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retirees. These seniors are already changing the face of big cities. One developer, Fran Mc Carthy asks: “Who ever thought that suburban flight would be roundtrip?” The trickle of older folks returning to the city has grown into a steady stream. While some cities, especially those with few cultural offerings, have seen an exodus of seniors, urban planners say others have become retirees magnets. Between 1999 and 2000, the population of 64-to-75-year-olds in downtown Chicago rose 17 percent. Austin, New Orleans, and Los Angeles have seen double-digit increases as well. There may be hidden health benefits to city living. A study reveals that moving from suburbs to the city can ward off the byproduct of aging--- social isolation. In the next six years, downtowns are expected to grow even grayer. For affluent retirees, city life is an increasingly popular option.

48. Retired seniors are moving back into the city because____________. A. they find there are too many crimes in the suburbs

B. unlike the flats in the city, their country house have stairs to climb C. they are no longer interested in playing golf

D. in the city, they have more social and cultural life against loneliness 49. From the passage we can infer that_________.

A. the real-estate developers have broken their original contracts of construction with senior retirees

B. a life in the downtown city is expensive, and most of those retirees who moved back into the city are very well-off

C. with more older people living in the city, the city will become gray and less beautiful D. very soon the American suburban areas will face their low population crisis 50. Fran Mc Carthy’s question means: nobody ever thought that__________. A. people who moved out of the city decades ago now would move back B. suburban dwellers when moving back into the city must take roundtrip C. suburban flight years ago would go in circles

D. senior people’s moving back into the city would take place all over the United States

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. Put your answers on ANSWERSHEET(2)15

(51) Being angry increases the risk of injury, especially among men, new research says. There searchers gathered data on more than 2,400 accident victims at three Missouri hospitals. They interviewed each subject to determine the patient’s emotional state just before the injury and 24 hours earlier, gathering data on whether the patients felt irritable, angry or hostile, and to what degree. Then they compared the results with a control group of uninjured people.

(52)Despite widespread belief in “road rage,” anger did not correlate with injuries from traffic accidents.

(53)Not surprisingly, anger was strongly associated with injuries inflicted deliberately. But other injuries– those neither intentionally inflicted nor from falls or traffic accidents– also showed strong associations with anger.

(54)The correlations were significantly weaker for women than for men, but there were no differences by race. The authors acknowledge that their data depend on self-reports, which are not always reliable.

(55)Why anger correlates with injury is not known. “I can speculate that the anger may have prompted some behavior that led to the injury, or may have simply distracted the person, leading indirectly to the injury,” said the study’s lead author. Part Four: Cloze Test10

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. Put your answers on ANSWERSHEET (2).

Last year French drivers killed(56)_______ than 5,000 people on the roads for the first time in decades. Credit goes largely(57)________ the 1,000 automated radar cameras planted on the nation’s high ways since 2003, which experts reckon(58)_______ 3,000 lives last year. Success, of course breeds success: the government plans to install 500(59)______radar devices this year.

So it goes with surveillance these days. Europeans used to look at the security cameras posted in British cities, subways and buses(60)_______ the seeds of an Orwellian world that was largely unacceptable in Continental Europe. But last year’s London bombing, in which video cameras(61)________a key role in identifying the perpetrators, have helped spuraseachange. A month(62)_______ the London attacks, half of Germans supported EU-wide plans to require Internet providers and telecoms to store all e-mail, Internet and phone data for “anti-terror”(63)______.In a British poll, 73 percent of respondents said they were(64)_______ to give up some civil liberty to improve(65)________. Part Five: Proof reading 10

Directions: In the following passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, ONE in each numbered and underlined part. You may have to change a word, add a word, or just delete a word. If you change a word, cross it with a slash(/) and write the correct word beside it. If you add a word, write the missing word between the words (in brackets) immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash(/). Put your answer on ANSWERSHEET(2). Examples:

eg.1(66)The meeting begun 2 hours ago.

Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(66) begun began

eg.2(67) Scarcely they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtain went up.

Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(67)(Scarcely) had (they) eg.3(68)Never will I not do it again.

Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(68)not

(66)Application files are piled highly this month in colleges across the country.(67) Admissions officers are poring essays and recommendation letters, scouring transcripts and standardized test scores.

(68)But anything is missing from many applications: a class ranking, once a major component in admissions decisions.

In the cat-and-mouse maneuvering over admission to prestigious colleges and universities, (69) thousands of high schools have simply stopped providing that information, concluding it could harm the chances of their very better, but not best, students.

(70)Canny college officials,in turn, have found a tactical way to response.(71) Using broad data that high schools often provide, like a distribution of grade averages for entire senior class, they essentially recreate an applicant’s class rank. (72)The process has left them exasperating.

(73)“If we’re looking at your son or daughter and you want us to know that they are among the best in their school, with a rank we don’t necessarily know that,” said Jim Bock, dean of admissions and financial aid at Swarthmore College. (74)Admissions directors say strategy can backfire.

When high schools do not provide enough general information to recreate the class rank calculation, (75) many admissions directors say they have little choice and to do something virtually no one wants them to do: give more weight to scores on the SAT and other standardized exams. Part Six: Writing15

Directions: Write a short composition of about 250 to 300 words on the topic given below. Write it neatly on ANSWERSHEET(2).

Recently, a newspaper carried an article entitled: “We Should No Longer Force Gong Li and Zhang Yimou to Take Part in National Politics”. The article argued that some artists and film stars are unwilling or unqualified to represent the people in the People’s Congress or the People’s Political Consultative Conference, and they should not be forced to do so. What do you think?

56. fewer 57. to 58. saved 59. more 60. as 61. played 62. after 63. purposes 64. ready/ willing 65. security

北京大学2006年博士入学考试试题答案 Listening0.5each)

1-5 BCAAD 6-10 BADCA 11-15 CBADA 16-20 BDCBC C1:immune C11:insufficient C2:range C12:accidents C3:quarter C13:wheel C4:uninterrupted C14:shift C5:tossing C15:risk

C6:destined C16:deteriorates C7:claim C17:snatch C8:fooling C18:skeptical C9:deprivation C19:substitute C10:correlation C20:insomnia Structureandwrittenexpression1pointeach)

21-25accdd 26-30adaab 31-35cdbab 36-40abcbc Reading1pointeach)

41-45ccbda 46-50cbdba Paraphrasing:(3pointseach)

51.According to new research, getting angry adds to the chances of getting physically hurt, particularly for male.

52.even people generally believe that people easily get angry when driving on the road, but anger didn’t have much/anything to do with injuries from traffic accidents,/ but not many injuries from traffic accidents are the results of anger on the road.

53.It is not at all surprising that anger is a very important reason for people who intentionally hurt themselves.

54.We see this strong link between anger and injury more in men than in women, but different races of people did not show much variation.

55. People do not know yet why anger is associated with injury. Cloze:(1pointeach)

56.Fewer57.To 58.Saved 59.More 60.As 61.Played 62.After 63.Purposes 64.Ready 65.Security Proofreading:(1pointeach)

66.Highly-high 67.Pore-poreover 68.Anything-something 69.Better-good 70.Response-respond 71.Forentire-foranentire 72.Exasperating-exasperatedbS 73.With-without 74.Strategy-thestrategy 75.And-but Writing:(15points)