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2011---2012学年高一英语必修3 Module 2 学案 编号:1 使用时间:2011.3 班级: 小组: 姓名: 教师评价: 疯狂记忆单词和短语 知识梳理: MODULE 5 VOCABULARY 导学案 编制人:张翰墨 唐丹 宋小雪 审核人:刘祖林 包科领导: 【学习目标】: 1、掌握本单元所要求词汇的词意、拼写及用法。 2、树立学好英语的信心,体验学习成功的快乐。 3、通过合作学习,培养同学们互帮互助的品格。 【要点难点】: 重点词汇的拼写及用法。 【使用说明与学法指导】: 1、用10分钟朗读本单元词汇,并通过读音来掌握词汇的拼写。 2、用10分钟基本掌握本单元所要求词汇的词意、拼写及用法。 3、用10分钟巩固拓展并完成练习 【自主学习】要求:应用所掌握的音标知识及拼读规则,用15分钟朗读本单元词汇 (on Page113),并通过读音来掌握词汇的拼写。 重点单词与短语: hunger n.饥饿---adj. hungry饥饿的 income n.收入 poverty n.贫穷 human n.(与动物等对比的)人 development n.发展 measure vt.测定;测量;评估 goal n.目标 expectancy n.(根据概率得出的)预期数额 position n.位置 educate vt.教育;培养;训练 figure n.数字 charity n.慈善团体 crowded adj.拥挤的 freeway n.高速公路 inhabitant n.居民 similarity n.类似;相似--- adj. similar 相似的 location n.位置;所在地 transport n.交通工具 industrial adj.工业的 polluted adj.受到污染的--- n. pollution污染 vast adj.巨大的;庞大的;浩瀚的 entertainment n.娱乐 exchange n.交换 at the bottom of 在。。。底部 make efforts 努力 be connected with 与。。。有联系 be close to接近;靠近 Self-check: (预习学案) 1._________ n.饥饿---adj._________饥饿的 2..收入______________ 3.___________ n.贫穷 4.(与动物等对比的)人 __________ 5.____________ n.发展 6..测定;测量;评估____________ 7.___________ n.目标 8.(根据概率得出的)预期数额_________ 9.___________ n.位置 10..教育;培养;训练____________ 11.___________ n.数字 12.慈善团体__________ 13.___________ adj.拥挤的 14..高速公路___________ 15.___________ n.居民 16.___________ n.类似;相似--- adj.__________相似的 17.__________ n.位置;所在地 18.交通工具_____________ 19.___________ adj.工业的 20.___________ adj.受到污染的--- n.________污染 21.巨大的;庞大的;浩瀚的_______ 22._____________ n.娱乐 23.交换___________ 24.在。。。底部_____________ 25.努力___________ 26.与。。。有联系________________ 27.接近;靠近_________________ 必修3Module 2共(18)页


探究学案 (一)重难点单词与短语 1.reduce vt.&vi.减少,减轻 原文P12 In the year 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or 我的质疑: earlier. 翻译:_________________________________________________________________________. 【例句】They were reducing wages.他们一直在缩减工资。 【拓展】1)reduce vi. 设法减轻体重 e.g. No sugar, thank you. I’m _____________. 我不吃糖,谢谢。我正在减肥。 2)reduction n.【C,U】减少,降低 e.g. ① There has been _________ in price. 价格有所下降。 ② The strike began late in September in protest against __________ of wages. 为了反抗工资的减少,他们9月份开始了罢工。 2.measure vt.测量;估量,仔细考虑;衡量 原文P12 The Index measures a country’s achievements in three ways. 翻译: __________________________________________________. 【例句】①We ______ the room and found it was 20 feet long and 15 feet wide. 我们测量了这件屋子,它长20英尺,宽15英寸。 ② The tailor _______ me for a suit. 这个裁缝给我量尺寸订做了一套衣服。 ③ The achievements of schools shouldn’t ___________ only by the enrolment rate. 学校的成绩不应当仅仅用升学率来估量。 ④ ______________________________________________________. 礼貌的重要性难以衡量。 【拓展】measure n. 尺寸,措施 常见短语: take measures采取措施 make sth. to sb’s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物 【例句】① An inch is _____________ of length.英寸是长度的度量单位。 ②_____________________________________ to improve your working conditions.’ 你们应该采取有效措施来改善你们的工作环境。 ③ Mr. Smith asked the tailor to make some new clothes_____________________. 史密斯先生要求裁缝照他的尺寸做一些新衣服。 注意用法差异: 【活学活用】 (2010.天津模考) I realized strength and courage aren’t always _____ in medals and victories, but in the struggle we overcome. A. measured B. praised C. tested D. increased 3.figure n.数字,人物,身材 【例句】 ①Where did you get__________? 你是从哪儿得到那些数字的? ② He has _____________ known to everyone. 他已成了一位知名人士。 ③ I saw ______ in the darkness.我看到黑暗中有一个人影。 【拓展】 figure vt. 计算;认定,认为 【例句】① I can’t ________how to do this.我弄不懂怎样做这件事。 ② ---- She was late again.她又迟到了。 ---- Yes, _______________. 是呀,她总是这样。 必修3Module 2共(18)页


合作探究: 勾划重点: 常见搭配: figure out 计算出;弄明白 it/that figures有道理,合乎情理(常用作交际用语)

【活学活用】 The ______ of the deaths in the mine accident will be published tomorrow. A. phenomenon B. figure C. amount D. supply Exercise:训练学案 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1. The average i_______ of the country is very low, and the other developed country should help it in the economy. 2. After the civil war , the people in this country suffered great h____ and p_____. 3. That old tree_____ _______ ______ ______ _______(测量起来至少得有三十米)。 4. The _______ (发展) of the car factory is more rapid in this area than in that area. 5. The f_____ 4 is round off(回避) in China. 6. U_______, she failed again in the exam in spite of her great effort. 7. Today, many people attached great importance to the e_____ of the preschool. 8. She would rather drive in her own car to work than take the c____ bus. 9. The s_____ between the two cases is so large that nearly nobody can believe it. 10. The p______ air is harmful to our health. Ⅱ. 翻译下列短语 1.在。。。。。。的顶端____________ 2.在。。。。。。的底部_________________ 3. 努力做某事________________ 4.与。。。。。。有关联_________________ 5.接近,靠近_________________ 6.激励某人做某事__________________ 7.同意做某事_________________ 8.摆脱贫困________________________ 9.确保,保证_________________ 10.筹钱,募捐_____________________ Ⅲ.单项选择 1.Your allowance _____ from a pound a week to ten shillings. A. will be reduced B. will reduce C. will be reducing D. should reduce 2. You should ______ protect the environment. A. take measure to B. take measures to C. take actions to D. take action for 3. The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to ______its reality. A. make up B. figure out C. look through D. put off 我的笔记: 2011---2012学年高一英语必修3 module 2学案 编号: 4 使用时间:2011,3 班级: 小组: 姓名: 教师评价: Module 2 Writing导学案 编制人:张翰墨 唐丹 宋小雪 审核人:刘祖林 包科领导: [训练宗旨]本次写作在用英语介绍一份报纸或杂志。 [案例呈现] Writing—Write a description ■Goals ● To lean to compare two places in writing ■Procedures 必修3Module 2共(18)页


Step 1: Reading questions to get started Imagine for a minute that you are a newspaper reporter. An important discovery of a lost land has been made, and you have the chance to be the first person to interview the returning explorers. Make a list of the questions that you might ask. Remember, the five themes and ask the most important questions from each. Here are some questions to get you started: 1. Where is it? 2. Where exactly is that? 3. What does it look like? 4. How many people live there and where? 5. What settlements (cities, villages) does it have? 6. What sort of climate does it have? 7. Does it have any extremes of weather? 8. Is it prone to any type of natural disaster? 9. What are the natural resources and how are they used? 10. What type of agriculture is there? 11. What are the main types of transportation and communication? 12. What makes the people there different to people in other places? 13. What sort of government does it have? 14. Is it associated with any other place? That is just the short list. It will give some basic facts about the place. Each of the topics can be expanded on to give a much more detailed description. Step 2: Writing a description comparing two places Hong Kong is one of the greatest maritime cities there has ever been—noisy, boisterous, cluttered, and vibrant. I left Hong Kong in the royal yacht Britannia in the early hours of the morning on July 1, 1997. It was quite a way to go! But then, the British Empire can only end once. —Christopher Patten, former governor of Hong Kong Paris is not only a place but a state of mind. Whoever goes there takes away the greatest meal he has ever had in his life, a romance that will linger forever, and a dream that will never be repeated. All you have to say is “Paris” and the movie will begin.—Art Buchwald, author London is the jewel of England’s crown. It is a timeless and regal city that combines a wealth of heritage and pageantry mixed with the very best of vibrant, cutting-edge modernity.—Hugh Thompson, chief yeoman, Tower of London The first time I saw Venice I was dumb struck at t0his glorious civilization emerging from the water, kind of crumbling, kind of leaning, and supporting itself still. We stayed at the Gritti Palace and listened to the church bells ring all the time. I had the best nap of my life there.—Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, actress 对比类文章的写作 【技巧点拨】 1. 对比类写作一般有两种方式: (1) 集中比较或对比(集中说明每一个对象的特征); (2) 逐点比较或对比(一条一条地说明两者的异同) 2. 对比类写作的常用类型: (1) 今昔对比:文章通常用一般现在时和一般过去时。 写作格式;主题句---- 对过去情况的描述---- 对现在情况的描述---- 总结句。 (2) 正反观点对比:文章通常采用同一种时态。 必修3Module 2共(18)页