2018年河南省部分省辖市中等职业学校对口升学第二次模拟考试旅游类专业课试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2018年河南省部分省辖市中等职业学校对口升学第二次模拟考试旅游类专业课试卷更新完毕开始阅读6c087888c9d376eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef713e3

A、洛阳水席 B、龙门石窟 C、洛阳牡丹 D、洛阳唐三彩 45.酒篮在服务( )时使用。

A、中国白酒 B、白葡萄酒 C、香槟酒 D、红葡萄酒



46.The Front Office is very important in creating a home away from for all

the guests. 47.When you know the facts the guest complained, say sorry and give necessary explanation.


49.If your tourists want to change the itinerary, you can say\directly. 50.Longing tea is a kind of famous black tea in China.

51.When you show tour group around the viewpoint, you need wear your Tour

Guide ID Card.

52.A baby-sitter is a small chair for a little child to sit on. 53.Pingpang is regarded as China's national ball.

54.You can't take away the guest' s laundry if the guest is not in the room. 55.As a tour guide, you should take care of your tourists, especially children

and the old.

56.筷架应放在骨碟的右前方,与汤碗横向中心为一条直线,筷子放在筷架上。 57.干粉灭火器是一种新型高效、安全的灭火器。

58.冷餐会是一种较为活泼、有利于宾客间广泛接触交谈的宴会形式。 59.西餐宴会的糖盅和奶罐可直接放置在餐桌上。

60.西餐早餐摆台,在装饰盘右侧1cm处摆放主餐刀,刀刃朝右。 61.香槟酒和汽酒的含糖量越高酒的品质就越好。 62.中型鸡尾酒会可提前20分钟为客人倒入酒水。 63.洽谈生意可选用蓓蕾作为宴会餐中花型。

64.熟啤酒的稳定性较好,但口味及营养不如生啤酒,保质期一般为一年。 65.客房送餐菜单一般有两种类型:门把手菜单和床头柜菜单

三、选词填空(每小题2分,共20分。请用方框内所给的词成词组补全句子,并将其适当形式填在答题卡上相应的位置) understand discount accept hear of specialty travel agency deposit offer in common backpack

66. May I speak to the manager of the ____ . 67.I'd like to buy some ____ in Henan.

68. Please pay 500 Yuan RMB as ____. 69. Can you me ____ a lower price?

70. We can say that they have some ____ .

71.I ____ Qigong from Chinese movies three years ago. 72 Please ____ my apology.

73.Thank you for your ____ and cooperation 74.I only have a ____ .

75.I can give you a l0% ____ .

四、汉译英(76-78每小题3分,79.80每小题4分,共20分。请将下列句子的翻译写在答题卡上相应的位置) 76.请问您订几间房?





五、名词解释(每小题3分,共12分) 81.餐饮安全管理 82.黑啤酒

83.餐饮服务技能 84.自助餐

六、简答题(4小题,共26分) 86.简述自助餐服务规程。(6分)

87.中餐厅如何为客人介绍、推荐菜肴(7分) 88.迎宾员的准备工作有哪些?.(9分)

89.简述真菌霉素食物中毒的原因及预防的方法。(7分) 七、论述题(12分)
