牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 5 A party 教案 1.doc 联系客服

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Unit 5 A party



1. 知识目标:

1)能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: clown, appear, put on, begin,

2)能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:What are you going to bring to the party? I’m going to bring some toys. Are we going to eat or play with the toys first? 3)了解西方国家的宴会礼仪。 4)掌握一般将来时的疑问句用法。 2. 能力目标:



1.正确掌握,灵活运用将来时句型表达于真实情景中。 2.能理解,正确朗读,表演Story time,并能自编类似情景。




Step 1: warming up

1.Free talk: What date is it?

What holiday is coming?

What are you going to do on May Day? Ss talks.


2. What am I going to do on May Day? Can you guess? 引导学生提问:Are you going to …?

3. Look at the pictures. What are they going to do? Ss answer: … is/ are going to …. Step 2: Presentation

1. 出示Mike/Liu Tao/ Su Hai/ WangBing图片 学生看动画回答问题

What are they children going to do? What holiday is it this Sunday?

2. What are the children going to bring to the party? Check the answer: … is going to bring … to the party. Checkout time p57页,Listen and number 1) 请学生看图说话

What are they going to do? They are going to… 2) Listen and number Step3: Practise

1. 完整的欣赏课文内容视频,模仿人物的语音语调, 尝试配音。 2. 自读课文 3. 小组内读课文 Step 4:Fun time

…的生日就要到了,准备大家一起举办一个party。你是小小策划师,想想看,你们需要解决哪些问题呢? 仿照示范,同桌合作,完成一张邀请卡

Step5: Consolidation


1.完成书P50 True or false 2.Make a dialogue

五一节就要到了,你与几个好朋友正商量着准备开个宴会。 Step6: Homework:

1. 听录音,熟读并背诵Story time部分课文。 2. 会写课文中四会词及句子。