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2. It’s nice ______ Andy ______ me with my English study. A. at; to help B. of; to help C. with; help D. of; help 【答案】B

◆4. We weren’t very rich, but we were happy.

but一词在英语教材中复现率极高,用法也颇为复杂,现总结如下: 表示转折的并列连词有but(但是)

⑴ 用作连词,表示转折,意为“但是”,“可是”,“而且”。例如:English may be hard, but it is the most important of all. 英语虽然很难,但却是最重要的。

⑵ 用作副词,意为 “仅仅”“只是”,(=only),例如: You have but choices—follow me or refuse me. 你只有两个选择,要么听我的,要么拒绝我。

⑶ 用作介词,意为“除了”(多和不定代词连用)。例如: They are all wrong but her/she.除了她以外,他们都错了。 You can find that kind of thing nowhere but in England. 这种东西只能在英国找到。 【固定搭配】

not?but “不是?而是?”

not only?but also “不但?而且?” cannot help but “不得不”,后接动词原形 【链接中考】 (年上海市)

1. Money is important, _______ it can’t buy everything. A. for B. but

C. or

D. so

【答案】B (北京市)

2. — Would you like to go to the concert with me? — I’d love to, ______ I’m afraid I have no time.

A. so

B. or

C. and

D. but



◆5. Many people even prefer them to cheaper clothes.

prefer作及物动词使用,通常意思是“更喜欢,宁愿”。 ⑴ prefer+名词/ 动名词/ 不定式。例如:

I prefer some apples. / I prefer having(to have) some apples.我更喜欢吃苹果。 ⑵ prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事。例如:

My daddy prefers me not to swim in that river because it’s too dangerous. 我爸爸宁愿我不要去那条河里游泳因为那太危险了。 ⑶ prefer A to B 在A和B中更喜欢A。例如:

I prefer green tea to coffee. 绿茶和咖啡比较起来我更喜欢绿茶。 I prefer cooking myself to eating out. 我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃。


⑷ prefer to do something rather than ...

这个用法类似于用法⑶,不过rather than后面可以是不定式、名词、动名词或动词原形。 例如:

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out in the heavy rain. 我宁愿呆在家里也不想冒这么大的雨出去。

【注意】这里rather than后面可以用going out或to go out都可以。而且rather than也可以放在句子开头:Rather than go out in the heavy rain, I prefer to stay at home.

⑸ 宾语从句prefer that 宾语从句中常用虚拟语气。例如:

I prefer that we should gather more information on that issue. 我觉得关于那个事情我们最好收集更多信息。 【链接中考】 (四川省巴中市)

1. They preferred ______ rather than ______ a bike.

A. to walk; to ride B. walking; riding C. to walk; ride 【答案】C (山东省泰安市)

2. — How about going shopping this weekend, Peter?


— Sorry. I prefer ______ rather than ______. A. to stay at home, go out C. staying at home, go out 【答案】A

◆6. Can I help you?

这是口语中一句极为常用的句子(也说What can I do for you?或May I help you?等),广泛用于商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场所,作为对顾客的招呼语。其本义是:要我帮忙吗?我可以帮你吗?我能替你做点什么吗?但具体含义要视场合而定。 例如:

①— Can I help you?你要买点什么?

— Thank you. I want some bananas, please. 谢谢,我买点香蕉。 ②— What can I do for you, madam?夫人,你要买点什么?

— I’m looking for a dress for my daughter. 我想想为女儿买件连衣裙。 ③— Can I help yon, sir?先生,要吃点什么吗?

— Just a cup of tea and two eggs, please. 只要一杯茶和两只鸡蛋。 ④— What can I do for you?你要邮寄什么?

— I’d like to send this parcel to Beijing. 我要把这个包寄到北京去。

⑤— Good evening,sir. Welcome to the Friendship Hotel. What can I do for you?


— Thanks. Have you got a single room tonight? 谢谢,今晚有单人房间吗? 【链接中考】 (重庆市课改实验区) — _______?

— Yes, I want to buy some flowers for my mom.

A. Can I help you B. Can you help me C. Are you OK D. Do you like it 【答案】A

◆7. I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stones.

◇“see sb. doing sth.”表示看到某人正在做某事,强调“看见某人正在做某事”。


Can’t you see them playing football? 难到你没看见他们在踢足球吗?


B. to go out, stay at home D. going out, stay at home

◇ 能用于这种句型的动词还有feel,hear,watch,notice等 。这类动词后的宾语补足语也可以是不带to的动词不定式。例如:

A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.一位妇女经过的时候,看到了事情发生的过程。 ◇ 用现在分词作宾补和用不带to的不定式作宾补,在意思上也常有区别:前者表示正在进行的部分动作,而后者则表示已经完成的全部动作。试比较:

I saw the train coming into the station.我看见火车正在进站。 I saw the train come into the station.我看见了火车进站。 【链接中考】 (四川省成都市)

1. — Where’s your brother now, Bob?

— I saw him ______ in the street a moment ago and I told him _______. A. playing; don’t do so B. playing; not to so C. play; to do so 【答案】B (浙江绍兴市)

2. — Is Jack in the library?

— Maybe. I saw him ______ out with some books just now.

A. going B. go C. to go D. went 【答案】B

◆8. ?why we shouldn’t keep all the lights in our house on all night.

⑴ keep用作及物动词,意为“保存;保留;保持;照顾;养活”。例如: I’ll keep a seat for you.我给你留个座位。 Can you keep a secret? 你能保守秘密吗?

She kept her sister for a week while her sister was ill.她妹妹有病时,她照看她了一个星期。 ⑵ keep+宾语+补足语


We should keep our classroom clean and tidy.(形容词)我们应保持教室整洁干净。 You’d better keep the child away from the fire.(副词)你最好让孩子离火远一点。 The bad weather keeps us inside the house.(介词短语)坏天气使我们不能出门。