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1)Either Side can replace the representatives it has appointed provided that it submits a written notice to the other Side. (任何一方都可更换自己指派的代表,但须书面通知对方。)

归纳上述各例,除了句(Either Side can replace the representatives it has appointed provided that it submits a written notice to the other Side )以外,条件句均置于主句之前,英译汉时译成“如果”或“若”即可。而当条件句置于主句之后时,在翻译这些引导条件句的连词或短语时,可按动态等值理论视具体情况而定,切勿生搬硬套。该句中的provided that表示合同该条款需作进一步规定或在作规定时语气上的转折,因而应译为“但是”才使译文过渡自然,符合汉语的表达规范,达到功能对等的效果。 二、 译例文本

Purchase Contract

This contract is made on the ___ day of ___ 20 _ _ , by and between1 _______ Ltd (hereinafter2 referred to as the Seller) and______ Company (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer). Through friendly negotiation, both Parties have hereby agreed on the terms and conditions stipulated hereunder: 1. Contract Products: _________________ 2. Specification: _________________ 3. Quantity: _________________ 4. Unit Price: _________________ 5. Total Value:_________________

6. Country of Origin: _________________ 7. Shipping Marks: _________________ 8. Shipment: _________________

To be shipped on or before ____________subject to acceptable Letter of Credit (L/C) reaches Sellers before the end of ____________, and partial shipments allowed, transshipment allowed. 9. Grace Period:

Should4 last shipment have to be extended for fulfilment of this contract, the Buyer shall give the Seller a grace period of 30 days upon submitting evidence by the Seller.

10. Insurance:

To be effected by the Buyer. 11. Packing:

In new Kraft paper bags of ____________kg/bag or in wooden cases of ____________kg/case, free of charge. 12. Payment:

The Buyer shall open a 100% confirmed, irrevocable, divisible and negotiable and partial shipment permitted Letter of Credit5 in favor of the Seller within 5 calendar days from the date of the agreement through the Issuing Bank. The L/C shah be drawn against draft at sight upon first presentation of the following documents: (1) Full set of Seller's Commercial Invoices;


(2) Full set of clean, blank, endorsed Bill of Lading6; (3) Inspection Certificates of quality and weight. 13. Notice of Readiness:

The Buyer shall advise the Seller by telex the scheduled time of arrival of cargo vessel at least seven days prior to the arrival of the vessel at the loading port. 14. Performance Guarantee:

(1) Upon receipt of Buyer' s Irrevocable L/C by the Advising Bank, the Seller shall perform a Performance Guarantee representing ______________ % of the L/C value.

(2) The Performance Guarantee shall be returned in full to the Seller after completion of shipment and delivery of the contracted goods. In case of non-delivery of ( all or part) of the goods for reasons other than those specified in clause 12, the Performance Guarantee shall be forfeited in favor of the Buyer in proportion to the quantity in default.

(3) Should the Buyer breach the contract or fail to open the L/C in favor of the Seller within the period specified in clause 9 (except for clause 12), the Buyer has to pay the Seller the same value as the Performance Guarantee.

(4) The Letter of Credit must fulfill all the terms and conditions of this contract. The terms of the L/C should be clear, fair and made payable to the Seller. Upon acceptance of L/C by the Advising Bank, the Advising Bank shah send the Performance Guarantee to the Issuing Bank. 15. Force Majeure7:

The Seller or the Buyer shall not be responsible for non-delivery or breach of contract for any reason due to Force Majeure incidents.

In case the time of delivery or shipment has to be extended, the Buyer or the Seller shall have to provide evidence for such event. 16. Arbitration:

All disputes or divergences arising from the execution of the contract shah be settled through friendly discussion between both Parties. In case no settlement can be reached, the case at issue shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission8 in accordance with the provisions of the said Commission.

The award by the said Commission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both Parties. The Arbitration fee shah be borne by the losing Party. In course of Arbitration, the contract shah continuously be executed by both Parties except for the part under Arbitration.

17. Currency Devaluation:

In the event of any official devaluation of U. S. Currency, the Seller reserves the right to readjust the contract price in proportion to the devaluation ratio. 18. Valid Period:

This contract will automatically become null and void should the Buyer fail to open a L/C in favor of the Seller within seven days after signing this contract. 4 However, the Buyer shall still be responsible for the payment of compensation in accordance with the terms in clause 11, items 2 and 3.


This contract is made in duplicate, both Parties have read carefully and agreed to abide by all the terms and conditions stipulated. The contract is signed by both Parties in the presence of witnesses. Seller: Buyer: Witnesses: (一)译前准备 ? 词汇提示

hereinafter adv. 在下文 stipulate v. 规定 specification n. 规格 confirm vt. 确认;保兑 kraft n. 牛皮纸 irrevocable adj. 不可撤销的 divisible adj. 可分割的 negotiable adj. 可转让的 in favor of somebody 以...为受益人 endorse v. 背书;为...代言 guarantee n. 保证金 non-delivery n. 无法交货 forfeit vt. 没收 in proportion to 按...比例 default n. 不履行、违约 术语

unit price 单价 shipping mark 唛头

letter of credit (L/C) 信用证 grace period 优惠期限 issuing bank 开证行

advising bank 通知(银)行 bill of lading (B/L) 货运提单

to be drawn against draft at sight 见票即付

commercial invoice 商业发票 inspection certificate 检验证明 performance guarantee 履约保证金 force majeure 不可抗力 losing party 败诉方

breach vt./n 违反、不履行 arbitration n. 仲裁 dispute n. 纠纷、争端 divergence n. 分歧、歧异 in accordance with 依据、按照 provision n. 规定 award n./vt. 裁决;授予、判给 arbitral award 仲裁裁决 statute n. 法令、法规 ratio n. 利率 valid adj. 有效的 null adj. 无效的 void adj. 无效的 compensation n. 补偿文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.

(二)翻译讨论 1. By and between,“由...和...间”。英文中常用并列短语来使意思的表达更为正式严谨,在平时应留心这种英文表达。再如14.(4)中的“terms and conditions”表示“合同条款”,18中的null and void表示“无效”。

2. 合同常常采用部分古词来增强其文体的正式程度,这样不仅能使句子结构紧凑,而且增强了雨衣的逻辑衔接和连贯。该句使用的hereinafter、hereby、hereunder在法律文本中经常出现,可分别译为:“在下文中”、“特此”和“如下的”。 3. F. O. B为Free On Board的缩写。现代国际贸易中最常用的三种价格术语除F. O. B(装运港船上交货价)外,还有C. F. R(目的港成本加运费价Cost and Freight)和C. I. F(目的港成本加保险费运费价Cost, Insurance and Freight)。这三种术语规定卖方交货地点为装运港,以越过船舷为划分双方风险的界限。

4. Should引起的假设状语从句,相当于in case从句,汉译时一般翻译成“若......(发生)”。

5. L/C为当今国际贸易中的主要货款支付方式,即信用证结算。

6. Clean Bill of Lading:清洁提单。指货物在装船后承运人(船运公司)在提单上未加任何有关货物受损或包装不良等批注的提单。

7. Force Majeure:不可抗力。指合同签订后,因为一些无法预料且人力无法控制的事件导致合同某一方当事人不能履行合同,或者无法如期履行合同。包括严重自然灾害,以及战争、封锁、冲突、暴乱等社会原因。

8. China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,下设与中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT),为中国常设的仲裁机构。 三、 正式译文



1.合同货物:________ 2。规 格:________ 3.数 量:________ 4.单 价:________

5.总 值:________F.O.B 6.原产国:________ 7.唛 头:________

8.装 船:________年________月________日前装运,但要以卖方________年________月________日前收到可接受信用证为条件,容许分批装运和转运。

9.优惠期限:为了履行合同,若最后一次装船时发生延迟,售方提出凭证,购方可向售方提供30天的优惠期限。 10.保险:由购方办理。

11.包装:用新牛皮纸袋每袋为________公斤或用木箱装,每箱为________公斤,予以免费包装。 12.付款条件:签订合同后5天(公历日)内购方通过开证行开出以售方为受益人,经确认的、全金额100%的、不可撤销的、可分割的、可转让的、允许分