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John felt an immense gratitude to Wilson. 约翰极为感激威尔逊。 The Atlantic Ocean is immense. 大西洋浩瀚无边。

They plunged into their work with immense zeal.他们以极大的热情投入工作。 John felt an immense gratitude to Wilson. 约翰极为感激威尔逊。 She felt an immense gratitude to Wilson.她对威尔逊无比感激。

It's an immense and ambitious project.这是一个庞大而又雄心勃勃的计划。 The sea was rolling in immense surges. 海面上汹涌澎湃。

I gazed into the immense vacant space. 我凝视着无边的天空。

The eye ranged over an immense extend of wilderness. 目光扫过一片广袤的蛮荒。

huge: 强调体积大 a huge stone 一块巨石 也强调数量巨大 a huge sum of money一笔巨款 enormous不仅表示“块头”和“数量”方面的“大”,而且可以表示程度方面的“极大”,并且具有

反常(abnormality)的内涵。 He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as £100 for a single appearance. 他挣得的钱是极多的,一次出场就付给他一百英镑之多。Despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer's dream to create ?an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible. 桥尽管很大,但它结构简单,而外形雅观, 实现了设计师要创造出“一个在重物作用下尽可能不变形的庞然大物”的理想。 Tremendous :means big, fast, powerful强调体积大,力量大,速度快 The plane is traveling at

tremendous/ enormous speed.这飞机以极快的速度飞行tremendous用于表示“大得惊人的” In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. 门杜萨在全盛时期极受人们欢迎。immense: immeasurable 不可测量的 形容无法衡量的无边无际的an immense stadium巨大的露天体育场, immense iceberg巨大的冰山 giant: 巨大的,高大的 a giant person 巨人;同义词gigantic

gigantic: 1.巨人的;巨人似的He was a guard of gigantic strength. 他是个具有巨人般力气的卫士。 2.巨大的,庞大的 The entire area looked like a gigantic rubbish heap. 整个地区看上去像一座大垃圾堆。

titanic原义指“泰坦神族的”(古希腊神,为泰坦族,身材庞大,并有惊天动地的力量),常用来形容体积大而且力量大的机器。《泰坦尼克号》巨轮用Titanic为船名,即表示此船不仅巨大而且载重能力也强,经得起远航中的风浪 We have been making titanic effort to achieve our purpose. 我们一直在作极大的努力,以达到我们的目的。

vast:辽阔,广阔 vast desert浩瀚的沙漠“

All the land was shrouded in one vast forest” (Theodore Roosevelt). “Of creatures, how few vast as the whale” (Herman Melville).


license / ???????? / n. vt.

1.许可证,执照;2.许可,特许 给……发许可证,准许



dense / ???? / adj.

condense / ???????? / v. defense / ??????? / n. offense / ?????? / n. immense / ?????? / adj. expense / ???????? / n. at the expense of

nonsense / ???????? / n. tense / ???? / adj. v. n.

intense / ??????? / adj.

1.密集的,稠密的,浓密的;2.密度大的 1.(使)冷凝,(使)凝结;2.浓缩,压缩,简缩

1.防御,保卫,保护;2.(pl.)防御工事;3.辩护,答辩 1.犯规,犯法行为;2.冒犯,得罪 广大的,巨大的

1.价钱,花费,费;2.(pl.)开支,业务费用 1.由……付费,由……负担费用;2.以……为代价 1.胡说,废话;2.冒失(或轻浮)的行动 1.紧张的;2.拉紧的,绷紧的 (使)拉紧,(使)绷紧 (动词的)时态


realm 世界

the peers of the realm王国的贵族。 the defence of the realm王国的防卫。 界,领域;范围

the realm of applied chemistry应用化学领域。

It is beyond the realms of possibility. 这超出了可能的范围。

Their failures in the realm have damaged their self-confidence and creditability.他们在本领域的失败使他们的自信心和可信度受损。

The king was concerned about the safety of the realm. 国王十分关心王国的安全。 realm of necessity必然王国 the laws of the realm国法

the realm of literature and art文学艺术领域 the realm of nature大自然 in the realm of 在...领域里 data realm 数据区域 index realm 变址区域 system realm 系统区域

zoogeographic realm 动物地理分布区

The research has opened up new realms for investigation. 这一研究开拓了新的探讨领域。 enter, move into 进入领域

descend into/to (disapproving) 转入谈论…领域:

Most readers are likely to lose interest when he descends into the realms of }(=starts discussing)

rhetorical terminology. 他开始讨论修辞术语,大多数读者很可能会失去兴趣。

move from/out of 从…领域出来:

The euro has moved from the realms of theory into reality. 欧元已由理论变成了现实。




beyond/out of/outside the ~ of 超出…领域:

His ambitions are way beyond the realms of possibility. 他追求的目标完全不可能实现。 in/within the ~ of 在…领域内:

The idea belongs in the realm of science fiction. 这个想法属于科幻小说的领域。


the realms of fantasy/possibility 幻想的境界;可能性 country ruled by a king/queen 王国

[搭配]VERB + REALM defend 捍卫王国:

They fought to defend the realm. 他们为保卫王国而战。


beyond/outside the ~ 在国外:

wealth acquired outside the realm 在国外获得的财富 in/within the ~ 在国内:

peace within the realm 国内和平 throughout the ~整个国家:

There was rejoicing throughout the realm. 举国上下一片欢欣。


a part of the realm 国家的一部份; the defence of the realm 国防:

Royal taxation usually had to be for the defence of the realm. 王室的税收通常要用于国防。

【同义词】kingdom land region domain extent field province range region sphere

Undeniable 不可否认的

It is an undeniable fact that some dogs are easier to train than others.有些狗更容易训练是不争的事实。

undeniably adverb

The topic is undeniably an important one. 毫无疑问,这主题非常重要

vulgar 平庸的

a vulgar check suit俗气的格子西装。 a vulgar joke粗鄙的笑话。

His vulgar manners shocked everyone.他粗俗的举止使大家大为吃惊。 vulgar language粗俗语。

a vulgar color scheme庸俗的色彩设计。 【同义词】common, crude, gaudy, inartistic, in bad taste, inelegant, insensitive, lowbrow, plebeian, tasteless, tawdry, unrefined, unsophisticated.



OPPOSITES: SEE 反义词参阅tasteful.

Invest 赋予

The company is to invest £12 m in its manufacturing site at Linlithglow. 公司对其在林利思戈的生产基地投资1,200万英镑。

Politicians who have invested so much time in the Constitution would be crestfallen.那些对宪法投入大量时间与精力的政界人士会感到沮丧。


The passage of time has invested the words with an unintended humor. 时间的流逝无意之中赋


The best time to invest is now.现在是投资的最佳时机。

He invested his lawyer with complete power to act for him.他让律师全权代办。

invest sb. with a decoration给某人戴上奖章 be invested with mystery带有神秘色彩 invest sb. with full power授予某人全权

invest money in business enterprise投资于工商企业 Fog invests the city.大雾笼罩城市。

The enemy invested the city and cut it off from our army.敌人包围了城市, 并把它同我们的部

invest heavily in an enterprise对某企业进行大量投资 invest in a new hat 买一顶新帽子

It?s time we invested in a new sofa — this one is falling to bits. 我们该花钱买新沙发了—这套快散架了。

Being the boss invests her with a certain glamour. 当老板似乎给她增添了一定的魅力。 The company invested heavily in new technology. 公司大力投资新科技。

If you invest directly in the stock market potential profits are greater, but so are potential losses.

如果你直接投资股票市场,有可能获得更大的利润,但也可能遭受更大的损失。 We can invest your money tax-free abroad. 我们可以将你的钱免税投资到国外。

Are you willing to invest the time and effort necessary to make the scheme work? 你愿意投入必


When exchange controls were lifted Swedes rushed to invest abroad. 外汇管制取消之后,瑞典人


The industry has failed to invest in new product development. 该行业没能为新产品的开发进行


Her savings are invested with a building society. 她的积蓄都投到房屋互助协会了。