初中英语金榜学案精练精析:期末综合检测(鲁教版五四制 七上) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章初中英语金榜学案精练精析:期末综合检测(鲁教版五四制 七上)更新完毕开始阅读6a55956cae1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45b307fe24




Units 1~8 (120分钟 120分) 第Ⅰ卷(共75分)



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


6.How long did Emily sleep last night? A.Six hours. C.Eight hours.

7.What’s the matter with the woman? A.She has a fever. C.She has a cold.

B.She feels cold.

B.Seven hours.

8.Is the woman staying in Beijing next Tuesday? A.Yes,she is. C.We don’t know.

9.How does Mary usually go to school? A.By bike. C.By train.

10.How is Tina different from Tara? A.Tina is taller.

B.Tina’s hair is longer.

B.By bus.

B.No,she isn’t.

C.Tina’s hair is curlier.


听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。 11.What is Lisa doing? A.She is reading.

B.She is watching TV.

C.She’s doing homework.

12.What kind of movie do they want to see? A.Action movies. C.Comedies.

听第二段对话,回答第13~15小题。 13.What does Li Yuchun do? A.She’s a writer. C.She’s a reporter.

B.She’s a pop singer.

B.Scary movies.

14.What does Li Yuchun look like?

A.She’s tall and thin.She has short black hair. B.She’s tall and heavy.

C.She’s short and has long black hair. 15.Who’s that woman over there? A.She’s the girl’s mother. B.She’s the girl’s aunt.

C.She’s the girl’s English teacher.


16.How often does Tom walk two miles after he gets up? A.Often.



17.What does Tom do after school five times a week? A.He plays the piano. B.He does his homework.

C.He plays basketball and does homework. 18.Does Tom watch TV? A.Yes,he does. C.I don’t know.

19.Does Tom play computer games once or twice a week? A.Once or twice a week. C.Once a week.

B.Twice a week.

B.No,he doesn’t.

20.How often does Tom eat fruit and vegetables? A.Never.

B.Every day.

C.Once a week.


1.Henry wants to be actor like Jackie Chan in the future. A.a




2.—What does his father look like? — . A.He’s forty-two C.He’s a doctor

B.He’s very thin D.He works in a school

3. we remember all the new words. A.First of all C.At first

B.In the end D.At the end

4.— do you go for a trip with your family? —Once a week. A.How soon C.How often

B.How far D.How long

5.—Would you like some noodles? — .I’m full. A.Yes,please

B.I’d love to D.No,thanks

C.No,I wouldn’t

6.Don’t forget an umbrella you.It seems to rain. A.to take;to

B.taking;to D.taking;with

C.to take;with