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Translation (Workbook)

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(42) It was mid August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and

his Africa Corps.

(42) \wanted to be a Communist,\he told me rather wistfully, \nobody ever

asked me to join. I was already fifty, and I concluded that the Communists considered me too old.\place and asked him to enter the Party. He was overjoyed, the old rascal, and he told me he wept then to think that he was still of some use in building anew world.

(43) His illness is child's play when you think of how serious it might have been.

(44)When Mary came down dressed for the dance her father remarked, \

make fine birds\文体和语域制约

2. Amplification (增词译法)

Amplification or expansions in Nida?s term, may be most conveniently divided between syntactic(or formal) expansion and lexical(or semantic) ones. Syntactic expansions

The most common expansions required by the syntactic structure of the receptor languages include: (a) identification of the participants in events, (b)identification of objects or events with abstracts, (c)more explicit indication of relations, and (d)filling out of ellipses, which may involve any type of syntactic structure.

Lexical expansions(sense-for-sense)

The most common lexical expansions consist of (a) classifiers, (b)descriptive substitutes, and (c) semantic restructuring. 2.增词法


? 语义结构和句法结构的调整(propositional—syntactic processing or

identification of the participants in events)

(1) 门铃一声响,来了客人。从不谢客,礼当接待。忙把袜子穿上,整冠而出。


A. The doorbell rang;a visitor arrived. Huang had never refused any visitor; he

should receive the visitor with courtesy. He put on his socks and smoothed his hair;he hurried to the door.

B. Suddenly the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of a visitor. As Huang had never refused any visitor before, this one should be received with courtesy too. Quickly putting his socks back on and smoothing his hair, he hurried to the door. (刘士聪译)

(2) In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he

would work on the drafting of the final communiqué.

(3) Mary washed for a living after her husband died of acute pneumonia. (4) Day after day he came to his work ---- sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning.

(5) The girl is beating the drum. (6) The girl is drumming.


Translation (Workbook)

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? 词素内部的语义成分外化(making lexicalized participants explicit) (7) Smoke swirled through the opening. (swirl: move + with twists and turns)

(8) I boxed the apples.(box: put + into + a box)

(9) The napkin blew off the table. (blow: be moved + by the wind or other air current)

(10) The rock rolled down the hill.

(11) The crowds melt away.(melt: go slowly away)

(12) As he sat down and began talking, words poured out.(pour: cause to flow in a

continuous way)

3) 逻辑因素的“外化”(more explicit indication of relations) ? 形合与意合(hypotaxis vs. parataxis)

(13) 如果他来,我就走。If he comes, I'll leave. =I'll leave if be comes.

(14) 他一来,我就走。 I'll leave as soon as be comes.= As soon as he comes I'll


(15) 他来了,我再走。 I won't leave until be comes. I'll be here until he comes. (16) 因为他来了,所以我要走。Since he comes I'll leave. =I'll leave since he comes. (17) His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.

(18) He was mature in years and tried in wars but had the old, inbred arrogance of his


? 源语中的语义深层信息量大于语符表层

(19) And suddenly he saw her at her window, looking out. He moved a little from the

yew tree, and whispered:“Megan!”She drew back, vanished, reappeared, leaning far down .He stole forward on the grass patch, hit his shin against the green painted chair, and held his breath at the sound. 曲、直表达习惯有较大差异

(20) Suddenly an idea mingled with the alcoholic fumes that disturbed his brain. It

was apparently of a jocular nature, for he felt impelled to slap his leg again and cram his fist into mouth.

(21) The best lubricant cannot maintain oil films between the surfaces of engineering


? 虚、实表达习惯有较大差异

(22) But the tamping-iron rubbed against the side of the shaft, and a spark ignited the


(22)(The latter-day Aladdin, still snugly abed, then presses a button on a bedside box

and issues a string of business and personal memos, which appear instantly on the genie screen.)After his shower, which has turned itself on at exactly the right temperature at the right minute, Mr. A is alerted by a buzzer and a blue light, on the screen.

4) 文化因素的“外化” (more explicit indication of cultural messages)

(23) Say you shoot a video that you think is particularly artsy. Beam it out and make a

small fortune by charging an untold number of viewers a fee for watching. Peter Tennings would be obsolete. (24) Wellsian fantasy?(ibid)


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(25) (Nicholas Negroponte, director of MIT's Media Lab, a leading think tank in this

new world, remembers that back in the 1970s,a government agency gave him a grant on the condition that he remove the word multimedia from his proposal.)“They were afraid we would get one of [Senator] Porxmire's Golden Fleece awards,” he says.

(26) Computer technology may make the car, as we know it, a Smithsonian antique. 5) 屈折形式的语义外化(inflexion vs.lexical entry) ? 英语名词复数形式的构句功能和表意功能

(27)(A user might stand in front of a monitor receiver and just talk and listen,

communicating with whatever or whomever is Out There).Images and voices would be beamed back and forth

(28)Personal tragedy haunted his entire life, in the deaths of loved ones? (29)Disappearances occured with apparently increasing frequency,? (30)She warmly welcomed her guests in and brought them a cup of tea.

(31) I have had the joy of two beautiful and wonderful wives, the happiness of

parenthood and the love of eight children. (Why Measure Life in Heart Beats?) ? 动词“时”、“体”的结构功能和表意功能 (32) Are you understanding me better? (33) You are not looking quite yourself.

(34) Britain′s railway system is being improved.

(35) At the time when it happened, I was seeing a lot of Belinda, and I was also going

to the opera a lot. ? 冗余法则与增词分寸 信息冗余现象 (a) 同义、近义单位的复现:We will never parley, we will never negotiate with Hitler

or any of his gang.

(b) 共指单位复现: ?the return of the bred-winner, of their champion, of their protector.(ibid)

(c) 同一个语言单位的重现:Words, words, mere words, no matter from the heart. (36) He lives in Qingdao.

(37) He was born and lives in Qingdao. (38) He said that he lived in Qingdao.

(39) He who is most slow in making a promise is generally the most faithful in its


(40) The smallest chick knows better than (to) trust itself to water. (41) The simplest explanation is the best.

(42) It(her husband?s death as the result of heart transplanting) was a great ordeal for

Mrs West, but an even greater ordeal had been publicity.

(43) It's the commonplace, the habitual, that challenges definition, for its very

common ness compels us to define it in uncommon terms. 6) 结构性增词

? 增补原文中被省略的部分(filling out of ellipses)

(44) Histories make men wise; poets(?)witty; mathematics(?)subtle; natural philosophy


Translation (Workbook)

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(?)deep(?) (On Study)

(45) And whereas a country like Britain exhibits considerable variation in climate and landscape, the(限定、提示已知范围信息的省略) differences (同义照应) across the continental U.S. are extreme (顺接照应) (46) No phrase was borrowed:it was pure Roosevelt.(The Glory and the Dream)

(47) Poor little tender heart! And so it goes on hopping and beating, and longing and

trusting.(Vanity Fair)

(48) Next to health, heart and home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon

the automobile.

(49) Bryan stood forlonly alone. My heart went out to the old warrior as spectators

pushed by him to shake Darrow's hand. (50) Let the head rule the heart.

(51) Wise men have their mouth in their heart, fools their heart in their mouth.

(52) 一间阴暗的小屋子里,上面坐着两个老爷,一东一西。东边的是一个马褂,


? 增补汉语词组结构中缺少的成分 增补动词

(52)The season does induce a quickening of the blood and a heightening of humankind's sensual pleasures.

(53)He wanted to send them more aid, more weapons and a few more men. 增补名词

(54) All of parenting is a series of letting go by degrees.

(55)The microelectronic revolution promises to ease, enhance and simplify life in

ways undreamed of even by the utopians.

(56) 根据汉语主谓搭配的需要,在形容词或动词前增加作主语的名词。

(But)his father,red-faced and happy,was still reading the book? (The Snob) 增加范畴词(classifiers) 增加表性质、范畴的名词,常见的有:“精神、观念、身份、情况、局面、工作、问题等。

(57) Indeed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic,

romantic and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. (58) Much of our morality is customary.

增加补语:常用的专用动量词有:“次”、“回”、“趟”、“遍”、“番”、“下”、“阵”等;还可以借用名 词构成动量词:“手”(露一手)“声”(叫几声)等。当译文中补词组残缺时,应根据动词适 当增补动量词。 (59) Mr.Parsons coughed. 常用的趋向性动词有:“来”、“去”、“上”、“下” 、“进”、“出”、“回”、“开”、“过”、“起”、“起来”、“下去”等。

(60)The efficient and capable foreman no longer existed; the friendly, considerate

Phineas Gage was dead;? 增加概括性的词语

(61) (“When you go to college, little baby,”Dad would say,“you'll be our

pioneer. ”)He didn't say if you go to collage. 增加连接性词语