高中英语(外研版)选修8第5-6模块基础训练与能力测试 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章高中英语(外研版)选修8第5-6模块基础训练与能力测试更新完毕开始阅读6c95cb6bbcd126fff7050b66

position over the Atlantic Ocean on 2 May 1965.

Just over two years later, the second and third satellites went into positions over the Pacific Ocean. This made it possible for people in a large number of countries to see the same television pictures at the same time.

On 25 June 1976, very large numbers of people in very many countries saw and heard the same television program \The program was called \World\It dealt with man’s problems and difficulties. It also dealt with man’s successes and his hopes for the future. The pictures and the sound were relayed by the Atlantic and Pacific satellites; they came from Africa, America, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Japan, and Europe. And they were received in all those parts of the world-received \ 26. In this text Early Bird refers to __________.

A. a person who was awake very early

B. a person who began work before anyone else

C. communications satellites over the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans D. one of these satellites in orbit around the earth 27. What does a communications satellite do?

A. It sends TV signals to any part of the world.

B. It receives radio, telephone and TV signals from any part of the world. C. It serves as a radio, telephone and TV relay station.

D. It broadcasts live program around the world. 28. What is a relay station?

A. It is just another name for radio station or broadcast station. B. It is a place where people collect microwaves from space, C. It is a place where the microwaves continue into space.

D. It is a place where radio waves are received, strengthened and then sent on. 29. Early Bird went into orbit in a \ A. The techniques of making communication satellites.

B. Introduction of the functions of communication satellites. C. Ways of sending signals across the oceans.

D. Comparison between early birds and communication satellites. 30.What is the main subject of the passage?

A. The techniques of making communication satellites.

B. Introduction of the functions of communication satellites. C. Ways of sending signals across the oceans.

D. Comparison between early birds and communication satellites. 3. 阅读表达

Fei Junlong, the former fighter pilot from Southern China, has been in space aboard China's second manned spacecraft Shenzhou-Ⅵ on Wednesday morning, October 12th, 2005.

A native of Kunshan City in Jiangsu Province, Fei, 40, did not expect he could have the honor to become an astronaut piloting Shenzhou-Ⅵ when he dreamed about being a professional painter in his childhood. In 1982, China's Air Force recruited (招募) trainees at Fei's high school when he was about to graduate. Fei was enrolled. Two years later, Fei graduated from the Flight Training School of the Air Force with excellent marks. Then he served as a flight trainer at first and was appraised (评定) as outstanding in the whole Air Force. Later on, he became a flight technology

inspector and edited an investigation report on flight accidents.

In July 1992 when he was in a trial flight, the aircraft being tested went short of fuel. With his outstanding flight skill, he managed ___________ the airport. Upon the forced landing, fuel ran out. His courage, skill and calm mind won him a special grade in piloting at the age of 32. In January 1998, he was selected out of more than 1,500 elite (优秀的) pilots as a member of the astronauts of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), together with Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng and Zhai Zhigang. Fei didn't tell his parents the real job he was undertaking. \mother once asked. \Still flying, but much higher.” Fei replied.

31. What's the best title for the passage? (Please answer within 10 words. ) ____________________________________________________________ 32. Which sentence can be replaced by the following one? His parents didn't know what he was doing.


33. Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words. )

________________________________________________________________________ 34. When he was a boy, what did Fei Junlong maybe enjoy? (Please answer within 10 words. ) _________________________________________________________________________ 35. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4. 书面表达

古人说读万卷书不如行万里路,近代人强调知行合一,现代认为知识要活学活用。 请根据下列提示,写出你对书本知识和实际经验的看法。

书本知识有用 实际经验有用 1.使人了解没有机会亲身体验的事 2.以不同的方式去观察并理解周围的世界 … 1.从“做中学”的效果最好,犯错是最好的学习方法 2.要创新,必须实践 … 要求: 1.字数:120左右; 2.必须包含以上观点.

Module 6 The Tang Poems


*acquaintance[?`kweint?ns]n.熟人;泛泛之交 farewell n.再见;告别

part[????] v. (使)分开;分离;分手 seed [????] n. 种子

*dynasty [`dain?sti] n.王朝;朝代

expansion [iks'p?n??n] v.扩大;膨胀;扩张 tolerant ['t?l?r?nt] a.宽容的;容忍的 *Buddhism [????????] n.佛教 astronomy [??????????] n.天文学 shadow [??????] n.影子;阴影;阴暗处 *altitude [`?ltitju:d] n.高度;海拔

*specialist[??????????]n.专科医生;专家 share [???] vt. 分享;共享

advance[????????]v.&n.前进;进步;进展 failure[???????]n.失败(者);不及格;故障;倒闭

*suffering [????????] n.痛苦;苦难 *corrupt [k?`r?pt] a.腐败的,贪污的 v.使...腐烂;使...恶化

corruption [k?`r?p?n] n.腐败;堕落 *merchant[?????????] n.商人 irregular a.不规则的;无规律的

*reflect [ri`flekt] v.反映;显示;表达;反射

mental[??????]a.精神的;内心的;脑力的 alcohol [`?lk?h?l] n.酒精;白酒 long-term a.长期的

disorder n. 混乱;失调;紊乱

channel[??????]n.频道;通道;渠道;途径 prove [?????] vt.证明(是);被发现是 *appeal [?`pi:l] n.恳求;上诉;吸引力;魅力 *glance[??????] vi.&n. 匆匆一看; 一瞥 *upward(s) [??????] ad.向上;往上 *approve [?`pru:v] v.赞同;同意;核准;证实 *sponsor [`sp?ns?] n.v. 赞助(者);赞助(商)

*expense [????????] n.消费;费用;支出 damp [????] a.&n.潮湿(的)

*barrier [`b?ri?] n.界线;关卡;障碍(物) *shabby [?????] a.破旧的;破烂的

*caution [`k?:??n] n.&v.(劝)小心;谨慎;警告 literary [?????????] a.文学的;文艺的;文言的

bench [?????] n. 长凳;工作台


*departure [?????????] n.离开;启程;上路 carriage[???????]n.四轮马车;客车厢 merry[?????]a.高兴的;愉快的;快乐的 *chorus ['k?:r?s] n.合唱队;合唱(曲)

*arbitrary [`?:bitr?ri] adj.随意的;随机的

*cater [`keit?] v.承办宴席;投合;迎合;满足需求 homeland [?????????]n.祖国 *enterprise [`ent?praiz] n.企业;事业

*correspond [??????????] vi.符合;;通信;相当

*anniversary [??ni`v?:s?ri] n.周年纪念(日) *donate [d?u`neit] v.捐(赠);赠送;提供 *update [?p`deit] v.更新;刷新


whichever [????????] pron.无论哪个 *zone [????] n.区域;范围;地区

independence [????????????] n.独立 imagination n.想象(力);空想 adapt [?'d?pt] v. 使...适应,改编

collection [k?'lek??n] n. 收藏品;收集物; 选集 typical [???????]a.典型的;具有代表性的;独特的

*surgeon [????????] n.外科医生


take hold of 抓住;握住 approve of 赞成,赞同;满意

go hand in hand (with)与…合作;与…关系密切 a chorus of 异口同声的

take on 雇佣;承担;从事;呈现(面貌) take over 接管;接收

cater for / to ….迎合…;满足…的要求 correspond with 与…通信;与…相符合

at heart 在内心;实质上 by heart 牢记;凭记忆

on second thoughts 经再三考虑之后 at one’s expense 由某人负担费用

at the expense of …在损失/损坏…的情况下 transform...into... 把...变成... be departure from违反;违背


1. 单项选择:

1) One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living _______. A. bills B. expenses C. prices D. charges

2) The government has set up a special economic ________ to promote private enterprise. A. zones B. areas C. districts D. regions 3) I didn't know anything about the books so my choice was quite ___________. A. typical B. deliberate C. consistent D. arbitrary 4) With his shorts and camera around his neck, he looked like a ________ tourist. A. real B. false C. typical D. supreme

5) After the Shenzhou Ⅶ capsule (太空舱) touched down, three astronauts succeeded in traveling

around the earth, thus again ________ China is a global space power.

A. proving B. promoting C. placing D. progressing

6) Erma White touched so many lives that scores of people offered to ______ their kidneys to replace her failing organs.

A. exchange B. donate C. denote D. update

7) How much you're paid ______ how important you are to the company you work for. A. reacts B. corresponds C. responds D. reflects

8) From 1950 the chemical industry ______ quickly with the use of oil both as raw material and as fuel.

A. enriched B. extended C. expanded D. spread

9) Class 5 are discussing the problem right now. It will _____ have been solved by the end of next month.

A. typically B. hopefully C. casually D. fortunately

10) They have sold CPU mostly to computer sellers in the country concerned ______ direct sales channels.

A. with B. in C. through D. on

11) Boys and girls, we haven't enough books for everybody; some of you will have to ______. A. stare B. scare C. spare D. share

12) The small hotel ______ single people who are unable to find affordable accommodation. A. caters for B. serves up C. searches for D. cares for

13) Thanks to the policy of reform and opening, quite a lot of villages have ________ a completely new look.

A. taken up B. taken in C. taken on D. taken off

14) I know I had agreed to let you go to the cinema, but __________, you should stay at home and finish your homework.

A. by heart B. at heart C. to my relief D. on second thoughts 15) ---Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? ---Thank you. __________.

A. That couldn't be better B. Fire away C. Of course you can D. It' s up to you 16) The experiment turned out to be ______ failure, but we know, success often comes after

_____ failure.

A. a; a B. a; / C. the; the D. /; /

17) I would have told him the answer, had it been possible, but I ______ so busy then. A. had been B. was C. were. D. would be 18) You can either have the double room or the single room, _______ you choose. A. wherever B. whatever C. whichever D. whomever

19) I approve of _________ to earn some money, but please don't neglect your studies. A. you to try B. you try C. your try D. you trying

20) The book ______ to be very popular, ______ students a sense of motivation and purpose. A. has proved; giving B. has been proved; giving C. has been proved; to give D. has proved; give

21) Thank you for having given me a hand. I _____ in the experiment without your valuable help. A. haven't failed B. mustn't have succeeded

C. couldn't have succeeded D. had failed

22) The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _____ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.

A. should have taken B. needn’t have taken C. could have taken D. mustn’t have taken 2. 选用本模块所列的词或词组的适当形式填空:(每空一词)