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Translation (Workbook)

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(9) A useful system comes from the military, which frequently place a conflict in one of three different categorties, according to the theater in which it takes place.

(10) Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the epicurean motto of 'Eat, drink, and be merry,' but most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.

In stories, the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do. Practice 1

(1) 八字还没有一撇呢!

(2) 三个人品字式坐了,随便于谈了几句。 (3) 他伸开四肢躺在草地上,像个“大”字。 (4) “那个村里有个驼儿所。” “那是托儿所,不是驼儿所。” (5) We haven?t had any trouble since we have lived here. (6) I haven?t heard from him since he lived in Shanghai. (7) Great changes have taken plane here since he left. (8) Peace will be his Pyramid. Practice 2

Compare the SLT with the TLT and try to work out in what way the translation achieve the effect of the original.

(1)“Snap shot of a senorita sitting in the sand---alliteration unintentional,” guessed White lazily.一个小姑娘,坐在沙滩上,乘她不防备,照了一个像,无意中押了韵。怀特懒洋洋地猜道。

(2)You cannot bite back, but you can fight back.(ad. of insecticide)

A. 不能以牙还牙,何不以毒功毒。B. 不能回之以咬,何不回之药。 (3)“张铁嘴怎说的?”胡太太惴惴地问。“很好,不用瞎担心事了。我还有委员的福分呢?” “么事的桂圆!”“是委员!从前行的是大老爷,现在是行委员了!” “你还不明白?”

“What did Zhang Tiezui say”, she asked timidly. “He gave me very good news. We need not look for trouble, I have the possibility of being a member of a committee!” “What?s a common tea?” asked the wife, who only vaguely caught the sound. A committee! Lords and esquires are out of date, and the prevailing nomination is to a committee. Don?t you still understand? (4)《赤橙黄绿青蓝紫》 All the Colours of the Rainbow

(5) \tell us about her, Auntie,\cried Imogen,\? She's the skeleton in the cupboard, isn't she??\ She wasn't much of a skeleton as I remember her, murmured Euphemia, \


Translation (Workbook)

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\嗯,我记得她并不怎么像骷髅,\尤菲米雅低声说,\长得顶丰满的呢。\Practice 3



I climb a height 登临送目, And strain my sight;

Of autumn late it is the coldest time; 天气初肃。 The ancient capital looks sublime. 正故国晚秋, The limpid River, beltlike, flows a thousand miles; 千里澄江似练, Emerald peak on peak towers in piles. 翠峰如簇。

In the declining sun sails come and go; 征帆去棹残阳里, In the west wind wineshop flags flutter high and low 背西风酒旗斜。 The painted boat, 彩舟云淡, In clouds afloat,

Like stars in Silver River egrets fly. 星河鹭起, What a picture before the eye! 画图难足。



Clouds float like works of art; 纤云弄巧, Stars shoot with grief at heart. 飞星传恨,

Across the Milky Way the Cowherd meets the Maid. 银汉迢迢暗度。 When Autumn's Golden Wind embraces Dew of Jade, 金风玉露一相逢, All the love scenes on earth, however many, fade. 便胜却人间无数。

Their tender love flows like a stream; 柔情似水, This happy date seems but a dream. 佳期如梦, How can they bear a separate homeward way? 忍顾鹊桥归路? If love between both sides can last for aye, 两情若是久长时, Why need they stay together night and day? 又岂在朝朝暮暮! (2)See yonder, to, the galaxy which men clepth the Milky Way, For hit is why,

which men in England Do call Watlyng Streete.

边的星群,人们称之为银河;因为是白色之故,也还有人叫它滑忒林街。 (4) 差池上舟楫,窈窕入云汉。

Passing an uneven pass I come aboard the boat up into the Milky Way.

? 翻译单位



Translation (Workbook)

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及话语层。这种翻译单位的划分纯属对原文形式的切分,对应物显然指的是形式上的对应。这种根据结构形式切分出来的翻译单位不利于翻译操作,而且经常会影响到语篇的连贯性和翻译的质量。匈牙利翻译家拉多·久尔及认为“翻译是逻辑活动,其基本的分析单位是 “逻辑素”。翻译过程是分析和综合:分析是把原著分解成一个一个的逻辑素,综合是把这些逻辑素重新组织成译著。”“每个逻辑素都有一个逻辑上的理由作为依据,所以才叫逻辑素。” 拉多·久尔及认为词素、词义、语音、双关语、诗歌中的韵律乃至文化要素都可能作为翻译单位的逻辑素。 (1)The prisoners were allowed to write censored letters to their family. 语义定位法 (Semantic frame) (2) “Hello. Don?t we have a development here.”

Little black coffin-shaped markers dotted the wide blue spaces, and an officer was putting up several more, in a cluster close to the battleship?s projected course. Farther on stood large clusters of red pins with a few blue pins.

“This new U-boat group was sighted by an American patrol plane at twilight, sir,” said the officer.

(3)He covered his face with his hands, and, as he cried, he remembered Bill and how he had served him that night in the long ago.(A Piece of Steak)

(4) Clement Attlee?s broadcast the next day packed the wardroom. Every officer not on watch, and all staff officers and war planners, gathered in the wardroom around one singularly ancient, crack-voiced radio. 切分法 (Segmentation)

(5)My grandmother never had a holiday until she was too old to enjoy it. (6) The sailors swarmed into a laughing, cheering ring around the two men. 意图定位法(Frame of motivation) (7)Dismissive as Pharisee, I regarded as moonlings all those whose life was lived on a less practical plane. Protests about damage to ?natural beauty froze me with contempt, for I believed in progress and could spare no regrets? for a lake dammed into hydraulic use for the benefit of an industrial city in the Midlands. (8) What is the strongest bird? ------A crane.(同形异义词)

(9)Primitive people have long believed that comets have been the harbingers of famine and death.



? 翻译技巧

1. 引申法Extension

1) 语言语境干涉所表现的几个方面:

? 语境对语言符号的使用、理解有 强制、制约、推动作用。语言语境对语言


? 语境对语言符号的选择(表达)有强制、制约作用。在源语语境中一个词的意 思在目的语里有一个或多个对应的语言形式(经常是多个),决定得体措辞的因素是目的语句子内部之间的制约规律,如,windswept glistening white,风


Translation (Workbook)

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凛凛, 雪皑皑,冰晶闪闪(选词、词序)。Cf. 风萧萧、风呼呼。目的语语言内部的制约规律:韵律、搭配、词汇之间的照应关系、褒贬习惯、词序、衔接手段、句法规律、话题、语域、文化等都会在不同的层度上制约译者选词的行为。

引申方法的关键就是把握切入点:理解和表达的切入点。注意跟信息焦点相关的各语境线索,善于透视信息关联脉络,正确判断符号之间的各种关系,善于灵活地调整翻译视点。 2)Context Bell (103): linguistic co-text of the sentence and that sentence-meaning depends; inclusion and exclusion;(110): situation,context, and universe o discourse; 112: context and situation; 114: context of utterance 3) 英汉词汇特征比较


(1) 组成一个词的义素较具体,因而语义投向较明确。词义较窄,构成一个词的义素比较少而且比较具体。

(2) 双音词和多音词具有提供语境情景的作用,所以两个语素之间可以互为语


(3) 名物化和词汇化的灵活度大大超出汉语词汇。名物化直接影响句子结构,信


(4) 英语词汇的语篇照应能力很强,尤其是上下义词之间的照应现象非常普遍。 照应关系是语篇内部的粘合剂,同时也是制约词汇意义独立存在的因素。 4) 引申思维过程:


引申不能脱离原文词义的基本范围,而应立足于辞典释义,从原文最小的词义引申层次着手,由近及远,由此及彼,有目的地找出影响词义引申的因素。确定词义的步骤通常是辞典释义→与关键词毗邻的其他词语→句子→语段→其它 段落→整个 语篇→文化语境。译者在确定词义时应避免盲目性、任意性和主观性,只有纵观全文,统盘 考 虑各种语言因素与关键词的关系,基于辞典又不囿于辞典,在表达过程中才能做到有据可依,恰好其分地再现原文内容。 发现被激活的语境义素。 思维步骤:



