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[1]The _ A __ lady is believed to be the thief wanted by the police.

A beautifully dressed B dressed beautifully C beautiful dressing D beautiful dress

[15]Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society. A it has affected the traditional role of men.

A Above all B In all C At mostD At last

[17]As he has C our pratience,we’ll not wait for him any longer.

A Torn B Wasted C Exhausted D consumed

[19]During the lecture, the speaker occasionally A his point by relating his own experiences. A illustrated B hinted C cited D displayed

[20]He was completely _ B _____ by her tale of hardship. A taken away B taken in C taking away Dtaken up [21]Mrs. Morris's daughter is pretty and A ,and many girls envy her.

A slender B light C faint D minor

22]A sudden idea _ B ____ to him that he might try the new method.

A occurred B took place C happened D took part [12]The manager did not offer him the job because of his untidy _ D ____.

A sight B presence C iew D appearance [6]Can you give me even the B clue as to where her son might be?

A simplest B slightest C least D utmost [9]Before he set off I packed him some food _ D _ he wouldn't get hungry.

A because B even C lest D so that


答案:It should not be forgotten that for

everyone who steals, many more are there to spend their money-to the advantage of both the shops and the British economy.


As I sat here, I felt the time pass by.

人们曾经认为,动植物之间的差异主要在于前者可以移动,后者不能。It was once thought that the main

difference between animals and plants was

that the former could move about while the latter could not.

目前,现代家庭更为普遍了,父母都处于同等地位Now the

morden family, in which both the father and the mother are equal partners, is more common

他希望在写一封信,为的是能够消除所有的误解。He wishes

to write another letter which will clear up all the misunderstandings.

他来或不来取决于多种因素。He will come or not

depends on various factors.

有时他会找到一些相关问题的答案,从而得到线索解决新问题。Occasionally he finds answers to closely

related questions, which give him clues for solving the new one.


答案:It is known that the United States

leads the world with the worst taxes. [2]


Occasionally he finds answers to closely related questions, which give him clues for solving the new one.


Don't be afraid to ask for clarification of something that has been said during the interview if you want to be sure what was implied, but do be polite.


If you look far into the distance, you see only the smoke-like blue haze, which is the dividing line between the heavens and the earth.

【题型:阅读】When a conductor in Spain asked to see her train ticket, Janet Loops, and exercise instructor from Palo Alto, Calif., reached for her purse — and discovered her wallet was gone. She had no ticket, passport, credit cards, traveler’s checks, cash. It took nearly a week to get a new passport and traveler’s checks. Her trip was almost ruined. To guard against such disasters, especially overseas, some experts suggest carrying your money and documents in a small, flat pouch around your neck and tucked under your clothing. A fanny pack can be used if carried in front, but be alert — it can be cut off. Other possible ways to foil pickpockets: Wrap rubber bands around a wallet to make it harder to lift from a pocket. Have zip pers sewn into your blazer pocket. The key is to stay alert and “pack your common sense,” says Alfred Boza, a Miami Beach police detective. Know, for instance, that the honest-looking woman you ask to take your picture might run away with your camera. Or that thieves could be watching for you to leave your bags unattended briefly at airport security checkpoints.

1. Janet Loops __ B ____________.

A. had not bought her ticket B. was a traveler C. was a train conductor D. had her wallet robbed 2. It is ___C___ for overseas to keep their money and documents safe.

A.difficult B.precarious C.possible D.perilous 3. “Be alert” in Paragraph 2 means ____ C____. A. be careful B. be watchful and ready to meet danger C. be alternative D. be ready to stop thief

4. If you are a traveler, you should ___ D__.

A. not ask others to take your picture B. put your passport, credit cards tra C. not carry cash on youD. stay alert and pack your common sense veler’s checks and cash individually

5. The best title for the passage may be _____ C_______. A. How to Travel B. How to Keep Money Safe C. Watch for Thieves D. Guard Against Disasters [4] 【题型:填空】The traditional American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year a special feast was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The colonists who had _1_ there had left England because they felt deprived of religious freedom. They came to the _2_ land and faced difficulties in coming _3_ the ocean. The ship which carried them was _4_ Mayflower. The North Atlantic was difficult to travel. There were bad storms. They were assisted in learning to live in the new land by the Indians who inhabited the region. The Puritans as they were called had _5_ to be thankful for. Their _6_ practices were no longer a source of _7_ by the government. They learned to _8_ their farming habits to the climate and soil. When they _9_ the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving celebration, they invited their neighbours, the Indians, to join them in _10_ and a prayer of gratitude for the new life. They recalled the group of 102 men, women, and children who left England. They remembered their dead who did not to live to see the shores of Massachusetts. They reflected on the 65 days’ voyage which tested their strength. ABDDCCACBB 1. A) settled B) gone C) been D) stayed 2. A) poor B) new C) old D) strange 3. A) into B) over C) by D) across 4. A)titled B) known C)regarded D) called 5. A) many B) some C) much D) little 6.A)agricultural B)educational C) moral D) religious

7. A) criticism B) praise C) permission D) profit 8. A) change B) adopt C) adjust D) apply 9. A) appointed B) selected C) named D) took

10. A) competition B) dinner C) discussion D) worship


21.The doctors __ A_ the medicines to the people in the flood area.

A. distributed B.packed C.prayed D.undertook 22.Much of the news provided by this newspaper is___ A_, not foreign.

A. domestic B.strain C.purchase D.murder

23.He tried to __ B_relations with his former wife but he failed.

A. measure B.maintain C.shelter D.reply

24.He ___ A_ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job. A. resolved B.resorted C.requested D.reserved 25.The __B__ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy. A. research B.rescue C.vessel D.vast

26.Many kinds of animals are believed to have ___B____ from the earth

A. withdrawn B.vanished C.found D.hung 27.The engineers in this lab spent several weeks __C____ their plans for the new bicycle.

A. counting B.stripping C.elaborating D.casting 28.Pine trees are usually believed to ___D___ cold weather.

A. guard B.accomplish C.roar D.endure

29.Free medical service is __ B_____ to nearly all the college students in China.

A. favorite B.available C.convenient D.average 30.After working for twenty hours without any rest, the doctors were __ A______.

A. exhausted B.mounted C.wrapped D.restored 81,飞行员;引航员; pilot 82,盘子,盆子; plate 83,民意调查;投票选举poll 84,压(力);压力; pressure 85,预防;阻碍; prevent 86,优先,优先权;, priority 87,专业的;专业性的; professional 88,精神病专家,精神病医生; psychiatrist 89,心理学研究者psychologist, 90,购买,购置; purchase 91,资格,授权; qualification 92,推荐;劝告; recommend 93,新兵; recruit 94,拒绝,回绝; refuse 95,放弃,让与; render 96,营救,救援, rescue 97,求助,凭借, resort 98,时刻表,进度表; schedule 99,安全;保证, security 100, 寻找,探寻; seek 1,目击者,见证人; witness 2, 竞争,为??而奋争; contest 3, 加固;使更结实; reinforce 4, 小路,小道; track 5, 接近,进入; access

6, 完成;达到(目的); accomplish 7, 入迷,嗜好; addiction 8, 准许进入;承认; admission 9, 采纳;收养; adopt 10, 代理人;代理商; agent 11, 显然地;表面上; apparently 12, (迫切)要求;appeal 13, 资产,财产; asset 14, 权威;权力;authority 15, 奖品; award 16, 行为;态度; behavior 17, 报考者;申请求职者; candidate

18, 生涯;职业; career 19, 庆祝;歌颂; celebrate 20, 化学的;化学作用的; chemical 61,改进,改善,improvement 62,影响;势力; influence 63,无辜的,无罪的; innocent 64,授课;教诲; instruction 65,意欲,计划; intend 66,接见;采访; interview 67,无效的;不能成立的; invalid 68,问题;(报刊的)期,;issue 69,主流;主要倾向,;mainstream 70,保持,维持maintain; 71,默想;默念; meditation 72,疏忽;忽略; neglect

73,然而;尽管如此; nevertheless 74,概念,观念; notion 75,获得,得到; obtain 76,偶尔的,不经常的; occasional 77,占领;使用,住在??; occupy 78,允许;批准,;permission 79,全体员工;人事部门personnel 80,野餐郊游; picnic

[8] 【题型:阅读】Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also power up the brain. A succession of scientific studies of animals implies that physical activity has a positive effect on mental functioning. “It’s clear that the brain benefits from exercise,” says brain scientist William Greenough of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity: vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel, and skill-based exercise increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to the proposals of some scientists, may make the brain better able to process information. In one experiment, laboratory rats were separated into three groups. One group was exercised by running inside an automatic wheel, a second group improved their skills in a complicated obstacle course, and a third group was inactive. “The animals that learned to go through the obstacle course exhibited a greater number of brain connections than the animals in the exercised or

inactive groups,” Greenough said. “In contrast, the animals that exercised inside the automatic wheel possessed a greater density of blood vessels in the brain than did either of the other two groups of animals.” Learning a new dance step may boost the brain in the same way that learning a language can, he says. And if the dance is a good physical exercise as well, the benefits multiply. Young brains may be especially able to boost brain power through exercise, suggested another of Greenough’s experiments that showed the most significant changes in the brain occurred among rats that had been exercised when very young. And while animals aren’t people, he says it is logical to make the inference that an effect found in rats may also apply to humans. Human studies have focused primarily on older adults and suggest that regular exercises can improve the speed with which the brain processes information. Measurements made by Arthur Kramer at the University of Illinois demonstrated that inactive adults, aged 63 to 82, could hit buttons faster in response to a tone after they went through a 10-week water exercise course. A corresponding control group that didn’t exercise showed no improvement. This boost in reaction time after exercise training may occur because declines associated with getting old could actually stem from declines in physical condition. Some scientists speculate the reduction in mental function often attributed to getting old may really be a penalty of neglecting to stay physically active, in addition to related factors such as medicines and poor diet. “In older people, an exercise program appears important for brain maintenance,” says Daniel M. Landers, professor of exercise science at Arizona State University, who recently published an article reviewing the scientific literature on activity’s effect on the brain. Numerous studies show that children who engage in regular physical activity do better in school than their inactive classmates. But until recently, the academic edge gained by participating in sports was thought to come from the increased self-confidence, the better mood, and the ability to concentrate that comes from burning off steam in exercise. Now, however, some scientists have revised their way of thinking, and point to possible physical connections.