necessary to construct born of tourism management system to adapt the development of ecological tourism. Especially in ecological tourism, as a regional pillar industry to development today, ecological tourism management theoretical research and practical application has become a top priority. The concept of ecological tourism management as a regional put travel regional social economic development to establish the backbone industry, tourism must be sustainable development of industry. Tourism as the pillar industry if you can realize sustainable development, the first depends on travel. Ecological tourism, as a new tourism manner, is to realize the sustainable development of regional tourism approach. And