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17 What a freezing day! The car windows were covered with ________. 18 Bill Gates is the ________ man in the world.

19 In some western countries ________ is measured in miles.

20 Many college graduates find it _________ difficult to find a good job now. 21 Several boats lay at anchor(抛锚) in the ________.

二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): settle down have a gift for figure outas far as in the distance 1 A small boat can be seen _________.

2 Five years later, the Smith family _________ in England. 3 _________ I am concerned, I like travelling.

4 I cannot ________ why he insisted on going together with me. 5 The child ________ music.

必修4各单元单词(短语)检测 Unit 1 Women of achievement


第一组:medical, communication, welfare, behave, nest, achieve, rate, explain, condition, worthwhile

1 The heavy snow prevented _________ with the outside world for three days. 2 I hope my kids will _________ themselves while I am away. 3 Only by working hard can you _________ you goal in time. 4 The reason Peter _______ to us for his lateness was unreasonable.

5 It cost me a lot to travel around the world, but it was really ________, for it broadened my views. 6 That secondhand car in perfect ________ went well.

7 Most people walk at an average ________ of 5 kilometers an hour. 8 Birds often make their _________ in trees. 9 They would rather work than live on _________.

10 She attended a _________ school before becoming a physician.

第二组:specialist, observe, strike, institute, inspire, kindness, modest, respect, organization,

connection, entertainment, consideration, deliver, campaign, argue 11 The police _________a man in black entering the bank.

12 My brother graduated from a university and was assigned to work at a research _________. 13 I can never repay (报答) your many ________ to me. 14 We should care for the young and ________ the elderly.

15 A man was arrested in ________ with the murder of the teenager. 16 We will surely take this matter into __________ at tomorrow’s meeting. 17 The young couple are always _________ with each other about money. 18 Yesterday the police began a _________ to stop taking drugs. 19 She was __________ of a healthy boy weighing 3 kilogrammes.

20 After work I relax myself by watching TV, listening to radio or taking part in other forms of _________.

21 The World Trade _________ was established in January, 1995. 22 She was very _________ about her success.

23 His paintings were clearly _________ by Monet’s works. 24 Those workers went on _________ for higher wages.

25 He is a _______ in Japanese history, so just turn to him if any question.


devote…to look down upon care for be intended for concern oneself with argue for 1 This chair ________ you but she took it away.

2 Nowadays children ________ too much time _______ playing computer games. 3 The lawyer decided to ________ that poor man. 4 Although poor they should not _________.

5 She moved back home to ________ her elderly parents. 6 He ________ how the speaker set out his ideas in his report.

Unit 2 Working the land


第一组:nutrition, level, struggle, grain, suitable, hunger, exchange, summary, sunburn, export 1 According to the latest survey the Qomolangma is 8844.43 meters above sea ______. 2 We should try to save rice, never waste even a _______ of rice.

3 He died of ______ because he had not eaten for days.

4 We were asked to write a ________ after reading the long passage.

5 The toys produced in our factory are mainly ________ to European countries. 6 If you stay out in the scorching sun for some time then you will get ________. 7 Can I ________ my seat with you? I cannot see the blackboard clearly. 8 Shenzhen is really a modern city ________ for people to live in.

9 When seeing a boy ________ in the river I jumped into the water to save him. 10 The doctor gave us a lecture on the connection between food and _______.

第二组:pest, chemical, motorcycle, output, bacteria, certain, freedom, confuse, supply, expand, equip, whatever, reduce, mineral, circulate

11 The physical change is quite different from the ________ change.

12 The hybrid rice has a high ________ and over 60% of the rice produced in China each year is from this strain(品种).

13 A _______ Miss Wang called you this morning.

14 I am ________. Will you please explain it to me in an easy way? 15 In the past decade the population of Shenzhen is _________ very fast. 16 ________ happens, please call me in no time.

17 I am very thirsty. Please buy me a bottle of iced _______ water. 18 Rumours(谣言) began to ________ about his financial problems. 19 Our government is doing its best to ________ air pollution. 20 Our school library is well ________ with modern facilities(设施).

21 The residents were very annoyed because for no reason the water _______ was out of service. 22 Those slaves never stopped fighting for their ________.

23 ________ exist in large numbers in air, water, living and dead creatures and plants. They are often a cause of disease.

24 I like to ride my ________ to work, for it is much faster than a bike. 25 Farmers often use pesticides to kill ________.


rid..of be satisfied with lead a …life would rather refer to thanks to be rich in 1 _________ the doctor’s timely help, the boy was saved. 2 Since you don’t know the word, why not ________ a dictionary?

3 You have given the correct answer. I __________ it. 4 Before liberation people ________ miserable_______.

5 We must find ways to ________ the house _______ blackbeetles(蟑螂). 6 Vegetables ________ vitamins.

7 I _______ that he were here. I need his help.

Unit 3 A taste of English humour


第一组:vast, swing, astonish, overcome, snowstorm, slide, whisper, pancake, content, boil, fortunate, cruel, mountainous

1 Look! Some children are riding on the roller-coaster; others are playing on the ______ . 2 She ________ injury to win the Olympic gold medal. 3 In English classes, we often show ________.

4 I had a ________ and a few steamed buns for breakfast. 5 As we know, water _________ at 100℃.

6 It was _________ of the mother to kill her own kid. 7 French has many ________ regions for skiing in winter. 8 I was so ________ to get the first prize that I felt very excited.

9 I am not ________ to stay in my present job so I am considering changing a new one. 10 She ________ to me that she was afraid to tell her mother the result. 11 On their way back to the campsite they were caught in a ________ . 12 It made me really _______ that he had known all about our secret plan. 13 Canada is a country with ________ land but less populous.

第二组:failure, bottom, fortune, particular, worn-out, sense, outstanding, chew, homeless, entertain, throughout, difficulty, direct

14 I thank you for your kindness from the ________ of my heart.

15 Some kids are very ________ about food, that’s, they don’t have a balanced diet. 16 Old Li is very popular with us, for he has a good ________ of humour. 17 After the operation you may find it hard to _________ and swallow(吞咽). 18 He _________ us all with a few interesting jokes.

19 I am a beginner of the English language and have some _________ with its pronunciation.