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B. lowering the vapor pressure of the commodity C. lowering the dew point of the air D. raising the vapor pressure of the commodity KEY: D加热舱壁会使液体货物的蒸汽压力升高。

[176] A helmsman receives the command RIGHT 15 DEGREES RUDDER. The helmsman’s IMMEDIATE reply should be ______.


C. RUDDER IS RIGHT 15 D. No reply is necessary, just carry out the order KEY: B舵工听到右舵十五度的操舵命令时,立即重复右舵十五度。 [177] A high cube container is designed specifically to ______. A. carry low density cargoes B. protect fragile cargoes

C. stow cargoes with concentrated weights such as machinery D. carry cargoes of very low stowage factors KEY: A大体积集装箱用于装载轻泡货物。

[178] A high-velocity fog stream can be used in fire fighting situations to drive heat and smoke ahead of the fire fighters in a passageway. This technique should only be used when ______. A. using a 2-1/2 inch hose B. there is an outlet for the smoke and heat

C. the fire is totally contained by the ship’s structure D. at least two fog streams can be used

KEY: B烟或热量驱动走廊上的消防器,高速率雾蒸汽用于灭火,这种技术应仅用于由烟和热量的出口。 [179] A hook that will release quickly is a ______.

A. longshore hook B. margin hook C. marginal hook D. pelican hook KEY: D速脱钩能迅速释放。

[180] A hurricane moving northeast out of the Gulf passes west of your position. You could expect all of the following EXPECT ______.

A. higher than normal swells B. high winds

C. winds veering from south, through west, to northwest D. light showers

KEY: D飓风从海湾向东北方向移动,从你船西边通过,将遇到下列除小阵雨外的情况。 [181]同上

[182] A hydraulic accumulator aboard a ship is designed to ______.

A. store fluid under pressure B. act as a fluid reservoir C. provide overpressure relief D. replenish fluid to a system KEY: A船上的液体储存器被设计为用来储存液体的压力之下。 [183] A hydrostatic release mechanism for a liferaft ______. A. must be wet before it will release

B. should be kept in a watertight cover except in an emergency C. will inflate the raft in its cradle if operated manually

D. must be submerged to a certain depth to release automatically

KEY: D救生筏上的静水压力释放装置必须在侵入一定水深后才能自动释放。 [184] A hygrometer is device used for determining ______.

A. the absolute temperature B. atmospheric pressure C. wind velocity D. relative humidity KEY: D湿度计是用来确定相对湿度的仪器。 [185]同上

[186] A hygroscopic cargo is defined as a cargo ______. A. capable of absorbing moisture in the form of a gas B. capable of giving off moisture in the form of a liquid C. that is shipped in a liquid state D. that will ignite in contact with water

KEY: A吸湿货物定义为能够吸附气体水分的货物。

[187] A journal kept by the officer of the watch in which day to day happenings are recorded regarding the deck department is the ______.

A. cargo record book B. deck rough log C. bell book D. Official Logbook

KEY: B值班驾驶员保管记录有关甲板部每天发生情况的日志是甲板日志(航海日志草本)。 [188]同上

[189] A Kort nozzle is a(n) ______.

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A. hollow tube surrounding the propeller used to improve thrust B. nozzle attached to a firefighting hose

C. intake valve on a diesel engine D. piston cylinder on a diesel engine

KEY: AKort nozzle(科特导流管)是中间空心的,在螺旋桨周围的用来提高侧推力的导流管。 [190] A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted ______. A. red B. yellow

C. with red and white vertical stripes

D. with a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoy KEY: A大型导航浮筒漆成红色。

[191] A large oil fire on the deck of a ship can be fought most effectively with ______. A. dry chemical B. foam

C. high-velocity fog D. water (cartridge-operated)、

KEY: B甲板上大量由油水引起的火灾最有效的扑救方法是泡沫。

[192] A lashing used to secure two barges side by side, lashed in an X fashion, is called a ______. A. backing wire B. scissor wire C. face wire D. breast wire KEY: B用于两并靠船舶的绑扎,绑扎成“X”形状,被叫做交叉绑扎。 [193]A life line must be connected to the life raft______.

A.at the bow B.at the stern C.in the middle D.all around KEY: D救生索必须连续绕在救生筏四周。

[194] A life preserver or buoyant work vest is required to be worn on a ship when a person is ____ A. working on the rig floor B. working over water

C. working on the pipe racks D. operating line throwing equipment KEY: B在船上救生用具或有浮力的工作服当人员在水里工作时要求被穿。 [195] A light siglinal consisting of three flashes means ______.

A. I an in doubt as to your actions B. My engines are full speed astern C. I desire to overtake you D. I am operating astern propulsion KEY: D由三闪组成的灯光信号,表示我船正在后退。

[196] A light used to signal passing intentions must be an ______.

A. all-round yellow light only B. all-round white light only

C. all-round blue light only D. alternating red and yellow light KEY: B被用作操作意图信号的灯必须是环照白灯。

[197] A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a ______. A. longitude line B. latitude line C. line of position D. Fix KEY: C在任何时候,你船的船位联系时船位线。 [198]同上

[199] A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ______. A. circle of equal altitude B. parallel of declination C. parallel of altitude D. vertical circle KEY: A天体观测得到的船位线是等高度圈的一部分。 [200] A line of position is ______.

A. a line connecting two charted objects

B. a line on some point of which the vessel may be presumed to be located C. the position of your vessel D. not used in a running fix

KEY: B船位线是船舶一些推测位置点的连线。 [201] A load line of a ship is assigned by ______.

A. Minerals Management Service B. Department of Energy

C. Corps of Engineers D. A recognized classification society approved KEY: D船舶载重线是通过认可的船级社批准、勘划的。 [202]同上

[203] A lookout can leave his station ______.

A. at the end of the watch B. at any time

C. ONLY when properly relieved D. 15 minutes before the end of the watch KEY: C瞭望人员只有在交班时方可离开。 [204]同上

[205] A low in a marine weather report is an air pressure system the pressure at the center of which is ______.

A. the highest over the area B. the lowest over the area

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C. higher than 1013 HPA D. lower than 1013 HPA KEY: B低气压在航海天气报告中是气压系统中心气压最低的区域。

[206] A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit, or escopt procedure is know as ______.

A. Way point B. Receiving point C. Reporting point D. Closest point KEY: B接受点是一艘船舶进入,通过或护航的一处标志或地点。 [207]同上 [208]同上


A. VTS point B. Way point C. Reference point D. Establishment KEY: B要求船舶报告位置的标志或位置被称为航路点。

[210] A master would be well advised to note a sea protest if ______. A. portions of his vessel’s cargo were illegally impounded B. longshoreman went on strike against the overtime

C. the vessel encountered heavy weather which might have caused some damages to her D. a wreck of fishing boat was located on the voyage

KEY: C如果船舶遭遇了恶劣天气并有可能引起损坏,建议船长提交一份海事声明。

[211] A mean sun is used as the reference for solar time for three reasons. Which reason is NOT a cause for use of a mean sun? ______.

A. The motion of the apparent sun is along the ecliptic. B. Measurement of time is along the celestial equator. C. The speed of the Earth’s revolution is not constant. D. There are variations in the Earth’s rotational speed.

KEY: B平太阳被作为太阳时的三个原因,哪个不是使用平太阳的原因?地球旋转速度不是定值。 [212] A mercurial barometer at sea is subject to rapid variations in height (pumping) due to the

pitch and roll of the vessel. To avoid this error, measurements of atmospheric pressure at sea are usually measured with a(n) ______.

A. syphon barometer B. cistern barometer C. aneroid barometer D. fortin barometer

KEY: C由于船舶的纵倾和摇摆,在海上水银气压计受限于高度和速度变化,为避免这个错误,海上大气压的测量使用空盒气压计。


KEY: C通过极地冰区用破冰拖轮拖带,破冰拖轮尾部有特殊的槽口来容纳和固定被拖船的船首,这被定义为牢固组合拖带。

[214] A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a ______. A. charted record of atmospheric temperature over time B. charted record of atmospheric pressure over time

C. graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphere

D. graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable / combustible liquid KEY: B微型气压计是一个提供一段时间内大气压图表记录的静谧仪器。 [215]同上

[216] A mooring line is described as being 6x24, 1-3/4 inch wire rope. What do the above numbers refer to ? ______.

A. Strands, yarns, circumference B. Strands, wires, diameter

C. Wires, yarns, diameter D. Strands, circumference, wires

KEY: B系泊缆绳被描述为6x24, 1-3/4英寸的钢丝绳。以上数字代表什么?股数、金属丝、直径。

[217] A mooring line leading 45°to keel, used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel, is called a

A. spring line B. warp line C. bow line D. breast line

KEY: A与龙骨成45°的系泊缆绳,作为制止船舶前后移动,被叫做倒缆。

[218] A mooring line that prevents a vessel from moving sideways away from the dock is a ___. A. bow line B. breast line C. stern line D. spring line KEY: B 防止船舶从码头倾向移动的系泊缆绳是横缆。

[219] A navigator fixing a vessel’s position by radar ______.

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A. should never use radar bearings

B. should only use radar bearings when the range exceeds the distance to the horizon C.can use radar information from one object to fix the position D. must use information from targets forward of beam

KEY: C航海人员用雷达测定船位,可使用某一物标的雷达信息来定位。 [220] A negative metacentric height ______.

A. will always cause a vessel to capsize B. should always be immediately corrected C. always results from off-center weights D. All of the above are correct KEY: B负稳性高度应该被立即改正。

[221] A neutral equilibrium position for a vessel means that the metacenter is ______.

A. lower than the keel B. at the same height as the center of gravity C. exactly at midships D. at the center of the waterplane area KEY: B船舶的中性平衡状态是指船舶稳心与中心在相同高度。 [222] A new coil of nylon line should be opened by ______. A. pulling the end up through the eye of the coil B. taking a strain on both ends

C. uncoiling from the outside with the coil standing on end D. unreeling from a spool

KEY: D一卷心的尼龙绳通过线轴回卷才能解开。 [223] A partial deck in a hold is called a(n) ______. A. weather deck B. orlop deck C. shelter deck D. main deck KEY: B货舱里部分甲板称为下层甲板。

[224] A pattern according to which vessels and / or aircraft may conduct a co-ordinated search is a A. Research pattern B. Research mode

C. Search pattern D. Search and rescue mode KEY: C船舶和航空器进行协调搜救的模式叫做搜寻模式。 [225]同上

[226] A pelican hook ______.

A. can be released while under strain B. is used for boat falls

C. is used for extra heavy loads D. is used for light loads only KEY: A速脱钩能在紧张的情况下被释放。

[227] A person may operate an air compressor in which of the following areas on board a tankbarge? A. Pumproom B. Generator room

C. A space adjacent to a cargo tank D. A space two meters from a cargo valve 人员可以在液货驳船上那些地方操作空气压缩机?发电机室。 [228] A person who sees someone fall overboard should ______. A. call for help and keep the individual in sight

B. run to the radio room to send an emergency message C. immediately jump in the water to assist the individual D. go to the bridge to report the captain

KEY: A一个人看到人员落水应呼叫救人,并使他保持在视线之内。 [229]同上

[230] A pilot vessel on pilotage duty shall show identity lights ______. A. at any time while underway B. while at anchor C. while alongside a vessel D. All of the above

KEY: D引航员在进行引航任务时,应显示识别等号---在航时、锚泊时、并靠另一船舶时。 [231] A polyconic projection is based on a ______.

A. plane tangent at one point B. cylinder tangent at one parallel

C. cone tangent at one parallel D. series of cones tangent at selected parallels KEY: D多圆锥投影式用一系列锥形选择的平行线的正切线为基础的。 [232] A portable dry chemical fire extinguisher discharges by ______. A. gravity when the extinguisher is turned upside down B. pressure from a small CO2 cartridge on the extinguisher

C. air pressure from the hand pump attached to the extinguisher D. pressure from the reaction when water is mixed with the chemical

KEY: B便携式干粉灭火器通过灭火器内二氧化碳小气瓶的压力来排放药剂。

[233] A portable foam (stored-pressure type) fire extinguisher would be most useful in combating a fire in ______.

A. generators B. oil drums

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