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Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition

Take part in the world-famous Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition—open to young photographers from 4 January to 25 February 2018.For more than 50 years Wildlife Photographer of the Year has championed honest and positive wildlife photography.The competition rewards artistic innovation (创新) and technical excellence.

Ages and submissions.Open to photographers aged 17 and under.Submissions can range from animal portraiture,action or behaviour,as well as the wider habitats of wildlife,to artistic accounts of the natural world.

Rules and translation.Read the rules before entering the competition and submitting images.The competition categories and rules are translated into 12 languages.You can download them as PDFs below.

Awards and prizes.Handsome awards,global recognition,chances to enjoy widespread coverage in the media and online and to take centre stage at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards ceremony held on 24 May in the Natural History Museum building in London.

Key dates.Competition closes on 25 February 2018 at 11:30 GMT.Original and high-resolution (高分辨率的) files requested from 29 March until 11:30 GMT 8 April 2018.Winners will be contacted by 13 May 2018.

Keep up to date with the latest Wildlife Photographer of the Year news on our blog,or find us on Twitter and Facebook.See more at:


这是一篇应用文。介绍了举办2018 年野生动物摄影大赛的相关信息。 1.Who can take part in this competition? A.Old artists. B.London locals. C.Young photographers. D.Wildlife protectors.

C [细节理解题。由第一段“...open to young photographers from 4 January to 25

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February 2018.”可知,能够参加本届野生动物摄影大赛的是young photographers,故选择C 项。]

2.When will the prize-giving ceremony be held? A.On 25 February. B.On 29 March. C.On 13 May. D.On 24 May.

D [细节理解题。由第四段“...awards ceremony held on 24 May in the Natural History Museum building in London.”可知,颁奖仪式在5月24日举行。]

3.Where does the passage come from? A.A website. B.A magazine. C.A newspaper. D.A guidebook.

A [文章出处题。 由第三段“You can download them as PDFs below.”可看出,该文选自网络,应选A 项。]




The world's biggest learning technology show has opened in London,with Education Secretary Michael Gove promising a more ambitious computer science curriculum (课程) in schools in England.He says pupils as young as five will learn to code and program,but many children already do.

Amy Mather's first taste of coding was at a science festival,when she was 11.Now 14,she designs games,writes her own software and was named the European Digital Girl of the Year in 2013.“Everyone has ideas how to make our lives easier,” she says.“Coding gives you the power to do that.The sky's the limit.” The young coder who cashed in was Nick D' Aloisio,from London,made his fortune when he sold an app he created when he was 15.

Callum Easton,14,was at the London show with a group from his school in Portland,Dorset.His father,an engineer,gave him his first taste of coding when he was barely old enough to go to school.

Someone very aware of the growing interest in coding among teenagers is Steven Flower.He set up a group for young coders in Manchester in 2009.About eight turned

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up,all of them are boys.Now he's expecting 150 teenagers next month at his Manchester Coder Dojo.It will be a full house,and it is free.Many bring their own laptop,or their Raspberry Pi—a relatively simple computer for coding.And the parents who used to drop off their kids and come back later,now often stay to see what is going on.“The average age is about 10 and a half,but we have six-year-olds coming along,” he says.Plenty of those who turn up are girls,but they are still outnumbered by boys by a rate of 60:40.“Coding gets more attention now because it's cooler,” Steven says.

本文是一篇新闻报道。讲述了越来越多的青少年开始学习电脑编程。 4.What's Amy Mather's opinion about coding? A.Complex. C.Promising.

B.Boring. D.Useless.

C [观点态度题。根据第二段“‘Coding gives you the power to do that.The sky's the limit.’”可知答案为C。]

5.What does the underlined phrase “cashed in” most probably mean? A.Joined. C.Failed.

B.Earned money. D.Raised money.

B [词义猜测题。根据此短语后面的内容“from London,made his fortune when he sold an app he created when he was 15”可知应该是“赚钱”,因此答案为B。]

6.What can we infer from the text?

A.More girls than boys are learning to code. B.Learning to code in Coder Dojo is charged. C.Boys are better at coding than girls. D.Callum Easton was influenced by his father.

D [推理判断题。根据第三段中“His father,an engineer,gave him his first taste of coding when he was barely old enough to go to school.”可判断答案为D。]




“Good morning,boys and girls!” For decades this has been how English classes start in Germany.They are the first bits of vocabulary and basic phrases.For years now,however,increasing numbers of primary schools in Germany are teaching younger children their first foreign language.In order to better prepare children for a multilingual future,parents,educators and policymakers are seeking support behind

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the idea of “the earlier the better” when it comes to learning foreign languages.What's more,we may often hear these words that if you've gone through adolescence already,you'll no longer be able to speak a foreign language perfectly.But do they necessarily mean that small children in general learn foreign languages better than adolescents or adults?

“It depends on what we consider‘better’ with regard to foreign languages,” says Rudiger Grotjahn,a professor of language learning.“If we look at the end result of language acquisition,an early start is certainly advantageous.”

If “better” means faster,then young children don't do so well compared to adolescents or even young adults,especially at the beginning of the course when,according to Rudiger Grotjahn,the latter two groups make better progress.

Education psychology has also shown us that successful learning is mainly based on existing knowledge.The same is true for language learning.Furthermore,techniques have developed when learning the native language also plays an important role in learning a foreign language.

Children often respond to new languages with curiosity while adults increasingly depend on their own learning and life experiences to help them learn the words,structures and ideas of a foreign language.The result is that children learn more through games and gestures while adults take a more analytical approach with stricter rules.

Children learn languages differently from adults.Good foreign language courses should take these various requirements and methods into account.The joy of learning a foreign language is something that both the young and the old can experience to equal degree.


7.What does the underlined word “multilingual” in Paragraph 1 probably mean? A.Better than expected. B.Unclear of unknown. C.Going to happen soon. D.Using different languages.

D [词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“increasing numbers of primary schools in Germany are teaching younger children their first foreign language”可知,德国人让小孩从小开始学习外语,目的是让他们未来能够掌握多种语言。]

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