人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit1 What’s the matter》教学设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册《Unit1 What’s the matter》教学设计更新完毕开始阅读69893691ed3a87c24028915f804d2b160b4e86c8

教学过程设计: Step 1. Warming up

1. Play the video about “What’s the matter ? ”. There is a girl in the video

who meets some problems in life. Students watch the video and find out the problems.

2. Encourage the students to talk about the video and answer “What’s the matter

with the girl? ”

3. Lead into the topic: Unit1 What’s the matter ?.

【设计说明】 用多媒体课件直观、生动,而且视频内容感染着学生,有助于激发他们的学习兴趣。

Step 2. Presentation(I)

1. Play a “showing game”. Encourage one student to introduce the parts of the body. (Students say “arm, leg, head and so on by pointing at them.”)

2. Show four pictures to students in turns. Teach them “foot--feet,tooth--teeth”.(学生总结foot与tooth复数的变化规律。) 3. Do with 1a .

1) . First talk about the picture in 1a with the two questions. ? What can you see? ? What else can you see ? 2). Students read aloud and remember them .

3). Write the correct letter (a--m) for each part of the body.

4). Correct out the answers. (处理1a之前让孩子们预先讨论1a图片,这就为 处理1a搭好了脚手架。孩子们做起来得心应手。)

4. Show a picture of Du Feiyu. He looks very sad. So I ask him:“What’s the matter with you?” He says“I have a cold.” (由此导入本课功能句:What’s the matter with you? I have a ...)

5. Show other pictures to present: “ have a cough, have a fever”.

6. Encourage the students to work in pairs to talk about the three problems. A: What’s the matters with you? B: I have a cold/ cough/ fever. 7. Use the same ways to present and practice other problems. (eg: have a

headache/toothache/..., have a sore back/throat/ cut.... At the same time. Students

practice the problems in pairs.)

8. Show all the problems on the same screen and get them to work in pairs. 9. The teacher gives a model to practice the conversation in groups. A: What’s the matter with you? B: I have a cough.

C: What’s the matter with him/ her?

D: He/She has a cough. (由两人一组的活动变为四人一组的小组合作学习,既练习了一,二人称又练习了第三人称。学生练习既充分又到位。) 【设计说明】

教师先示范这个对话,之后分组( 4-人为一组) 进行滚雪球式的操练,句子说得越多越好, 速度越快越好。然后以小组为单位进行句子的竞赛。由单词学习向句型操练过渡,同时可以训练学生的发散思维和创新意识。小组合作学习可以培养学生的合作精神,比赛的方式可以使课堂充满和谐愉悦的气氛,提高学习效率。 Step 3 Consolidation (I)

1. Encourage the students to talk about the picture again .(1a) 2.Go through the names of the children.(为听力搭建了一个好的脚手架) 3. Listen and number the names in 1b.

4. Read the five listening conversations and retell them with the conversation. A: What’s the matter with Nancy/...? B: She/He has a ... .

5. Write down a passage to describe the conversations.

Sarah has a cold. Nancy has a _______________. David has a ______________. Judy _________________ and Ben _____________________.

(对于1b听力的处理我设计了听----说---读----写这四个环节。 既有素材的输入又有语言的输出,还培养了孩子们语言运用的能力。 ) Step4. Presentation (II)

1. Show Du Feiyu’s picture to present: T: What’s the matter with you?

Du: I have a cold and have a fever. What should I do? T: I think you should take your temperature.

2. Present other advice by the same way. have a cough → drink some hot tea with honey have a stomachache → lie down and rest

have a toothache→see a dentist and get an X--ray

cut myself→ put some medicine on it (展示这些听力材料中出现的问题,让孩子们能提前感知,提前接受。并为处理听力材料打好基础。)

3. Encourage the students to learn and practice in pairs.

A: What’s the matter with you? B: I have a ..... . What should I do? A: I think you should ...... .

(课件中展示出这些问题与建议的图画,降低学生对话的难度,增强学习兴趣,这也使得大多数学生动起来,积极地参与到两人一小组的活动中。) 4. Students work in pairs again. 【设计说明】

教师先示范这个对话,之后分组( 4-人为一组) 进行滚雪球式的操练,句子说得越多越好, 速度越快越好。然后以小组为单位进行句子的竞赛。由单词学习向句型操练过渡,同时可以训练学生的发散思维和创新意识。小组合作学习可以培养学生的合作精神,比赛的方式可以使课堂充满和谐愉悦的气氛,提高学习效率。 Step 5. Consolidation (II)

1. Show the picture to students. (2a) . Get them to talk about “What’s the matter? What should ...do?”

2. Encourage the students to say their ideas.

3. Encourage the students to listen to the tape . Number the pictures (1--5) in the order. (2a)

4. Get the students to read the chunks in 2b together.

5. Listen again and match the problems with the advice.

6. Check out the answers.with the sentences: If I have a ....., I should ... . 7. Show the pictures to the students again and get them to describe the pictures in groups.(2c)

A: What’s the matter with the girl/ boy?

B: She/He has.... What should she/he do? A: Maybe she/he should... . 【设计说明】

此环节为听力训练,旨在锻炼学生听的能力。但是若直接播放听力学生不免难以入耳,所以,我首先让孩子们讨论课本提供的图画。这有利于他们熟悉听力,捕捉有效信息。紧接着又让他们浏览了2b 里的语块。我相信在层层铺垫下,学生们会顺着脚手架轻松而上的。最后,我又设计了一个小展示:

A: What’s the matter with the girl/ boy? B: She/He has.... What should she/he do? A: Maybe she/he should... .

(这不仅锻炼学生们听的能力又提高了他们说的能力和技巧)。 Step6. Summary

1. Show student a mind map. Encourage them to sum up. 2. Talk about the mind map.

3. Sum up the problems and the advice they have learned. 【设计说明】

此环节的设计目的是在前两个环节的铺垫下,提出问题,激发其明确而强烈的学习动机,本活动属于思维训练,旨在培养学生的思维能力和运用英语表达的能力。把课堂教学过程转化为学生主动参与学、用的过程。并为接下来的小组调查做好铺垫。 Step7 Survey and writing

1. Students make a survey in groups to fill in the chart.

Name I

2. Encourage the students to give us a talk about their result.

Problems have a fever Advice take your temperature