2005 - 2009年MBA联考英语真题 - 考研英语二的前身! 联系客服

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essays, hoping to find the person behind the pen. As each semester progresses, plagiarism(剽窃)appears. Not only is my intelligence insulted as one assumes I won’t detect a polished piece of prose from an otherwise-average writer, but I feel a sadness that a student has resorted to buying a paper from a peer. Writers have styles like fingerprints and after several assignments, I can match a student’s work with his or her name even if it’s missing from the upper left-hand corner. Why is learning less important than a higher grade-point average(GPA)? When we’re threatened or sick, we make conditional promises. “If you let me pass math I will ….” “Lord, if you get me over this before the big homecoming game I’ll….” Once the situation is behind us, so are the promises. Human nature? Perhaps, but we do use that cliché(陈词滥调)to get us out of uncomfortable bargains. Divine interference during distress is asked; gratitude is unpaid. After all, few fulfill the contract, so why should anyone be the exception. Why not ?

Six years ago, I took a student before the dean. He had turned in an essay with the vocabulary and sentence structure of PhD thesis. Up until that time, both his out-of-class and in-class work were borderline passing.

I questioned the person regarding his essay and he swore it I’d understand this copy would not have the time and attention an out-of-class paper is given, but he had already a finished piece so he understood what was asked. He sat one hour, then turned in part of a page of unskilled writing and faulty logic. I confronted him with both essays. “I promise…., I’m not lying. I swear to you that I wrote the essay. I’m just nervous today.”

The head of the English department agreed with my finding, and the meeting with the dean had the boy’s parents present. After an hour of discussion, touching on eight of the boy’s previous essays and his grade-point average, which indicated he was already on academic probation(留校察看), the dean agreed that the student had plagiarized. His parents protested, “He’s only a child” and we instructors are wiser and should be compassionate. College people are not really children and most times would resent being labeled as such…. Except in this uncomfortable circumstance. 56.According to the author, students commit plagiarism mainly for_____. A.money B.degree C.higher GPA D.reputation

57.the sentence “ Once the situation is behind us , so are the promises’ implies that_________. A.students usually keep their promises B.some students tend to break their promises

C.the promises are always behind the situation D.we cannot judge the situation in advance, as we do to the promises 58.The “borderline passing”(Line 3,Para.3)probably means____________.

A.fairly good B.extremely poor C.above average D.below average 59.The boy’s parents thought their son should be excused mainly because_______________.

A.teachers should be compassionate B.he was only a child C.instructors were wiser D.he was threatened 60.Which of the following might serve as the title of this passage?

A.Human Nature B.Conditional Promises C.How to Detect Cheating D.The Sadness of Plagiarism Section IV Translation (20 points)

Directions:In this section there is a passage in English. Translate the five sentences underlined into Chinese and write your translation on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Powering the great ongoing changes of our time is the rise of human creativity as the defining feature of economic life. Creativity has come to be valued, because new technologies, new industries and new wealth flow from it. And as a result, our lives and society have begun to echo with creative ideas. It is our commitment to creativity in its varied dimensions that forms the underlying spirit of our age.

Creativity is essential to the way we live and work today, and in many senses always has been. The big advances in standard of living –-not to mention the big competitive advantages in the marketplace--always have come from” better recipes, not just more cooking.” One might argue that’s not strictly true. One might point out, for instance, that during the long period from the early days on the Industrial Revolution to modern times, much of the growth in productivity and material wealth in the industrial nations came not just from creative inventions like the steam engine, but from the widespread application of “cooking in quantity” business methods like massive division of labor ,concentration of assets, vertical integration and economies of scale. But those methods themselves were creative developments.


1--5: BAADB 6--10: DCCDC 11--15: BACCC 16--20: BABAD 21--25 CADBA 26—30 BDCABB 31--35 ABDBA 36—40 BBCDC 41--45: CADBC 46--50: BCADA 51--55: ABCCA 55--60: CBDBD 翻译参考




Section II Cloze (10 points)

Directions: Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Olympic Games are held every four years at a different site, in which athletes _21__different nations compete against each other in a __22_ of sports. There are two types of Olympics, the Summer Olympics and the winter Olympics. In order to __23__the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the international Olympic committee (IOC). After all proposals have been _24___, the IOC votes. If one city is successful in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voting continues with __25__rounds, until a majority winner is determined. Typically the Games are awarded several years in advance, __26__the winning city time to prepare for the Games. In selecting the _27__of the Olympic Games, the IOC considers a number of factors, chief among them which city has, or promises to build, the best facilities, and which organizing committee seems most likely to _28__the Games effectively. The IOC also _29__which parts of the world have not yet hosted the Games. _30__,Tolkyo, Japan, the host of the 1964 Summer Games, and Mexico city, Mexico, the host of the 1968 summer Games , were chosen _31__to popularize the Olympic movement In Asia and in Latin America.

_32__the growing importance of television worldwide, the IOC in recent years has also taken into _33__the host city’s time zone. _34__the Games take place in the United States or Canada, for example, American television networks are willing to pay _35___ higher amounts for television rights because they can broadcast popular events __36____, in prime viewing hours.

___37__the Games have been awarded. It is the responsibility of the local organizing committee to finance them. This is often done with a portion of the Olympic television ___38_ and with corporate sponsorships, ticket sales, and other smaller revenue sources. In many __39___ there is also direct government support.

Although many cities have achieved a financial profit by hosting the Games, the Olympics can be financially __40___. When the revenues from the Games were less than expected, the city was left with large debts. 21. A. in 22. A. lot 23. A. host 24. A. supported 25. A. suggestive 26. A. letting

B. for B. number B. take B. submitted B. successful B. setting

C. of C. variety C. run C. substituted C. successive C. permitting

D. from D. series D. organize D. subordinated D. succeeding D. allowing