2018年上海市松江区中考英语一模试卷及答案考点详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018年上海市松江区中考英语一模试卷及答案考点详解更新完毕开始阅读6a690c28001ca300a6c30c22590102020740f2ca

A. deep understanding between the mother and the daughter B. different ideas between the mother and the daughter C. free talks between the mother and the daughter D. part of the sea going far in land

71. Elizabeth wrote to her mother to . A. apologize to her B. express thanks to her C. have heart﹣to﹣heart talks D. make her cry

72. Elizabeth was probably . A. a teacher B. a doctor C. a novelist D. an actress

73. Which of the following statements is true according to the writer? A. The letter had never got to Elizabeth's mother.

B. Elizabeth and her mother often argued with each other. C. Elizabeth realized her mother forgave her at last. D. Elizabeth's mother was too emotional. 74. What's the best title of the passage? A. My mother's desk B. A letter to my mother

C. Talks between Mother and Me D. My happy family

43.(6分)The perfect language learner

Every language student wants to know the secret to making the post progress in the shortest time. What does the perfect learner do to better acquire a foreign language? The following are some tips which may help you (75) your language skills. Learn every day


Even when you are really tired, do some learning, even if it's only 5﹣10minutes. Never miss a chance to increase your knowledge. Use it, (76) lose it! Practice makes perfect. Memorize new vocabulary

To really learn a new word, you have to remind yourself of it six times over hours, days and weeks. Write down all your new vocabulary in a little book that you can always carry around with you, or keep a (77) in your mobile﹣﹣﹣you always have it with you, don't you? According to a recent study, 86percent of the participants believe that they are more likely to be successful in remembering new words with a vocabulary list. Be (78)

Don't worry about small mistakes! No one minds! When you learn new vocabulary or grammar, use it as soon as possible. If you can't use them (79) , it is likely that someone will corrct you at once. Challenge yourself! Go for it!

(80) , you can use technology to improve your English such as listening to podcasts(播客)of native speakers, reading news in the language you are learning, watching videos etc. Cheer up! You can be a perfect language learner! 75. A. affect 76. A. and 77. A. diary 78. A. serious 79. A. accurately

B. create B. or B. program B. active B. freely

C. improve C. but C. record C. honest C. completely

D. follow D. so D. promise D. brave D. easily

80. A. For these reasons B. In addition C. In other words D. In a word 44.(8分)Cars make our life more convenient. But they can also be a problem, especially fossil fuel(化石燃料)cars, which are a major cause of air pollution. To improve the environment, many countries are d(81) electric vehicles(EVs, 电动车). Among them, China is taking a leading role and has created the world's largest EV m(82) , according to the Wall Street Journal. Last year, over 40percent of the 753,000EVs sold worldwide were sold in China,


more than twice as many as the number sold in the United States, according to the International Energy Agency.

Chinese drivers are already big fans of ECs. Chinese auto companies(汽车公司)i(83) BYD and BAIC(北汽集团)were among the top in the world in EV sales. \,\customer, who bought an electric car from BAIC this year.

However, there are still some problems. It is h(84) to find charging piles(充电桩). The cars can't go far before they need to be recharged.

S(85) of these problems are being solved, In 2014, China had 31,000charging piles, according to Xinhua News Agency. Now China has the world's largest EV charging network, with more than 167,000charging piles altogether, according to the Economic Daily.

China is trying to make EVs p(86) to reduce pressure(压力)on its environment. The government promised to s(87) increasing carbon dioxide(二氧化碳).

\, so will the world's auto industry,\. 45.(6分)Chinese boys are failing to become men according to a new book CALLED Save the Boys. The book says today's Chinese boys are both physically and emotionally(情感地)weak. It claims, in effect, that boys are becoming more girly!

The writers of the book say modern culture and education system have an effect on this situation. They also say boys' learning is constricted(受限制的)by having to sit still in class all day. They don't have good role models in school because most of their teachers are women. On top of that, most men role models in pop﹣culture, the authors say, are effeminate(女子气的).

Now, if you are a boy reading this, you shouldn't get too nervous(you may already be laughing!), because the book is just talking about social changes that have been happening all over the world, not just in China. When the world was becoming richer, the traditional roles of men and women changed a lot. Now we no longer


live in old times when men had to defend their families from man﹣eating tigers. And women are no longer financially(经济地)dependent on men because they have their own jobs and careers.

Becoming a man is a difficult and long process. Your best role model is probably your father. From our fathers we learn that a man is honest and kind. He is responsible and hardworking. He always faces difficulties and doesn't complain or make excuses. He may not have big muscles, but he does have a big heart. As long as there are good fathers, there is no need to worry about\.

88. What's today's Chinese boys' problem according to a book called Save the Boys?

89. According to the book, what causes the boys' problem? 90. Why do the boys have no good role models in school?

91. According to the book, social changes are just happening in China, aren't they?

92. Who can be the boys' best role model? 93, What can we do to help boys become men?

七、 Writing(作文)(共20分)

46.(20分)Write a passage of at least 60words on the topic\sth./doing sth.\(以\我期待…\为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格.)

(注意:短文中不得出现真实姓名和校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分.) 提示:在你今后的生活和学习中有什么期待?为何有这样的期待?为此你将如何作努力?
