第四章 人体解剖学泌尿系统练习题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章第四章 人体解剖学泌尿系统练习题及答案更新完毕开始阅读68a308b7a22d7375a417866fb84ae45c3a35c255

E.开口于膀胱 17.膀胱颈( ) A.为膀胱的最大部 B.活动度较大

C.在男性与前列腺相邻接 D.在女性与阴道相邻 E.全被腹膜覆盖

18.对男性尿道的描述,哪项是错误的?( ) A.兼有排尿和排精的功能 B.穿过前列腺

C.起自膀胱尿道内口,止于尿道外口 D.成人长约16~22cm E.以上都不对 19.男性尿道( ) A.有两处扩大、三处狭窄 B.膜部最短


D.有耻骨下弯和耻骨上弯两个弯曲 E.耻骨下弯可矫正

20. The renal hilum leads into a central recess named the( ) A. renal sinus B. renal pedicle C. renal pelvis D. major renal calyx E. minor renal calyx

21. Which of the following is not correct as regarding the kidneys?( ) A. They lie behind the parietal peritoneum against the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall

B. The superior end of the left kidney is at the level with the inferior border of the second lumbar vertebra

C. The left kidney is lower about a half body of vertebra than the right one D. The distance between the inferior extremities is longer than that between

the superior extremities

E. The renal hilum is at the level of the first lumbar vertebra

22. The three layers of coverings surrounding each kidney from the outside to the inside are called( )

A. the renal fascia, the adipose capsule, the fibrous capsule B. the renal fascia, the fibrous capsule, the adipose capsule C. the fibrous capsule, the renal fascia, the adipose capsule D. the fibrous capsule, the adipose capsule, the renal fascia E. the adipose capsule, the fibrous capsule, the renal fascia

23. The urine formed in the kidney passes through( )into the lesser calices.

A. the ureter B. the renal cortex C. the renal columns D. the renal papilla E. the papillary foramina 【B型题】

A.肾柱 B.肾锥体

C.肾盂 D.输尿管 E.肾筋膜

1.组成肾髓质的结构是( ) 2.由肾皮质构成的结构是( ) 3.位于肾窦内的结构是( ) A.尿道前列腺部 B.尿道膜部


D.尿道海绵体部 E.舟状窝

4.射精管开口于( ) 5.前列腺排泄管开口于( ) 6.尿道最狭窄处是( ) A.膀胱壁 B.输尿管间襞

C.膀胱颈 D.膀胱垂 E.膀胱三角

7.寻找输尿管口的标志是( ) 8.结核、肿瘤的好发部位是( ) A.脂肪囊


C.肾筋膜 D.肌织膜 E.肾前筋膜

9.肾囊封闭是将药物注入( ) 10.肾部分切除时须缝合的是( ) 【X型题】 1.肾的位置( ) A.位于腹膜后间隙内 B.左肾上端平第12胸椎 C.第12肋斜过右肾后面的中部 D.肾门约平第1腰椎体平面

E.腰大肌外侧缘与第12肋之间的部位为肾区 2.肾被膜( )

A.纤维囊在正常状态下易与肾实质剥离 B.肾筋膜包绕肾和肾上腺 C.肾筋膜前、后两层向下互相融合

D.肾筋膜后层越过中线与对侧续连 E.肾被膜有固定肾的作用 3.输尿管( ) A.在肾窦内起于肾盂 B.斜穿膀胱壁,终于膀胱 C.全长有三处狭窄

D.膀胱内压增加时尿液易返流 E.女性输尿管与子宫颈相交 4.膀胱( )


B.男性后方有精囊、输精管和直肠 C.空虚时膀胱尖一般不超过耻骨联合上缘 D.充盈穿刺时需经腹膜腔 E膀胱三角位于膀胱底的内面 5.女性尿道( )

A.穿过盆膈时周围有括约肌环绕 B.有三个狭窄、三个扩大 C.尿道外口开口于阴道前庭 D.仅有排尿机能 E.较男性尿道短、宽且直

6.The urinary system consist of( ) A. two kidneys B. two ureters C. one urinary bladder D. one vagina E. our urethra

7. The renal vascular segmentation was recognized as(A. superior segment

B. superior anterior segment C. inferior segment