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发布时间 : 星期一 文章(完整)江苏译林版英语五年级上下册单词表(附音标)更新完毕开始阅读6df9b715bf64783e0912a21614791711cc7979c6


hobby ['h?b?] 业余爱好 be good at 擅长于 with [w?e] 与……一起 also ['??ls??] 也 read [ri?d] 读,阅读 story ['st??r?] 故事 a lot of 很多

play the piano 弹钢琴 dance [dɑ?ns] 跳舞 watch films 看电影 both [b??θ] 两个都 sing [s??] 唱歌 group [gru?p] 组 about [?'ba?t] 关于 idea [a?'d??] 主意 ice [a?s] 冰 hole [h??l] 洞 look out 当心,注意 wet [wet] 湿的,潮的 Unit 5

teacher ['ti?t??] 老师 teach [ti?t?] 教



writer ['ra?t?] 作家 write [ra?t] 写 work [w??k] 工作 at home 在家 doctor ['d?kt?] 医生 help [help] 帮助 sick [s?k] 生病的

people ['pi?p(?)l] 人;人们 factory ['f?kt(?)r?] 工厂 worker ['w??k?] 工人 cook [k?k] 厨师

driver ['dra?v?] 驾驶员,司机 farmer ['fɑ?m?] 农民 nurse [n??s] 护士

policeman [p?'li?sm?n] 警察 Unit 6

e-friend ['i:,frend] 网友 wait a minute 等一会儿

send [send] 发出(信件、邮件等) email ['i?me?l] 电子邮件 to [tu?] 给 live [l?v] 住,居住



UK [?ju: ?ke?] 英国 … years old ……岁 study ['st?d?] 学习

Australia [?'stre?l??] 澳大利亚 Canada ['k?n?d?] 加拿大 China [t?a?n?] 中国 US [ju??s] 美国 go fishing 去钓鱼

tomorrow [t?'m?r??] 明天 fishing ['f????] 钓鱼,捕鱼don’t worry 别担心 sit [s?t] 坐,坐在 by … [ba?] 在……旁边 wait [we?t] 等,等待 Unit 7

at weekends 在周末 visit ['v?z?t] 拜访;参观

grandparent ['gr?ndpe?r?nt] play with 和……一起玩 very much 非常 often ['?fn] 经常,常常 chat [t??t] 聊天


祖父;祖母;外祖父;外祖母 .

Internet ['?nt?net] 网络,互联网 always ['??lwe?z] 总是,一直 sometimes ['s?mta?mz] 有时 go to the cinema 去看电影 there [ee?] 那里 a lot 很多 come out 出来 get out 出来 Unit 8

Christmas [?kr?sm?s] 圣诞节 buy [ba?] 买 present ['preznt] 礼物 Christmas tree 圣诞树 Father Christmas 圣诞老人 next [nekst] 接着,然后 put [p?t] 放

pretty ['pr?t?] 漂亮的,好看的 thing [θ??] 物品,东西 look [l?k] 看起来

Christmas Eve 圣诞夜,平安夜 stocking ['st?k??] 长筒袜 wait for 等候,等待 finally ['fa?n?l?] 最后
