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面试英语情景对话 面试英语情景对话 A: Please take a seat. 请坐。 B: Thank you. 谢谢。 B: Thank you for giving me the opportunity [?p?'tju?n?t?]. 谢谢你们给我这次机会。 A: Can you tell me something about yourself? 你能告诉我们关于你的一些信息吗? B: My name is David and I live in Shandong, I was born in 1997. My major was Industry robot Technology. 我叫 David, 住在山东,出身于 1997年。我的专业是工业机器人技术。 A: What kind of personality [p??s?'n?l?t?] do you think you have? 你认为你有怎样的性格? B: Well, I approach [?'pr??t?] things very enthusiastically [in,θju:zi'?stik?li], I think, and I don't like to leave things half-done. I’m very organized [???ɡ??na?zd] and extremely [?k'stri?ml?; ek-] capable ['ke?p?b(?)l]. 嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。我非常有组页1 面试英语情景对话 织能力,也很能干。 A: What would you say are your weaknesses ['wi:kn?s?z] and strengths [stre?θ; stre?kθ]? 你的弱点和优点是什么? B: Well, I'm afraid [?'fre?d] I'm a poor speaker, however I'm fully aware [?'we?] of this, so I've been studying how to speak in public. I suppose my strengths are I'm persistent [p?'s?st(?)nt] and a fast-learner. 嗯,我不太擅长说话,我已经意识到这点,因此正在学习如何在公众场所说话。我想我的优点是很执着,而且学东西很快。 A: Do you have any licenses ['la?sns] or certificates [s??t?f?k?t]? 你有执照或资格证书吗? B: I have a driver's license. 我有驾驶执照。 A: How do you relate [r?'le?t] to others? 你和别人相处如何? B: I'm very co-operative [k?u'?p?r?tiv] and have good teamwork spirit ['sp?r?t]. 我能与人合作,富有团队精神。 A: I see by your resume that you have been working? 从你的简历可以看出你一直在工作。 页2 面试英语情景对话 B: Yes, I have worked for two years with an American Company. 是的,我在一家美国公司工作过 2 年。 A: How will your experiences [?k'sp?r??ns?z] benefit ['ben?f?t] this company? 你的经历对公司有什么好处? B: I know the marketing from top to bottom ['b?t?m] and. I can develop a new market for you. That will increase [?n'kri?s] your profit ['pr?f?t] margin ['mɑ?d??n] and keep the shareholders ['??r,hold?] satisfied ['s?t?sfa?d]. 我是对市场营销非常熟悉。我能为贵公司开发新的市场,这会增加贵公司的利润, 让股东们感到满意。 A: Are you aware of the aspects ['?spekts] of this position [p?'z??(?)n] and do you feel you are qualified ['kw?l?fa?d]? 你对这个职位了解吗,你认为自己合格吗? B: Yes, I understand my qualification and your needs by researching your company. 是的,通过对你们公司的研究,我理解你们的要求,并认为我对这能胜任这个岗位。 A: If you enter this company, what section ['sek?(?)n] would you like to work in? 如果能进公司,你想在哪个部门工作? B: If possible. I'd like to be positioned [p?'zi??nd] in 页3 面试英语情景对话 International Trade Department. 可能的话,我想在国际部工作。 A: What starting salary do you expect [?k'spekt; ek-]? 你想要多少起薪? B: I'd like to start at ¥5000 a month. 我想要每月 5000 元。 A: How long does it take to get here from your home? 从你家到公司要花多少时间? B: It takes about 40 minutes. 大约 40 分钟。 A: Tell me what you know about our company please. 请告诉我对于本公司你知道些什么? B: Well, the company was founded in New York in 1950 by Mark Ward, who was the first president ['prez?d(?)nt]. It has 1 billion dollars in capital ['k?p?t(?)l]; it employs 5,000 people, and it is the largest company in its field in the States [ste?ts]. 好的,1950 年 Mark Ward,公司首任董事长在纽约创立公司。资本额为 10 亿美金,有 5,000 雇员, 是美国同行业中最大的企业。 A: What do you know about our major ['me?d??] products and our share of the market? 关于本公司的产品和市场份额你知道些什么? 页4 面试英语情景对话 B: Your company's products are mostly marketed in Europe and the United States, but particularly [p?'t?kj?l?l?] has sold [s??ld] very well here in China. So I think in the future you'll find China to be a profitable ['pr?f?t?b(?)l] market as well. 贵公司的产品主要在欧洲、美国市场销售,但是在中国市场的销路非常好,所以我想你会发现中国也是一个容易赚钱的市场。 A: What made you decide to change your job? 你为什么决定换工作? B: I would like to get a job in which I can further ['f??e?] develop my career. 我想找一个工作进一步发展自己的事业。 A: May I ask you why you left the former company? 可以问一下你为什么离开以前的公司? B: Because I want to change my working environment [?n'va?r?nm(?)nt] and seek new challenges ['t??l?nd?]. 因为我想换一下工作环境,迎接新的挑战。 A: Thankyou. We’ll inform you of our decision later this week. 非常感谢。我们会在本周之后将我们的决定告知你。 B: Thankyou. I’ll be waiting for your call. 谢谢。我等你们的电话。 页5