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细节题,或者也可以称之为例证题,从中也可以看出命题者出题是丝丝入扣,要求考生把握 文章的结构,绝非乱出。

⑤.it 指代cost,borne by families 为过去分词作后置定语修饰share of it, 其中有个隐含的 短语bear the share 分担份额。注意with 所引导的结构表示结果。句中legislative halls 引申意

为议会。⑥Even 表明本句和上句是递进关系。

32. As a result of President Bush’s reform, retired people may have __________.

[定位与替换] 细节题。本题问由于布什总统的改革,退休人员们得到了什么。根据关键词

President Bush’s reform 定位到第三段 President Bush campaigned to….这一句。解题思路一:

由关键词As a result of 可以推知本题问的是布什改革的结果是什么。本句中 with retirees

trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns.是

一个由with 引导的结果状语,很好地和As a result of 匹配,retired people = retiree,这是命题者设置的机关,答案就在with 后面。由此可见,仔细研究题干对题目和答案的定位是非常重要的。平时就要培养精读的习惯,注意细节,否则考试时根本无法做到对细节的把握。with 状况的意思为:结果是退休人员把他们大部分或者全部的有保障的收入换成要依赖投资回报

的收入。要依赖投资回报,言下之意就是没有保障,不一定了,这又和题干中的may have 不肯定的语气匹配。所以选 [B] less secured payments.不太有保障的收入。secured payments = guaranteed payments。第一种解题思路是常规思路,但with 后的内容状况较为复杂,万一看不



的思路,要求考生判断观点句和例证句的关系。本段开头就说,家庭被要求在退休薪水方面 承担多的多的风险(答案必然为贬义)。(注意强调比较级much more,考生必须习惯性地勾画 出来,体会强调即考点的思路。)接着作者的举例,比如钢厂工人、布什总统都是对主题句的

具体阐述,所以答案必然和主题句相关。 much more risk in their retirement income 和less

secured payments 匹配。much more risk = less secured,income = payments。段首句的语言难度


要比定位句简单很多。另外,本段中For younger families, the picture is not any better. 对年轻一

点的家庭来说,情况也不见得更好,可以推出For older families, the picture is not good 进一步 锁定答案的语气为贬义。

[反陷阱提示] [A] a higher sense of security 更高的安全感;[D] a guaranteed future 有保障的未

来。干扰项[A]和[D]语气都为褒义,可轻松排除。如果把答案分别改成:a lower sense of security

和a less guaranteed future 就对了。所以这两个答案为颠倒事实。注意:考生在解题时,一定要 从答案的语气是褒贬,是绝对还是不肯定几个角度思考一下。[C] less chance to invest 较少的

投资机会。原文中只是提到investment returns,此选项是无中生有。

33. According to the author, health-savings plans will _______.

[定位与替换] 观点细节题。本题问作者认为,健康储蓄计划将会怎样。显然是考查这些计划 讲导致的结果是什么。根据关键词health-savings plans 定位到第三段。解题思路一:既然考作 者观点,就一定要把作者对这些计划是持肯定还是否定态度这一点运用到解题中。定位句and

newly fashionable health-savings plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers,

with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families’ future healthcare.

中一些难词legislative halls,deductibles 可能干扰考生。但务必记住,超纲词、难词永远也不


导致的结果之一是给家庭的未来医疗带来了巨大的投资风险。risk 这个词是本文中频繁出现的

关键词,绝对与题目相关。从这里可以判断出作者对这些计划是持否定态度的。所以本题选 [D] 2010 丁晓钟春季词汇班讲义 点点英语 bbs.diandian.net-19-

increase the families’ investment risk. 增加家庭的投资风险。解题思路二:和上面两题思路一


点句:For younger families, the picture is not any better. 即可以轻松推出答案,不再赘述。不管


[反陷阱提示] [A] help reduce the cost of healthcare 帮助减少医疗成本;[B] popularize among the

middle class 在中产阶级中受到欢迎;[C] compensate for the reduced pensions 补偿减少了的退

休金。这三个干扰项中都含有褒义的用词help reduce the cost,popularize,compensate for,所 以都是错的。

①From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an

opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening

acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders. ②The

financial fallout has begun, and the political fallout may not be far behind.


治后果。① much of this 中this 指代上段最后一句所表达的意思,大意为需要照顾老年人在年


可谓雪上加霜。②看到本句,不知道读者有没有想起If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

冬天来了,春天还会远吗?典出著名诗人雪莱名诗《西风颂》(Shelley, Ode to the West Wind)。

34. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that __________.

[定位与替换] 推断题。解题思路一:本段说,在中产阶级家庭看来,基本上这一切看起来绝 不是一次可以行使更多经济责任的机会,而更象是把经济风险整个加速转移到他们已经负担

过重的肩膀上。The financial fallout 特指,指代上面一句话揭示的意思,也就是中产阶级的经

济负担加重了,也可以说他们所面临着严重的经济问题(推导不出political status , political challenges 的意思来)。经济后果(影响)已经开始了,政治上的后果可能不会远了。最后一句

话中A, and B 隐藏着因果关系,经济后果导致政治后果,正确选项中bring about 是导致的意

思。problem 替换 fallout, 这里要求考生根据上下文合理推断出fallout 的意思来。解题思路二:


这个词。然后再观察含有这个词的句子the political may not be far behind.注意句中的语气词


may 表达的是不肯定的语气,所以确定答案为[B]和[C]之一。另外,[B]中有比较级greater ,

但原文中看并没有,所以可推断[B]错,故选[C]financial problems may bring about political

problems 经济问题可能会导致政治问题。注意:原文中的比较级和选项中的比较级都是我们

在做题时需要关注的。如果在原文中出现,要记得比较即为强调,强调就是考点。fallout 是超



[反陷阱提示] [A]financial risks tend to outweigh political risks 经济风险往往大于政治风险。

[D]financial responsibility is an indicator of political status 经济责任是政治地位的反应。[B]the

middle class may face greater political challenges 中产阶级可能面临更大的政治挑战。[A]和[D]

是利用文章中词语financial risk, financial responsibility 和从原文中推导不出来的信息political status 干扰考生,此为命题者惯用的虚虚实实的手法。[B]里greater 文中没有相关信息,political challenges 也从原文中推导不出。

35. Which of the following is the best title for this text?

[定位与替换]主旨题。选项中四个答案的主语都是The Middle Class,关键在于对四个后置定 语的把握。综合前面几题的答案和语篇分析,只有[B] The Middle Class on the Cliff 中产阶级 身处悬崖,形象地表达了美国中产阶级家庭岌岌可危的经济状况。

2007 年text 3 超精解 [摘选自《超精解(下)》] -20-点点英语bbs.diandian.net

[反陷阱提示] [A] The Middle Class on the Alert 处于警惕中的中产阶级;[C] The Middle Class in

Conflict 处于冲突中的中产阶级;[D]The Middle Class in Ruins 已经毁灭的中产阶级。[A]中on

the alert (to be ready to notice and deal with a situation or problem) 一般用于对未发生的潜在的 危险给予警惕,而文中作者明显在谈中产家庭已经面临严重的经济危机,所以不符主旨,排

除。而且文章中只是描述客观状况,并没有讲中产阶级主观要怎么样,而on the alert 是表示


信息,属无中生有。[D]虽然中产阶级面临经济危机,但还远未达到毁灭的程度。这是属于推 理过度,曲解原文。 [重点词汇]

count on to depend on someone or something, especially in a difficult situation-依靠

<+>count/depend/rely/rest on sb/sth-依靠、依赖...

[用法] count on sb/sth to do sth; count on sb/sth doing sth pink slip a written warning you get when your job is going to end because there is not enough work- 解雇通知书;slip(n) a small or narrow piece of paper-小纸片 diagnosis(n) the process of discovering exactly what is wrong with someone or something, by examining them closely-诊断

spouse (n) a person’s partner in marriage 配偶;本文中的spouse 和partner

of all stripes/of every stripe of all different types-所有不同的类型

[例句]Politicians of all stripes complained about the plan.-各派政治人士都抱怨这个计划。

stripe(n) a line of color, especially one of several lines of color all close together-条纹

budget(vt, vi) to carefully plan and control how much money you spend and what you will buy with

it-预算[例句]This scheme enables you to budget the cost through fixed monthly payments.-这个计 划使你能通过固定的月收入预算花费。

paycheck(n) a check that someone receives as payment for their wages-付薪水的支票

status(n) your social or professional rank or position, considered in relation to other people -地位

two-paycheck status status 指经济地位(economic status),two-paycheck status 即表明家庭中有 两个人工作、拿工资,相当于我们俗话中所说的“双职工”。 limit(n) or limits the greatest possible amount of something that can exist or be obtained -极限

[用法]the limits of human knowledge-人类知识的极限 [例句]He'd reached the limit of his patience.-他已经到达忍耐的极限。

parachute(n) a piece of equipment fastened to the back of people who jump out of planes, which

makes them fall slowly and safely to the ground-降落伞(引申义为保护伞)

backup(n) something that you can use to replace something that does not work or is lost-备用物


[用法]a backup plan-备用计划

lay off lay somebody off to stop employing someone because there is no work for them to do -解雇、 使下岗

[用法]laid-off workers-下岗工人

weather(vt) to come through a very difficult situation safely-成功经历困难

outlive(vt) to continue to exist after something else has ended or disappeared-比...活的时间长

campaign(vi) to lead or take part in a series of actions intended to achieve a particular social or political result-发起运动

[用法] campaign for/against-发起运动支持/反对

[例句] This is an international group campaigning against the destruction of the rainforests-这是一 2010 丁晓钟春季词汇班讲义 点点英语 bbs.diandian.net-21-


retiree(n) someone who has stopped working, usually because of their age-退休者

picture(n) the general situation in a place, organization etc-总体状况

[例句]The worldwide picture for tribal people remains grim.-世界部落居民的(生存)状况依然严 峻。

bear(vt) to be responsible for or accept something-承担

[例句]Each company will bear half the costs of research and development.-每个公司都将承担一半 研发费用。

deductible(n) an amount that can be deducted (especially for the purposes of calculating income tax)-扣除

dose(n) an amount of something that you do or experience at one time, especially something unpleasant-一定量

[用法] a lethal dose of radiation-致命的放射量; a large dose of 大量的

demographics(plural) information about a group such as the people who live in a particular area-(复


odds(n) the odds how likely it is that something will or will not happen-可能性

fallout(n) the results of a particular event, especially when they are unexpected-附带结果

wholesale(adj) affecting almost everything or everyone, and often done without any concern for the results-完全的、大规模的

[用法]the wholesale destruction of a city-对城市的完全破坏

[outweigh](vt) to be more important or valuable than something else-比某物更有价值、更重要 [多样性表达]

times--period 时期

implications--effect--fallout 影响

retirement income--retirement money 退休收入

two-paycheck--double-income 家庭双份收入的、双职工的 parachute--safety net 安全网-降落伞(在文中都是指可靠的保护)

spouse--partner 配偶

economic risk--financial risk 经济风险

guaranteed payments--secured payments 有保障的收入 count on--depend on 依靠

--unemployment 失业、被解雇 [必背搭配] 名词+名词

family economics 家庭经济状况 safety net 安全网

auto / automobile industry 汽车行业 savings account 储蓄帐户

unemployment insurance 失业保险 disability insurance 伤残保险 investment returns 投资收益 investment risk 投资风险

market fluctuation /swing 市场波动 动词+名词名词+动词 bear the cost 承担费用 bear the share 承担份额 absorb the risk 承担风险

exercise the responsibility 行使责任

2007 年text 3 超精解 [摘选自《超精解(下)》] -22-点点英语bbs.diandian.net face a challenge 面对威胁 形容词+名词

hard work 勤劳工作 fair play 公平竞争

economic / financial risk 经济风险 pink slip 解雇通知书 bad diagnosis 糟糕的诊断 social implications 社会影响


side effect 副作用

financial setback 财政、经济困难

primary earner 挣钱支柱 (家庭的挣钱支柱还可以称为primary breadwinner,第二位的挣钱者称

为secondary earner,如果主要持家,则成为primary homemaker )

extra income 额外收入 bad / harsh times 艰难时期 harsh reality 残酷的现实 (harsh time 非常时期)

social security 社会保障 (每个美国人出生时都有一个social security number,相当于中国的身

份证号,由此被纳入了美国的社会保障体系) guaranteed / secured payments 有保障的收入

absolute cost 绝对成本 (hidden cost 隐性成本;;huge cost 巨大的成本)

physical assistance 身体上的帮助 (physical change 身体上的变化;physical science / natural

financial responsibility 经济责任 (financial penalty 经济惩罚;financial incentives 经济刺激) science 自然科学

financial assistance 经济支持 attendant need 照顾需求

frightening acceleration 令人恐惧的加速 overburdened shoulders 负担过重的双肩

great challenge 大挑战 (grave challenge 严重挑战) 动词+形容词

get laid-off 遭解雇 fall sick 生病了 动词+介词

reduce sth. / sb. from A to B 将…从A 转变为B trade A for B 用A 换B

spread from A to B 从A 扩展(推广)到B bring about 带来,产生,引起 compensate for 补偿,弥补 副词+动词

greatly increase 大幅增长 副词+形容词

financially secure 经济上安全的 (financially independent 经济独立的) 副词+介词

far behind 远远落后 形容词+介词

(be) vulnerable to 易受攻击的,易受影响的 名词+介词介词+名词

disruption to 对...的破坏(损失) work against 对…不利 shift ..onto.. 把…转移到,,,,