2015年高三年级六校联考英语试卷及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2015年高三年级六校联考英语试卷及答案更新完毕开始阅读6871169da300a6c30c229f9f



best students flocking to the same schools.

70. The PISA‘s new study indicates that ______.

A. Many other countries imitate Sweden‘s free education pattern B. Sweden‘s rankings declined compared to many years ago C. Swedish pupils fall behind those in other countries for years D. Sweden ranked low in social science, history and English

71. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. Universities are unsatisfied with new students‘ academic proficiency. B. Voters long for the immediate result of the education reform. C. It won‘t be long before Sweden revives in the global rating. D. Education will have influence on the following year‘s election. 72. What does the author say about the education in Sweden?

A. No students apply for teaching programs because teachers are poorly paid. B. The Social Democrats weren‘t to blame for the poor results of pupils. C. Immigration is a big barrier to overcome in Swedish education system. D. The highest expenditure on education distinguishes Sweden from others. 73. The free school choice widens the gap between schools because ______. A. the best students prefer the same school B. it was aimed to increase competition

C. it allows parents to choose between different schools D. municipal and independent schools are all tax-funded


BACK in the rosy mid-2000s, immigrants were tolerated and sometimes even welcomed in Britain. Times were good, and the hard-grafting folk who rushed in after Poland joined the EU in 2004 fared well. But five years of economic slump have hardened attitudes. Polls suggest the locals are turning frosty just as a new wave of immigrants, from Bulgaria and Romania, rumbles towards the nation‘s shores. Politicians reflect those fears. Yet the evidence suggests more immigration would be a boost, not a drag.

Britain‘s native population is remarkably stable. Since the early 1990s births have tallied so closely with deaths and emigration that the head count has been flat. Almost all of the country‘s population growth is down to immigration. The number of non-natives living in Britain rose from 4.8m in 1995 to 13.4m in 2011. Immigrants might make up a quarter of the country‘s population by 2015.

The mixed background of Britain‘s immigrants helps explain their effect on the labour market. The Migration Advisory Committee, an official commission, looked across a range of statistical studies and rubbished the notion that aliens push down wages and lift unemployment. There is little evidence of a relationship between immigration and average wages (indeed, some studies find that wages rise). If there is




a deleterious effect on employment, it seems to come from a specific type of immigrant—those from outside the EU—and to affect low-skilled natives.

Immigration does, however, seem to accentuate income inequality in Britain. New arrivals tend to have hugely variable skills, from hotshot programmers to manual labourers. They add disproportionately to the top and bottom of the wage scale, making it seem more polarised. And the perception of stiffening competition for low-paid work may be driving public opinion. In 2005 YouGov, a pollster, found that 56% of Britons supported the freedom of EU citizens to live and work where they chose. In the latest poll just 38% did.

This is not, however, a good reason to block immigration more strenuously, as both the Conservative and Labour parties pledge to do. Other factors are more important in pushing down wages in basic jobs. New technology has reduced the need for unskilled work. Income inequality is rising across the world, not just in Britain.

But immigration can be part of the solution. Immigrants are, on average, better educated than natives, according to a forthcoming paper by Christian Dustmann of University College London and Tommaso Frattini of the University of Milan. This means Britain gains from their skills without having to invest in schools. And they help balance the books. The researchers carefully allocated fiscal costs and revenues to natives and immigrants. They found some similarities: newcomers tend to be about as likely to live in social housing as natives. But immigrants are much less likely to receive any kind of state benefits. Immigrants from Europe and those who arrived after 2000, whatever their origin, are especially cheap.

74. Which of the following is not true according to the first paragraph?

A. Britain used to tolerate and welcome immigrants in the mid-2000s. B. The evidence suggests more immigrants will slow down the economy. C. Politicians fear that there will be a huge number of new immigrants.

D. Local people in Britain hold cold attitudes towards new immigrants now. 75. In the second paragraph, the author doesn‘t indicate ______.

A. Three out of four people in Britain will possibly be non-natives by 2015 B. Immigration is the contributing factor to the population growth in Britain C. There is no obvious change in emigration out to other countries

D. Birth and death rates have remained at almost equal levels for a long time 76. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The Conservative and Labour parties don‘t want to block immigration.

B. The notion that aliens push down wages and lift unemployment is acceptable. C. New technology is more important in lower wages and income inequality. D. The harmful effect of immigration on low-paid work changed public opinion. 77. What does the author imply in paragraph 6 by saying ―But immigration can be

part of the solution‖?

A. Immigrants is a solution to unemployment. B. Immigrants can‘t receive any state benefits. C. Immigrants are the cheap labour for Britain. D. Immigrants have to invest in school education.




Section C

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

SPACE travel has officially entered a new era. We still can‘t fly through space at the speed of light, but two new and exciting spacecrafts could be carrying astronauts into space as early as 2016.

The US space agency NASA has awarded Boeing and SpaceX the task of building the next generation of space taxis for its astronauts.

Boeing‘s CST-100 is just over 4.5 meters wide, slightly wider than SpaceX‘s Dragon V2 (at 3.7 meters). While they might not look large enough to be comfortable for even the smallest astronaut, believe it or not, both spacecrafts are designed to carry a maximum of seven people.

Both spacecrafts have similar overall designs. NASA‘s iconic shuttles were designed like a space plane. The CST-100, however, is based on capsule designs. It is similar to the one that George Clooney flew in the movie Gravity.

It is SpaceX that is the cooler company and may have made the cooler spacecraft. Its founder, Elon Musk, is the CEO of the electric car company Tesla Motors.

According to reports, the Dragon V2 will be able to land with ―the accuracy of a helicopter‖ by using eight thruster engines to control its landing. Inside the spacecraft, the pilot‘s pull-down control screen is futuristic, yet simple and beautiful. It looks like it could have been designed by Apple.

Boeing, on the other hand, has an impressive safety record with its airplanes, and the CST-100 is no exception. Unlike the Dragon V2, it needs parachutes and airbags for its landing. Both spacecrafts are reusable a number of times, which is set to ―revolutionize‖ the industry, according to experts.

Of course, no capsule or space plane is useful unless it has a rocket to launch it into space. SpaceX has already sent a rocket into space and will use its existing model, while Boeing is currently developing a rocket to send its capsule into space.

With NASA‘s support for private space companies marking a new era, space tourism is closer than ever before. So, in the words of American singer Frank Sinatra, ―fly me to the moon!‖

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS.)




78. Boeing and SpaceX are designated by NASA to manufacture ________________. 79. In addition to nearly the same size, what do CST-100 and Dragon V2 have in


80. Different from Boeing‘s CST-100, the Dragon V2 will use ________________

for its accurately safe landing.

81. What is the advantage of SpaceX over Boeing?


I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 街对过曾经有一家面包店。(There)

2. 爸爸让人从城里送来些圣诞礼物。 (have)

3. 在任何情况下,我们都不应该在网上发表不负责任的评论。(Under)

4. 在你考虑干什么工作时,不能忽视的一件事就是你能否把学到的知识用于实践。(apply)

5. 直到最近我才弄明白,为什么我一拨号码,手机就会自动关机。(It)

Ⅱ. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120—150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

〃简要介绍你喜欢的一项体育运动(可以从它的起源、发展、著名运动员等各个角度切入,不必面面俱到) 〃讲讲你为什么喜欢这项运动




17. skiing 18. philosophy 19. relax 20. studies 21. ninety/90 million 22. really impressive 23. an article 24. weighed (so) much 语法: 25---40: